View Full Version : Relationships deteriorating

12-24-2012, 10:54 PM
Not too long ago when I had a decent amount of friends but slowly I've felt my relationship with all but 1 of my friends completely deteriorate to the point where I'd rather be alone than anywhere near them and its all my fault too, they haven't changed but I just don't like them/want to talk to them anymore. I don't really know what to do, my 1 friend doesn't have the same free periods as me so I walk around college aimlessly and completely alone most of the time. Is this just me being a dick or do you guys experience this too?

12-25-2012, 05:26 PM
I am in a similar situation. It seems I have pushed a lot of my friends away because I rarely feel like going out. It's hard for me to enjoy fun and no one wants to be around a downer. So you're not alone.

12-26-2012, 04:39 PM
That happened to me, too, when things took a bad twist in my life. I'm not sure it was fully my fault, as I sort of think my friends were just too self-absorbed and the common courteousy of acting as if they cared about my trauma just wasn't there.
Soooo, when they would ask me to go out, I said no. Every time. And eventually lost all my friends. I'm depressed, still, but I don't feel the weight of all their problems baring down on me as well, now.

12-30-2012, 07:06 AM
I'm slowing numbing myself and it's really putting a strain on my relationships... I don't have many friends and I'm about to lose them all. I'm so comfortable in my depression that it feels easier to be alone. Maybe it is...

01-06-2013, 08:02 PM
I know how you feel. Me and my friends used to smoke a ton and we had great times together, but I eventually began having panic attacks smoking weed. They still continue on and sometimes I can only stay home while they go out and have fun...