View Full Version : Social Phobia Forum
- Low Self Esteem
- When will this nightmare with my mother end?
- Using benzos to combat social anxiety
- Help meee plz this anxiety is making me go mad..
- I used to think...
- My anxiety is ruining my life
- hello
- Have problems with making conversation.
- social fobia!!!
- Things have gotten so much better! :)
- Panic attacks at work
- My story! Please help!!
- Trying to get over social anxiety is HARD
- Confused about all this
- Trying to come to terms with being Eleanor Rigby/ fantasizing about single parenthood
- where did you meet your friends and how did you keep them?
- social anxiety is getting worse
- new on here
- Everyday Battle...
- Why cant I just stay on antidepressants if they are helping me?
- not sure how to approach this, but here it goes...
- Lexapro
- why
- Is anyone else high-strung in social situations?
- Need a friend or someone to talk to?
- Why?!
- sorry need 10 posts
- In need of a friend....
- help me
- Managing anxiety
- social anxiety
- Social Anxiety w/ New High Stress Job
- panic and tears already
- Chicago support group
- Social phobia?
- Mixed Anxiety
- Hello, Forum
- Scared, im new plz help
- Cat?!
- its never ending
- Overcoming social anxiety/low self-esteem
- Are There Any Nurses Here?
- Is anyone on on-line?
- Meet ups
- Social Food Anxiety. Am I the only one?
- Meds for SA
- Am i taking this the wrong way?
- Talking In Class
- Want a Girlfriend, yet too scared.
- Trouble Communicating with Boss
- Friends
- Overwhelmed
- Mind Set to Walk in the Park and be nice to myself.
- Best OTC Social Phobia Medication ?
- popularity
- Social phobia? Panic attacks? Anxiety attcks? Fear or nothing? Help needed
- Asking strangers for things?
- Hear me out? :)
- people, they drive me crazy!
- Anxiety even with my friends?
- i messed up my life.
- chest pain
- anxiety and managing time
- Personal Achievements?
- Feeling guilty
- Sertraline advice needed please !
- Finding you way around new places - Driving/walking.
- Same old, Same old!!
- Scared speechless please help!
- Miracle cure for Scocial Phobia and General Anxiety.
- Social Phobia because of our looks?
- Survival methods...?
- Feeling like crap
- Relationship Advice - two shy people afraid to make first move
- Women & Relationships. Why Do I Feel I Cannot Cope??? How To Fix ?
- Why oh why do I have social phobia?
- Will i ever overcome my social phobia???
- Christmas social splurge
- general and social anxiety the cure for far...........
- Short convulsions when nervous
- Can't get past my anxiety
- Does Social Phobia Stunt Growth?
- Please help me with work anxiety..
- Does this sound like Social Phobia? :/
- social anxiety
- social phobia and anxiety and xmas all in one
- recently diagnosed
- so high and yet so alone
- Tips for relaxing in public?
- Anyone tried Sertraline/Zoloft ?
- Jealousy issues...
- Is it possible to just be "born this way"
- I'm new, just wanted to say hello! Any tips?
- This is the year i recover
- Is it meant to be this difficult?
- Talking on the phone problems anyone?
- Is anyone ever sometimes /glad/ they're "anxiety stricken"?
- Mom is mad at me because I have no friends
- I'm starting to realise my problem is girls...
- WARNING Content ->Raw Emotion - My head space and Check List.
- Is this part of anxiety too?
- Ugh
- Anxiety/Social Anxiety - Jobs & College :c
- Anxiety, exams and crush,lol
- Social Anxiety
- Blushing!
- Youtube:)
- Read:) Anxiety UK charity
- Anxiety UK / JustGiving
- Conversation awkwardness
- I dig midwest chicks
- SAD and the fear of women
- Pre-pregnancy pressure to quit Efexor - Struggling!
- i feel insecure
- Talking with a counsellor
- Anxiety in Relationships
- New to this
- Just a kid with Anxiety
- Relationship Woes (anxiety, nerves, nothing?)
- Should i keep running from the scary stuff?
- They dont belive me
- Terrified of dating
- How to eliminate anxiety for good
- The future
- Just need someone to tell me it will be ok...
- Feel free to talk to me!
- Fricken sad!!
- Still afraid
- Parents don't understand anxiety?
- Feedback Request on Therapy
- why me?
