View Full Version : Do you ever start to get depressed directly after a panic attack/major anxiety?

03-20-2013, 11:46 PM
My anxiety slowly was building up for a few weeks until it reached a high point and then I just crashed after a panic attack. I thought I was going to start to get a little better, but after that I started to have a depressed feeling. No anxiety, really...just depression.

I'm not really sad or anything, I just feel very "empty", I sleep 10-12 hours, lack any sort of energy or enthusiasm about anything (I pretty much just listlessly wander and lay around the house), I'm overeating food that's not so good for me (I was eating healthy and exercising before).

Blah. :/

Do you ever typically have depressions following bouts of extreme anxiety?

Alice Pimm
03-21-2013, 02:33 AM
after a patch of no anxiety i start to feel positive then when the anxiety comes back with a vengance its so destroying and i easily slip into depressions where i dont leave my bed room. during a panic attack i start to cry hysterically then after it i have no energy because it really takes it out of you.

03-21-2013, 04:54 AM
Yeah that can happen. You can't cope and lose hope then become dressed for a while. Alankay