View Full Version : Don't know how to act

07-07-2013, 01:13 PM
Hello all, some advice would be nice if possible. I have suffered from anxiety and depression for years and years, mainly anxiety with bouts of depression, i won't go into lots of detail right now because my question is about someone else.

My close friends and the people that need to know know about my anxiety and depression and I don't ask anything of them in terms of treating me any differently, I am on medication and for the most part I am in control so they don't need to. However, I have a friend who suffers from depression and has for a long time and he expects everyone to tip toe around him and constantly take his depression into consideration. Now this confuses me slightly as I would much rather my friends carry on as normal and be there for me when needed, but he would rather we were constantly asking him how he is and think about what we do/say will affect him. Am I missing something here? I am so sorry if I seem inconsiderate but I honestly just don't understand.

Thank you

07-08-2013, 11:47 PM
This sounds as though he is looking for attention. Perhaps talking to him may help? That is a hard situation as you do not want to upset him.