- Extreme self-consciousness about music taste forcing my taste to change?
- How has your anxiety affected your romantic life?
- Too scared even to go to my pharmacy
- Sexual anxiety?
- Fear of rejection
- Zoloft...
- Anxiety ruining my life
- Nice to meet you all / Why I'm here
- Anxious in class around professors
- I'm scared my anxiety will ruin my relationship
- 25 to 35 year old guys with anxiety around women?
- Anxiety about anxiety?
- Anxiety wont let me enjoy a relationship
- Spiraling out of control
- Irrational thoughts driving me bonkers
- When you can't trust your own best friends
- Can't stop worrying about my friendships?
- I cured my anxiety. My anxiety included facial pain, brain fog, eye floaters, etc.
- I was doing better until today's curveball
- Feelings of isolation/not wanting to socialize
- Lost
- trigger warning sex
- Social gathering, gone wrong ( for me)
- concert?
- Nausea! Please hep :(
- Misunderstood?
- Confidence! Social Anxiety
- Sweating
- Advice for todays issue
- Timing Out - MY SPACE - My attempt to skip a beat and renew the cycle of life.
- My hair is falling out!!!
- new to page, away from boyfriend, need advice please!
- Social Anxiety Disorder?
- social anxiety coping with a particular situation
- Lack of Eye Contact
- i need the money but
- Bad evening
- Social Anxiety at Work!
- I got some Sun!
- My story, and need some advice from others
- Social Anxiety
- Advice on confidence if your lacking it?
- The hot climate makes me feel like a ,"Big Lump of Melted Clay."
- Public Panic Attack = Scared to Leave My House
- Really anxious during my singing lessons!
- Highschool brings me down
- Shopping centres
- Its NOT the same making NEW ADULT friends.
- Really anxious over New Relationships........STILL.
- Still feel Nervous about going back to work F/T. `
- today
- Marilyn Manson
- work anxiety destroying my life
- College Student suffering from Social Anxiety/Rejection
- Sharing my SA experiences
- Halloween Crowds , Yikes...
- Vote on Nov 4th. Even if it is anxiety provoking...
- Not sure if considered SA but
- SA makes me look arrogant
- Relationship Anxiety.
- Always Feel Like I'm Going to Cry In Public
- Is it possible to begin with a blank slate?
- People scare me
- Making phone calls
- Brother's Creepy friends always Coming to our Door Stresses Me Out
- Keeping It Simple
- Anybody else have shaking/hand tremors/eating phobia?
- new to all this with questions.
- I had an intervention and I hope it can help you!
- How to socialize when you don't know how.
- Too Anxious of Getting Pregnant:
- Has anyone had success working outside the home?
- Rah Rah Voice Tones Make me Feel very very Annoyed...................................
- About My Brother's Social Anxiety
- Selective Mutism?
- My Back is in Pain From a Full Day of Work and Anxiety.
- Fear of Driving; A Sort of Social Anxiety?
- Please help me friends
- Getting help
- Social anxiety
- emotionless
- dorm life with anxiety.
- ?
- I looked in the mirror and realized my old clothes look aweful on me.
- Social Anxiety
- Is this social anxiety?
- What pills to take to reduce anxiety and have conversations with new people?
- Confrontation To Contemplation
- I Dreamt Last Night that I tried To Stir up A Irish Dance Flash Mob at Fair.
- Work related anxiety spreading into personal life.
- Scared to go back to Work
- What does this woman think of me?
- visible physical symptoms effecting people I interact with
- Nausea in Certain Social Situations
- self-talk for occasion involving professional scrutiny
- Please, I need advice
- Afraid to Live with Boyfriend
- Paranoia
- facing your anxiety step by step
- mouving on from your anxiety
- Been Pleaing the 5th Lately amongst all the Noise.....
- My Experiences with Social Anxiety
- Social Anxiety: Silent pain
- social anxiety expanded to family
- Social Anxiety & Work
- Using Terror to fight Terror
- I need a little help
- Poems
- why do i think like this....
- Social Phobia & Mind Block
- ALWAYS apologizing
- Is cbt/partial hospitalization for me?
- Vomiting/nausea at any type of contact with a certain person
- Are you scared of your neighbors making sounds?
- Story of My Life - My Social Anxiety
- Physical pain after an argument
- My daughter's big anxious wedding.
- Is there any hope for me at finding a good job?
- New and Anxious
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