View Full Version : Suicial.

11-27-2012, 11:49 AM
I called the doctors this morning as I'm suicidal and once again I couldn't get in with the doctor I wanted to see for over a week. So I said to the receptionist I may not live to see next week. She said she would get the doctor to call me. Do you think she told him what I said? He doesn't know how I'm feeling but knew I was holding something back when I saw him yesterday. And begged me to talk and that he would get someone to look after my boys for 10 mins but I just said that I was fine.
The doctor did call me back within 10 mins but my son had put my phone on silent so I missed the call. He left a message and said he would call back later but never did. I'm a wreck :-(

11-27-2012, 12:38 PM
Hang in there! Reach out again and I bet she did tell him. Just hang there until you get that help which is out there. Alankay.

11-27-2012, 01:18 PM
I second what alankay said. hang in there! he will get back to you and he has already shown that he does this because he called you already (it's just a shame that the call was missed). And if you are in serious danger, please get yourself to your local ER/A&E, somebody will be able to help you out there. Either way, someone can definitely help you through this tough time, so please hang in there! i hope this has given you some comfort.

11-30-2012, 01:17 PM
I managed to get in today but not until 3.30pm and then he was running very late and I was getting very anxious. I ended up being there for 30mins with him. But I've actually come away feeling worse. I just feel stupid for telling him how I feel. He's told me to talk to my family about how I'm feeling over the weekend and I have to go back on Monday. But I told him over and over again that I can't talk to anyone about how I'm feeling and I have tried in the past and it just doesn't help. I really dont know what he expects me to say on Monday. Nothing is goin to change. I have got the whole weekend to be miserable, and struggle through. It's going to be the longest weekend ever. He is referring me to the mental health team but he said it will take a while tho. I had to beg him to change my meds to the ones I was on before as they worked. I only came off them as they knocked me out at night and wasn't waking up to my son. He won't change them until I see him again on Monday. I just don't even want to go back on Monday now. I just think its pointless. X

12-13-2012, 05:55 AM
He has already shown that he does this because he called you already (it's just a shame that the call was missed). And if you are in serious danger, please get yourself to your local one.