View Full Version : Purpose of Life

07-01-2013, 08:22 PM
Does anybody know why they're here?

07-01-2013, 08:46 PM
Usually would try give you a positive answer, but at moment feeling exactly the same.
Keep being told reasons I have to stay but head had enough and wants give in.
Are you feeling the same and what makes you keep going?

07-01-2013, 09:22 PM
Usually would try give you a positive answer, but at moment feeling exactly the same.
Keep being told reasons I have to stay but head had enough and wants give in.
Are you feeling the same and what makes you keep going?

I always feel like this. I've asked this question before and never gotten an answer. Why do we keep making babies and can't tell them why they're here? We know what they're going to go through. Why subject them to this?

07-02-2013, 12:24 AM
I don't have an answer that I could say in public. Depression and anxiety have forced me to adjust to appreciate the finer stops in life, smelling the scent of the flowers, fresh cut grass, the soft rain, sunshine, and to be happy with me. I keep going to feel better.

07-02-2013, 02:00 AM
Well as a Christian, I believe we all have a purpose. God created us with a plan in mind. For me, it's a spiritual thing and if your not a Christian you'll think I'm crazy. I'll just say the devil is trying to put a stop to those plans, but I can do all things through Christ, so I'm not giving up!! We all have a purpose!

07-02-2013, 03:02 AM
"Well as a Christian, I believe we all have a purpose. God created us with a plan in mind. For me, it's a spiritual thing and if your not a Christian you'll think I'm crazy. I'll just say the devil is trying to put a stop to those plans, but I can do all things through Christ, so I'm not giving up!! We all have a purpose!"

I'm not talking about individual purpose (I don't have one of those either.) I'm talking about a meaning of life. Nobody seems to know what that is.

07-02-2013, 06:24 PM
Ah, a meaning of life. My life means to me, that I am real, I am living, and I can be.

07-02-2013, 07:48 PM
"Well as a Christian, I believe we all have a purpose. God created us with a plan in mind. For me, it's a spiritual thing and if your not a Christian you'll think I'm crazy. I'll just say the devil is trying to put a stop to those plans, but I can do all things through Christ, so I'm not giving up!! We all have a purpose!"

I'm not talking about individual purpose (I don't have one of those either.) I'm talking about a meaning of life. Nobody seems to know what that is.
To me the meaning of life is lessons to be learned. Each of us walk an individualized path filled with personal events and people that are specifically designed to teach us certain things that we have yet to learn. Interesting that we all suffer anxiety, there is a lesson to be learned from this. Do I believe it's the Devil ? No perhaps quite the opposite, perhaps Anxiety is meant to teach us love, not love for others as much as love for ourselves, our lives, our purpose. Those who suffer from Anxiety as usually, if not always, caretakers of others, often forgetting their own existence. I once said to a friend that I didn't understand what I was doing wrong, because I truly love my family, friends and humanity in general. I said I really do understand life's universal message of love, so what's my lesson ? She looked at me and said " perhaps your life lesson isn't about loving others, it's about loving yourself ". I think everyone suffering from anxiety needs to think about that and do what the anxiety is telling you to do fight for yourself, save yourself, love yourself.

07-02-2013, 08:08 PM
Does anybody know why they're here?

I think we all here for different lessons. Anxiety is part of our life lesson. We all share that bond, basically we are in the same classroom. If you pay attention to the Forum ( reading back on posts of others, even your own ) you will see an emergence of knowledge, understanding of anxiety as you grow. There are commonalities in each and every one of us. There are reasons we ended up here and there are reasons why you won't always be here, you will get better. Love yourselves and truly grasp the empathy you are being taught on this site. These people you confide deeply in yet you will most likely never lay eyes on them,yet you extend your heart and soul to these individuals and they in turn offer you theirs.This is a gift from God, a universal message of love. This is the way it is supposed to be, the world just hasn't caught up yet. Anxiety got you here...maybe Anxiety is just the darkest before dawn and you will walk away a better person? Be Well and remember you always have a choice between Negative and Positive...why not the Lighter Load, the weight of Negative is a heavy load. I know I carry this myself. Be Well !

07-02-2013, 08:11 PM
Ah, a meaning of life. My life means to me, that I am real, I am living, and I can be.

Good Job !

07-03-2013, 07:18 AM
Being happy make others also happy by smiling.

07-04-2013, 07:08 PM
Good advice from everyone here.... Being around happy people is real good therapy for me any ways!

Take care everyone!

07-06-2013, 02:59 AM
By meaning of life, I'm talking about a function that we serve. If we're here just to cope, then being here isn't at all necessary. Being here and being alive prove that you're here, but do not speak to why or for what.

I serve no purpose whatsoever.