View Full Version : Depression Forum

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  1. New to the forum
  2. Cant get out of bed
  3. Hate this
  4. Will CBT help other faulty beliefs I carry and depression I have no other hope
  5. Had a really bad day today
  6. Had an episode today
  7. Had fight w boyfriend over depression
  8. Fake friends and hurt feelings
  9. Vitamin D3 Cured my Anxiety, Depression, and Panic Disorder
  10. How an Anti-Inflammatory Drug Offers New Hope…for Depression
  11. Nearing 20's, long term depression could anyone offer advice
  12. Anxiety hurting home life; big fight with husband, now very depressed
  13. How can I fix this?
  14. new
  15. One thing after another...
  16. i feel like there's someone inside my head?
  17. Feeling lonely
  18. Anyone out there quitting benzos
  19. Why can't I just be a good person?
  20. Anxiety and feeling very depressed
  21. Feeling defeated
  22. Emotions Anonymous. Has anyone tried this?
  23. The story of my depression and how I can't escape it.
  24. Went on a hike yesterday
  25. Do you ever feel like you want residential treatment just to get away from it all?
  26. Hello...
  27. Aching everywhere!!!!
  28. How to get help, when you are too scared to ask?
  29. I really need someone to talk to!
  30. Help..
  31. How can i take control of my life?
  32. "Clinically Depressed Child", that's me.
  33. Really need Help and Advice
  34. i think my brain is dying
  35. My experience told on my own video - hopefully inspiring!
  36. feeling lost
  37. Well this sucks...
  38. Depression/Anxiety
  39. Anyone want to make me..
  40. I feel abandoned...
  41. Feeling the lowest tonight..
  42. Egc
  43. Depression/Anxiety - I'm Better, but it is making my life worse!!!!
  44. Can people die of anxiety?
  45. Finger pulse oximeter
  46. Skipped beats
  47. Loneliness
  48. In a struggling couple and depressed.
  49. Self-esteem
  50. Cant take it anymore
  51. Lonely
  52. New to the forum
  53. lonely and lost
  54. need help with post abortion depression
  55. Fun Stuff?
  56. Drug abuse
  57. New here, looking for comfort and people to talk to
  58. No such thing as happy
  59. Klonopin is not the way...
  60. So Tired
  61. Happiness
  62. The 'S' word
  63. How do you cope?
  64. at a loss
  65. not letting go
  66. Cloudiness
  67. Me again..
  68. Can someone tell me what this is?
  69. Newbie looking for help / maybe just venting?
  70. Sertraline withdrawal
  71. Having trouble dealing
  72. Can a pannick attack effect oxygen level?
  73. Fighting and unsure what to do
  74. On the outside
  75. Can't Stand my life
  76. I'm new.
  77. Movie suggestions for extreme depression, lonliness??
  78. I can't stand this feeling anymore
  79. 20mg Viibryd. Can i bump up?
  80. Compartmentalisation
  81. Does Anybody else feel Like This ?
  82. Worrying does not help anything
  83. does anybody have a problem with obsessing over the past?
  84. I'd like someone to talk to
  85. Suicial.
  86. How To Beat Depression
  87. Update
  88. Just a thought...
  89. While im here.
  90. Just a thought...
  91. Psychiatrists
  92. Is this depression? Or am I just a liar?
  93. Depression/physical pain?
  94. Please Don't Talk To Me
  95. How im feeling
  96. Tired of it all.
  97. Feeling really low.
  98. This has been bothering me
  99. Depression has came back :/
  100. I dont like my life anymore.
  101. Need someone to talk to
  102. No one would miss me!
  103. Seasonal affective disorder
  104. SAD and dating
  105. boom.
  106. my life sucks..I want someone else's
  107. Bad day
  108. Relationships deteriorating
  109. Friendless, judged, depresses and lonely
  110. New book about the natural cures to depression...
  111. Depression?
  112. Need to get diagnosed but dont know where to start..
  113. How can i stop feeling down???
  114. Resyless Leg Syndrome & Anti-Depressants
  115. Wrote a song over christmas
  116. advice?
  117. tired
  118. new friends
  119. Effexor
  120. Having NO Support
  121. Suicidal depression that is worsening?
  122. need someone who knows there stuff about depression to talk to
  123. New here
  124. Need Encouragement
  125. Why me?
  126. Any experience or thots re ECT ?
  127. what's a breakdown?
