View Full Version : Help

03-05-2013, 09:33 AM
Hi, I was a member here before but I can't remember my username.

I've had terrible anxiety and depression for the last few days. I'm 26 and last August I was dismissed from my job because I started getting depressed and having anxiety attacks (story of my life). I've since been being assessed and they're talking about personality disorder traits. I moved from citalopram to mirtazapine, now on 45mg but I feel worse than ever although it helped at first.

I've been trying to set up a business from home, which I now realise is folly. I got really overwhelmed and scared and missed my last psych appointment, they said they'll send a letter with a new appointment.

I've felt suicidal and scared, I'm hardly eating, I feel sick, my heart is racing. I feel sure my benefit claim will be turned down as I've been trying to do a bit of work as well, but it's clear now I'm not well enough right now.
I'm staying with my boyfriends parents. He has CFS and is at uni hundreds of miles away so I have no support.

I am really scared. I tried emailing the Samaritans but the response was something like, 'what do you expect us to do about it?'. The psychologist who assessed me said if I feel really bad to go to a&e but I can't imagine they would respond very well.

I went to an old friends house and slept in his loft last night. I keep hoping I will feel better soon. I don't know what to do. I've just cried for weeks, I've tried to go out and do things and see people and people have offered support but I still feel hopeless and vaguely terrified.