View Full Version : My Dad was sent to prison and the aftermath

02-03-2013, 02:29 PM
Hi all,

I'm new here, just signed up this morning.

Two years ago just before Xmas police arrested my dad and brother on suspicion of having indecent material of children on their pc's my mum obviously distrought couldn't make sense of it. Just after xmas my mum came round with presents she started talking about dad and richard as if nothing had happened it was all your dad bless him, my wife asked her not to talk about it, my mum stormed and crying and very upset we didnt talk for a few months after that, meanwhile My sister who has two little boys was investigated by social services will not ring my parents house or go round for obvious reasons. I took a back step and my mum seemed to think I blamed her for everything.

A few months later my dad while on bail attempted suicide with 40 beta blockers, a Stanley knife, and a bottle of brandy, he made recovery and attended his court case and was given 3 months, my brother was given 150 hours community service.

Mine and my mums relationship has been habit rocky since that christmas, my last contact with her she wanted me to help clearing her loft I thought I'd be OK but as the date loomed I wasn't ready to see my brother I didn't want to be in a situation where I might say something I regret, anyway my mum wasn't happy and upset but, I told her.

Since then my wife has made her feelings very clear how WE have nothing to do with my family but I'm finding I do there's not much of my family left now and I'm just telling my wife what she wants to hear for an easy life but, I'm so not happy. I have posted in the depression forum and I don't actually know if I'm depressed I do have very low days but I never tell anyone and I generally hold it together and I'm sure there are people here in far worse states than me. there's a lot more stuff too but iv rambled on far too long advice, comments would really help as I really don't know what I'm doing anymore and saying stuff to please everyone obviously isn't working.

02-03-2013, 06:38 PM
Well if your life is not interrupted by all this you're not truly depressed but just effected and coping ......although it must be very difficult. I bet getting all this out in the open with a counselor would help. You are caught in the middle it seems(and thus your dilemma) and that can't be easy here. I do understand you wives point of view here. She just finds it too "out there" I guess. Still, you're caught in the middle and that is hard. I'd consider a counselor if you keep having all the bad feelings about this all. Alankay

02-06-2013, 01:51 PM
I agree with her. Also my other advise and take this with a grain of salt as I'm just 21 is to ask your wife to sit down and just talk and say how you feel like your stuck in the middle and your just trying to make everyone happy but that even though you understand her side, it's still family and you only get one mother and father. Hopefully she understands. Keep us posted.