View Full Version : This has been bothering me

12-10-2012, 12:45 PM
While I used to have anxiety attacks, I feel now that the depression that comes along with it has really taken over. It's complicated to explain, but I'm going to try because I need to see what is going on. First of all I'll start by saying I don't know what the depression could be from. I have a supportive family, never been through a divorce in my childhood, never abused, and am only 19. The fear seems extremely irrational to people that I try to explain it to, but to me it is so real. If this gets kind of long I apologize.

It doesn't matter where I am I always feel this dreadful feeling that just makes me not enjoy anything. It goes away slightly if I get occupied, but ever so slightly. I'm not exaggerating when I say this.. I cry and tell myself I should've done things differently because now I won't have the chance to do anything. It literally feels like I'm just not going to be around long. I don't know why and can't explain it. I'm healthy been to the doctor so many times for tests and I just can't shake this. Everytime I think of the future or even the next day my head tells me there's no point because it won't come, but it always does. Just a few minutes ago I broke down thinking of all the things I'll never get to experience because it feels like I won't make it. I feel like people will try to get me locked away for talking like this, but I have never wanted to commit suicide. Isn't depression usually accompanied by suicidal thoughs? Rather than my thoughts of being scared of it? Does any of this make sense?

12-13-2012, 05:33 AM
A healthy person been to the doctor so many times for tests and I just can't shake this. Everytime I think of the future or even the next day my head tells me there's no point because it won't come.