View Full Version : SAD and dating

12-17-2012, 11:37 AM
I've seen articles that talk about recognising SAD,or as I've started calling it "the sads", and I've seen things on how to help it or lessen it. But I cannot for the life of me find anything that talks about dealing with it in relationships or people close to you. The last person I was with had been with me long enough he knew all the signs understood it wasn't about him and had learned tricks to calm me down. But that took three years of winters with me. And I still feeling guilty about putting him through that. I'm still struggling with explaining this strange terrifying part of my life to people, even my mother doesn't realise the extent of suffering I go through each year. If anyone has advise or similar difficulties they've been through I would really like to hear about it. I'm so tired if feeling disconnected from the people I love.