View Full Version : Black hole of depression

06-02-2013, 10:24 AM
I am constantly sad . I wake up every morning & as soon as I open my eyes , I cry.
I feel guilty for feeling this way .
It never goes away & in all honesty , I don't want to carry on living . I'm in to much pain to carry on

06-02-2013, 02:06 PM
Awwwh :( .
Thats terrible to have to feel like that everyday. Its bloody anxiety makes you feel like that all the time. Its a horrible thing to have. Im similar I wake up every morning feeling cautious about my day ahead e.g. am I gunna have an attack today. And I always feel like im going to die everyday even though I know im not deep down its just the way anxiety affects us making our mind think all crazy things. Is it thr anxiety thats making you feel like this xx

06-04-2013, 01:47 PM
Go see your doctor quickly. You will be surprised how differently you think with the right meds. I was and still am in your boat! I've reached out to counsellors lately and the fiirst question they ask is "do you want to hurt anyone ,or yourself" They want to determine the urgency of your condition. At the time ,my answer was no.....BUT ....had they asked me if I wanted to close my eyes and never open them again.....I would have said YES!
When our eyes are open our minds are racing....not a fun feeling eh? We here all have it,to different degrees.....try to think that your brain is sick and needs some TLC ! See a doctor! Take Care!