View Full Version : Depression and Anxiety

05-05-2013, 03:50 AM
Hi all

I have post partum depression for 5 years and I'm on Effexor 150mg but now I have been diagnosed with Anxiety disorder too

Does anyone have any suggestions on what meds to take but won't stuff my sex drive??

05-07-2013, 05:20 PM
Hi all

I have post partum depression for 5 years and I'm on Effexor 150mg but now I have been diagnosed with Anxiety disorder too

Does anyone have any suggestions on what meds to take but won't stuff my sex drive??

That's really a question for the doctors. I had the same question once I was on Prosaz and a handful of other ones for years..... it zapped away any sexual desires and killed my performance. Being a man....that's not a good thing. I'm now taking Wellbutrin , which seems to be a very popular drug for depression and supposedly has very very little , if any, sexual side effects! I'm on day 11 and don't feel normal yet ,but I think it's helping my depression. My sexual status is still questionable! :)

Good luck to you....

05-07-2013, 05:30 PM
Thanks for replying

My doctor has increased my dose to 225mg which I started today so I have to wait and see

05-08-2013, 07:29 PM
yeah, usually they try that and it does wonders. My therapist talked about that when they gave me Wellbutrin. I'm only on 150mg for now, have to try that for 4 weeks. I'm on day 12 i think? lol.... So far ,still anxious but the dark thoughts aren't there as much! Yes!

05-09-2013, 03:42 AM
I'm on day 2 so I have to wait a bit longer before I notice anything

05-09-2013, 05:25 AM
I have had several bouts of post natal depression following a baby, miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy, several bouts of pelvic inflammation disease, and now the menopause.

Hormone imbalance causes me real problems. Over the years I have been put on several of the main anti depressants, and don't know if I have tried Effexor.

Unfortunately this time my body has rejected all the main types of anti depressants so after over 2 years of trying they have now given me a brand new tablet to the market called Agomelatine. I thought it started to work but then some hormone tablets stopped it, so my psychiatrist has doubled my dose so that it starts working again hopefully.

For anxiety I take diazepam four times a day to keep me calm and have been for 2 years.

To help with my hormone imbalance I am now on oestrogen patches and the mirena coil - a form of HRT together - to see if it will help the imbalance so my depression goes away or at least decreases, I am afraid that each lot of post natal depression my mood has got worse so that the final few times I have been suicidal and in 1996 was in hospital for 3 weeks.
I then decided not to have any more babies or try and luckily my pelvic inflammation disease was managed by horrible tablets which stopped the depression developing, so from 1996 until 2011 I have been depression free. But in March 2011 it struck with real force and in June 2011 I was in hospital for 7 weeks because not only was I suicidal but my body just would not accept any tablets it had accepted previously.

It sounds as if they have not been able to get your hormones to settle back down if your depression has continued for five years, unless other things have happened in those 5 years to make your post natal depression continue for a long time, or it is now something other than post natal depression?

I was always lucky that my post natal depression used to last 5-6 months and then the hormones settled back down and I would come off all tablets. This time has not been so lucky because it is the menopause and is taking so much longer.

Hope you find your tablets work, they usually take 2-3 weeks before you feel any effect, including an increase in dose.

It would be good to talk to you about post natal depression if that is what you have, as it is always difficult to find people willing to talk about hormones!

05-09-2013, 05:56 AM
Thank you for reply Lin.

My doctor does say it's my hormone imbalance but hasn't said anything else

When it first started I was on lexapro and it was great but when I fell pregnant with my 3rd I wasn't allowed on any medication while pregnant but after the birth lexapro didn't work

I have tried a couple of different ones and so far Effexor hams been great

Yes I will see how I feel in 2-3 weeks when the increase takes effect

I'm happy to talk to you more about things

Hope to chat soon

05-09-2013, 07:13 PM
Thank you for reply Lin.

My doctor does say it's my hormone imbalance but hasn't said anything else

When it first started I was on lexapro and it was great but when I fell pregnant with my 3rd I wasn't allowed on any medication while pregnant but after the birth lexapro didn't work

I have tried a couple of different ones and so far Effexor hams been great

Yes I will see how I feel in 2-3 weeks when the increase takes effect

I'm happy to talk to you more about things

Hope to chat soon

I hope all gets better for you! Take Care!

05-09-2013, 08:16 PM
Thanks heaps kev hope all goes well with you

I'm here to talk if needed

05-10-2013, 02:32 AM
Hi babygirl

I have 2 children & suffered p.n.d with both . My youngest is now 5 & I'm still suffering every day .

I read your post & can relate to everything you are going through .

Please pm me & we can talk & perhaps help one another & same goes for Lin , I don't know how I'm still here !!

I think it can only be of help to talk to one another

05-10-2013, 08:40 PM
Baby Girl

I have private messaged you so hopefully we can help each other.

Lin x

05-11-2013, 05:38 AM
It's good that people here want to help each other. After all, we are all experiencing this dreadful issue, so I guess we are the experts!

You can do it babygirl! I know you can! WE all can get by this horrible "down" period in our lives !

I just went on the "chat" section last night and it's a blast! I never laughed so hard......there are some real characters on there......Everyone should drop by and talk a little..... See you all there tonight! :)

05-13-2013, 04:32 PM
Bsbygirl - hope you at doing OK and meds might be starting to help s bit. Went back to work today so not on forum so much, but PM if ever need to. Lin x