View Full Version : Well this sucks...

10-21-2012, 09:08 PM
Well, I just found out over the weekend one of my friends is really sick with cancer and I've become really depressed. Normally when stuff happens I'm sort of shocked for a day or so but it passes and normally my panic attacks and S.A.D come back for a bit and go away again... but this time I just feel really down. I dont want to talk to people I want to be alone and isolated...I also feel really selfish feeling this way because my friend is the one whose sick but I just feel so depressed... any ideas?

My panic attacks havent really come back either... ive been close to one but thats it...

10-21-2012, 11:10 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I lost my grandpa to cancer years ago and I remember feeling like there was nothing I could do. So my family and I just ended up spending as much time with him as we could. Do you think wanting to be alone and isolated is due to the depression? Because when I'm depressed that's how I feel. I don't want to do anything and I don't want to be around anyone. Anyway, maybe you can call your friend or visit them. It would get your mind off of the depression and they would probably like some company. From experience, I think that people with cancer usually get left alone because no one really knows how to act around them anymore or they don't know what they can do, so I think the least we can do is be there for them. As for the depression, I don't really know how to help, I'm kinda going through the same thing right now, but I guess my advice would be to just do your normal activities and try to have someone to talk to.