  128. Trying to heal my depression naturally
  129. What is wrong with me?!
  130. So sad
  131. So scary thought
  132. I am seriously dumb.
  133. Anxiety and depression help?
  134. What do you do when you can't leave the house
  135. Diarrea
  136. Is any body on this from adelaide australia???
  137. brain surgery for depression
  138. Stuck in a rut today :/
  139. I'm Afraid
  140. Random shots of depression?
  141. I'm Going To Use This Site As A Diary. Come Read! I hope this Helps YOU!
  142. Rescue Remedy??? Does this really store panic attacks?
  143. My Dad was sent to prison and the aftermath
  144. Lamictal?!
  145. New to this!
  146. Therapy questions.
  147. tense
  148. Would like to make friends here :-)
  149. Bi- Polar?
  150. help, these self-defeating patterns are ruining my life!
  151. weird feeling
  152. Anxitey or depression?
  153. How does your depression / anxiety affect your life?
  154. Sick & tired of it .
  155. Scared and nervous
  156. Depression !
  157. South Louisiana
  158. A few steps forward, a few steps back...
  159. Just want to be released from my pain
  160. Being Sick
  161. Anger
  162. Sleep
  163. Repressed memory causing constant depression
  164. no motivation whatsoever, suffering from depression for over a year now (long)
  165. I'm so frustrated , i'm pushing away my family :-(
  166. Hormones
  167. Soooo...
  168. Emotionally detached
  169. Never felt like this before...
  170. Help
  171. Afraid of ZOLOFT
  172. Sad Day
  173. Agnomelatine
  174. The Burden
  175. help
  176. Depression
  177. Sorry all my posts are depressing. Heres another.
  178. Cant get out of bed
  179. Imploding Your Life while depressed.. how to fix?
  180. Can someone tell me what's wrong?
  181. Do you ever start to get depressed directly after a panic attack/major anxiety?
  182. Jobless and feeling lost..Depression creeping in again..
  183. Dark Thoughts
  184. How can you be happy
  185. Lonely
  186. The Biology Of Depression: An Interview With Dr. Vladimir Maletic
  187. i'm really down today :(
  188. Having a rough night
  189. Such a Stupid Cycle, Isn't it?
  190. "Tough day" just doesn't sum it up really
  191. Hard transition
  192. My Crazy Story.......
  193. Dysthymia
  194. Duplicating the fetal hand positoin has a profound benefical effect on my depression.
  195. Moody
  196. Loosing the battle
  197. A complicated problem that won't disappear
  198. Horrible emotions in pit of stomach... anxiety, depression or something else?
  199. Anybody have success with therapy?
  200. Scared and Depressed with news that I have rare deadly family cancer gene.
  201. OCD and Depression
  202. Does this ever stop?
  203. Exercise??
  204. I'm so depressed
  205. Depression
  206. Depression and sex.....these 2 don't go together
  207. What has helped your depression and anxiety the most???
  208. Will things get better?
  209. Depression and Anxiety
  210. New Member - Not doing well today
  211. need to talk....
  212. Act
  213. Feeling Down and Confused plus Lost
  214. trying to find the strength
  215. Mothers Day
  216. Inspirational Talks by Brene Brown
  217. Bpd
  218. :(
  219. My emotions are all over the floor.
  220. Dare Therapy??
  221. I really dont know what to do
  222. depression sucks
  223. A break from the world to treat my anxiety
  224. Trust issues!??
  225. Zero Motivation
  226. Should have...
  227. Black hole of depression
  228. Depressed, anxious, just seeing if anyone out there would talk.
  229. Want out
  230. Okay to call therapist
  231. Sad.
  232. Depression. Telling my parents.
  233. Familiar Ruts
  234. i deserve pain.
  235. Sudden depression when I'm left alone at night
  236. Issues with telling the truth about my mindset to my psychiatrist
  237. Stuck in a rut!
  238. Too much at once...
  239. Absolute, total depression
  240. What music do you listen to when youre depressed?
  241. Purpose of Life
  242. its back
  243. anxiety help needed
  244. Clinical depression and shyness
  245. Is it possible for depression to make you see yourself ugly?
  246. Don't know how to act
  247. Relationship help
  248. Am i going through depression?
  249. Why does this happen to me?
  250. not sure what to do anymore