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- peter anderson is still looking for gimpy - confirmed
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs A Severe Beating
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Twat
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs To Be Purged
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs A Drowning
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs His Eyeballs Ripped Out
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs His Ears Blown Off With A Shotgun
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs His Head Sliced Off
- Peter Ross Anderson Likes Molesting His Underage Cousins
- Peter Ross Anderson Fooled Around With His Retarded Sister
- Peter Ross Anderson Grabbed A Support Worker's Tit Without Consent
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Gullible Moron With An Ugly Ass Face - FUCK YOU PETER!
- PeTEr RoSS AnDerSoN iS a StUpId ASs CuNT
- Peter Ross Anderson Kicked His Retarded Dog Pepsi In The Head
- Pepsi Died To Get Away From Peter Ross Anderson
- Tommy Balls' Search For Clues
- Peter Ross Anderson Is Going Back To Court
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Dumb Little Bitch
- Peter Ross Anderson's Full Address
- Peter Ross Anderson Is Really Fucking Stupid
- Cocksucker
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address
- phone gimpy now
- Peter Ross Anderson Is Full Of Shit
- Happy birthday self!!!!!!
- I want to take out a restraining order against this stupid, Australian bogan...
- No More Panic Banned Me
- The Trolling of Peter Ross Anderson
- James Berich has not heard of combing...
- We know you're trying to play daft. These accounts are all yours, James. Wrong Again!
- James Berich is on TikTok
- i am thesaunderschild
- does the door at the top of the stairs have a handle or a nob
- Yo Selfie Yo backstabber
- I will not stand for being lied about. I'm not this "James" fruitcake from Australia
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Liar And a Cheater
- Gimpy and his rule of thumb...
- i am the original thesaunderschild the real one
- Glitch
- move ur smeyllely flabby ass now peter boy catch the james
- tooting out to you peter
- where ar u the gimpy
- Gleetch
- i have u in my sites the gimpy
- Kenneth Should PushA Pillow Over Tania's Face
- I am back and I will never leave I love it here too much
- This is no game Gimpy. Your days are numbered.
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Racist Pig
- Meth...
- Canada...
- am so sorry to all cast andcrew on any film i am in i am so sorry
- Peter Ross Anderson Is Going To Pay For His Crimes
- to all the cast and crew of the duvlvey saga, i am so sorry
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Fag
- i am making a film about ladyboys where i do my own stunts
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address Exposed
- The Aussie troll is still at it...
- happy i live in scotland hootspeople kilts
- Peter Ross Anderson Is More Retarded Than Your Typical Retard
- Peter Ross Anderson's Sister Is A Retard But Right About Pedo Pete's Forum Addiction
- Peter Ross Anderson Is Not Welcome By The PS5 Community - Go Fuck Yourself, Peter
- i want a gf can i buy one
- That Australian tosser Gimpy is spamming i change my name on jofreakyss
- Whose Sister Deserves To Die? Peter Ross Anderson
- hurry up you fool cant wait forever get it done today you nob
- James is an asshole, internet tough guy!
- James Berich slipped up...
- all u do is spam on here and i still waiting where are they
- peter he go all dippy dopy hysterical week legs when he see me
- James Berich sucks! #Goodbye
- Peter Ross Anderson Beliefs Are In Line With Nazism
- phone da asshole on da burner phone
- i am not in glith james is a nob
- james is a nob who is there nok nok on da door where is it
- I am back Gimpy
- u dum nob top of stairs u dum nob
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Dumb Cunt
- i am the original all others are fake
- the idiot think i be the james
- James Berich can survive the zombie apocalypse...
- peter the dum
- frank said peter smells
- i ate all my haggis today it was lovely ta very much mumyit now in my tumy
- Peter Ross Anderson Likes Small Cocks
- Peter Ross Anderson And His Fellow Gay Companion Frank Anthony
- Don't take this the wrong way, sarahk, but I had to report you on StumbleUpon.
- Dave's Space: Perseverance
- This forum sucks...
- where da police
- peter with just a brain stem is really just so dum nob nob nob
- reptile brain stem peter dumest kid in scotland nob nob nob nob nob
- scotlands dumest of the dum peter the great dum nob nob nob
- Glitch
- Glitch
- on the buses
- Acyberlove is open again, see y'all there Love Peter
- peta at a dead end can no find the gimpy poor little brain stem nob nob nob
- i am the original thesaunderschild all others are fake i am #1
- Peter Ross Anderson Wants To Murder Pete Wylie
- Regards, from Kyle Laurie, aka thesaunderschild.
