View Full Version : Want out

06-05-2013, 11:40 PM
I feel sooo low I just want to go, I feel bad for the people who care for me (dont know why they do) know they will get over my going though I think Im not made for this world I find it all too hard

Anxious Abi
06-06-2013, 04:57 AM
I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling so low. I just want you to know I have been there, thinking there is only one way out, one way to stop everything. I understand not wanting to burden those you're close to, feeling as though all you do is make their lives worse, but I don't believe they would get over it if you decided you wanted to leave this world.
After I attempted suicide, I realized that I did have something to live for and the impact my attempt had on my family, think about those you'd leave behind. As hard as life seems, please don't feel that there is only one way out. Your life is precious.

06-06-2013, 07:36 AM
I feel sooo low I just want to go, I feel bad for the people who care for me (dont know why they do) know they will get over my going though I think Im not made for this world I find it all too hard

That's a horrible feeling and many of us have been where you are and went on to fully heal from this disorder.

So if you feel " so low" right now, lets make today the day you get fed up with your situation and start to feel great.

If you can't change your situation, change your attitude.

You have an anxiety disorder, maybe with or without depression, which is very common.

No Big deal. So do I and everyone here.

People have to deal with life's curveballs being throw at us. Some people's problems are bigger than others.

Look around you. You are fortunate to have people around you who care so much!!!

This all changes when you decide it's over. No one else can heal you. Not a pill. Not a doctor.

Today's the day.