View Full Version : OCD and Depression

04-23-2013, 07:48 PM
I have obsessive thoughts which lead to anxiety issues which I have been actively trying to overcome but my depression is also getting in the way. I can't seem to find much information on trying to pull myself out of the depression and it is taking over my life. I don't have insurance and can't afford counseling so I want to do all I can to help myself. I have been diagnosed with both OCD and Major Depressive Disorder in the past and have taken medication but again I don't have access to those resources right now. I would like to talk to someone but feel I can't trust my friends or family so I'm at a loss. Does anyone know of any self help methods or free online counseling services? I have tried researching free online counseling but anything I have found is either out of date or severely limited unless you pay. I need to figure something out before I ruin my family relationships.

04-24-2013, 08:48 PM
hi, i can relate. where are you from? because most states should have mental health services for those who cant afford it. it will proabably be a pain, but still something. i'm using this forum for my therapy, i joined a day or 2 ago when i just didnt know what else to do..and feeling alone with it is the worst, but its hard to talk bout to people that dont understand. i broke down to my mom yesterday..crying helped. i feel better today. i hope you feel better.

04-24-2013, 11:40 PM
You will find this forum will help - you get lots of helpful advice and just finding someone to talk to helps.
Have you got access to things like meditation - it needn't be expensive, you can buy a CD for guided meditation or on your own just find a quiet space for a few minutes a day and just concentrate on your breath. It really helps to calm you down, and you can gradually build up the amount o time you do each day. It just gives you head space. You can't get it wrong because you will think of things but just let them pass by and concentrate on your breath or CD. It really does help.