View Full Version : What is wrong with me?!

01-16-2013, 10:38 PM
I didn't know where else to put this! I wanted to say lately (as in the past year and a half especially) I've become very emotionless. I kinda get to a point in all my relationships where there is a Irreversible epiphany in which I just decide I'm "done" with the person with no preamble. When it happens I just start disliking the person more and more then ditch them or vice-versa. I have tried everything to like the person at that point, whether friend or boyfriend, again to no avail. I don't really understand it.. I don't want to let the person go but my feeling of dislike just keeps growing. Once they're gone I don't cry or look back. I can't cry. My last two exs (both longish relationships) asked me if I ever even cared about them. I'm so confused.. I can have sex with a guy 100 times, live with him and then just dump him cold turkey without a care. I try to convince myself and others I like the guy I'm with but the only guy I ever cared about was my first ex. It's getting to the point where I can't control my sex drive and to the point where I don't even talk about the guy I'm dating. I just say "oh yeah? He's ok." When prompted. It's awful to feel this way.. Do you guys think I have borderline personality disorder? (BPD?) Help please!

01-17-2013, 05:37 PM
I know exactly how you feel, I've recently got out of a long relationship with the same feeling... But I've found there are some people who being feeling back out of you. You cant force yourself to care but be careful not to lose yourself in the process. The best thing I did was give myself time to reevaluate myself as it was hard to remember who I was after trying to feel and act normal. I know that's not very helpful but I hope you find your own way x