View Full Version : How can i take control of my life?

10-12-2012, 01:21 AM
I don't feel like I have control anymore. I feel like a lifeless zombie that's never happy. My depression is destroying me, I'm so addicted to weed that I can't stop, and it's ruining my life, if I don't stop, my future as well. I feel like I can't stop it, I don't have control, it's Making my depression worse. It's like I'm watching my life fly past me and I can't change a dam thing, will I always be a screwed up loser?

10-12-2012, 01:39 AM
Have you gone to a doctor? You need to see someone about your depression. And there is help for people with addictions. People go through addiction all the time and many are able to stop if they have the proper help and support. Also weed can make depression worse.

10-15-2012, 08:22 AM
I don't feel like I have control anymore. I feel like a lifeless zombie that's never happy. My depression is destroying me, I'm so addicted to weed that I can't stop, and it's ruining my life, if I don't stop, my future as well. I feel like I can't stop it, I don't have control, it's Making my depression worse. It's like I'm watching my life fly past me and I can't change a dam thing, will I always be a screwed up loser?

I feel the same minus the weed. I don't know what to tell you. I can't get out of the mess I'm in either. It's all very out of control. Yup watching life fly past and can't change anything. I think we might be like this forever. Sorry to tell you. In fact, it can only get worse.

10-21-2012, 10:42 AM
Lighter, your addiction to weed isn't something you'll be able to overcome on your own. But you can with the help of doctors. Doing so will be a huge step in regaining control of your life.

11-02-2012, 09:14 AM
Y not go cold turkey on that crap?? Just like smoking the only way for me to bet it was to do it cold turkey. Took quite a few goes and a lot of years but at least your trying. One step at a time... Gota start some where to get outa the hole your in...y not start with that??? Xx