View Full Version : "Tough day" just doesn't sum it up really

03-31-2013, 02:44 PM
I have so many thoughts going through my mind right now, just not sure what to do with any of them. Something really doesn’t feel right anymore, I feel completely broken


04-04-2013, 06:10 AM
I hope your in a better place now. I'm suffering with extreme anxiety, and its ruining my life. Some days are so out of control.

04-04-2013, 07:46 AM
I have so many thoughts going through my mind right now, just not sure what to do with any of them. Something really doesn’t feel right anymore, I feel completely broken


Same here :-/

04-04-2013, 08:00 AM
So you're saying that the symptoms of anxiety are causing you to feel broken?

I would suggest to you that if you have thoughts running through your brain and it is causing you to feel bad, to stop treating your thoughts as reality.

If you become afraid or react to your thoughts, it will mAke you feel emotionally and physically bad.

If when you think that your racing thoughts are a symptom, just a symptom like tingly fingers, you can move past things.

You don't feel broken when your fingers or limbs tingle, do you? My guess is no.

Then why do you want to react to your irrational thoughts. That is just a symptom as well. Racing stupid thoughts are one of the most prominent symptoms of this disorder.

We all react to them negatively when anxiety first creeps in and how could you not? It's so scary.

But one of the most important things you will learn from this site and the many great people here is that once you start treating all of your SYMPTOMS of anxiety as just that, and not reality, you will quickly become in control.

That is true with any type of anxiety and panic

Dont treat discomfort as danger

You are the one in control.

04-10-2013, 12:25 AM
If you are feeling really anxious try meditation to help. It does not need to be complicated. Just sitting quiet and concentrating on your breathing slows down your bad thoughts and slows down your breathing which also helps. I have some meditation CDs which help too. I went on a NHS mindfulness course which teaches guided meditation and was very good. I now go to a Buddha meditation group which the NHS meditation closely follows, and at the group I have made friends with people who have lots if different illnesses etc and they have helped as well as the meditation.

04-10-2013, 12:56 AM
I know that feeling, some days i can't even get out of bed because of my anxiety! But like the others said there are ways to make it seem at least a little easier, and i know when you are having those days you just don't want to do anything but it will make you feel better i hope.. I hope things get better for you!

04-10-2013, 07:17 AM
I didn't want to dress or do anything today and felt really low. But husband persuaded me to dress and walk to chemist to collect my tablets. As incentive he said I could phone and he would drive and bring me back. In the end i walked both ways and although my bad knees ache now I feel much better for doing it and not so low.