- veoh112
- Peter Anderson sex deviant from Scotland not actor usless smelly scot
- veoh112 and her experience with the law!
- Peter Anderson smelly sex criminal
- Peter Anderson pedo smelly criminal
- Fee...
- Got the Skit-Tas!? :D
- da peter anderson touching women without consent what a dum nob
- Why is the woman on the right laughing
- Peter Ross Anderson Is An Untalented Donkey-Face Loser
- Smelly Scottish criminal
- Glitch
- 2/6 Greendykes House, 14 Greendykes Road
- Glitch
- Glitch
- da peta is da shortest runt of da bunch, sit on da pillow on da chair cant fix this
- Glitch
- can i be da secret uncredited extra in da disgize
- that dumb Aussie probably subscribed to interpool for alerts
- sherlock
- he leaves creepy messages where i can find them oooohhh spooky
- can see da sea from top of stairs sherlock
- huge smell from edinboorah close da noses gas leaking again warning
- peter anderson racist stinky boy hates black people stinks so bad abandon ship
- Glitch
- no one loves peter, oh poor peter
- no flowers, phone calls, birthday cards, peter anderson is so sad today, poor peter
- Glitch
- peter was in a shop looking at birthday cards for himself. he look at the biggest one
- da peter cried them to sleep, no flowers or birthday phone calls, no friends al alone
- da peter stay awake all night crying, no friends, no birthday flowers, oh poor peter
- da jam filled rolly polly blimp peter need crane to get out of bed, oh poor peter
- Glitch
- how can da peter not know da highway code
- sherlock da house wid da stairs featured in da youtubee why is da so hard to find
- Instore
- The vermin of the internet
- And this would be you Gimpy playing around with my films again.
- acyberlove was my home away from home
- breadcrumbs
- Glitch
- thesaunderschild is excellent...
- thesaunderschild and his parklife...
- thesaunderschild and jail...
- thesaunderschild and fruit...
- thesaunderschild on comparison...
- thesaunderschild and carbohydrates...
- thesaunderschild and job centre plus...
- thesaunderschild and the rabbit in the hat!
- thesaunderschild and his silverware...
- thesaunderschild and his cheap Android TV box...
- thesaunderschild and his Lou Rawls...
- thesaunderschild and his raise da dent Eve Val...
- peter anderson cries every day he has no friends
- James and his dog Cody...
- thesaunderschild and his Holyrood Park...
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh, Scotl
- I am the best at what I do, due to being thesaunderschild...
- Incontinence...
- James Berich is the shit monster...
- Go away, James Berich...
- Hopscotch...
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh
- Hey, James!
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh, S
- Peter Anderson's new address: 72 Montgomery Street.
- Hey, James...
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh, .,
- Glitch
- leith films are a small production company in association with arnold
- leith films have merged with arnold and now leithtalkies no extras need apply
- unloved no birthday cards cries all day and night
- Grab her by the left tit
- leithstinkyboy + asda = da staff run away when da smell enetrs shop
- Phone Australia now.
- James Mitchell got rumbled!
- sandgropers sandgropers
- Glitch
- I rock!
- dumma dan da dum = da peter is a spazzo 🙎🏿
- Glitch
- dumboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- da jellyfish survived millions of years wid no brain = same species as da peda
- Snickers!
- peter anderson got no birthday cards = super dum nob no friends
- Glitch
- Glitch
- HONK! HONK! HONK! weee mom and son go on wild ride on mobility vehicle around edlinbo
- born to be wild, shuttup son, yes mom.
- peter anderson
- peter anderson aka thegrunter, last seen at asda dropping bacteria
- Glitch
- Born to smell
- Glitch
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️ 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷Ԁ
- 𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා 🐊𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා 🐊𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා
- ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯¯peter da pengine + da rolls of da fat on da tummy = fatty
- tricksp̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͍͛̽̈́̕͝
- peter is a fat tummy rolly.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽
- peter has no original ideas. zero.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛
- peter does da poos in da pants.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽
- peter have no toilet paper.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽
- a cell for 2
- Glitch.🕷🐊
- Glitch.🕷🐊
- how does da knight plug peter have such bad gums and teeth.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷
- peter got anus warts.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽͝
- peter harasses and scares underage girls.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷&
- I hear what you're saying, Shagger.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛&
- peter non extra no talk no move do big clown poos.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉̄̉̈́̓͠
- peter is funny.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽̈́͝
- a life on da ocean waves. drop anchor.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷U
- hurry up wid legals..🕷🐊
- Glitch the end..🕷🐊
- nemesis game over..🕷🐊
- ⛅ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ 🚁 ✈ 🏢🏤_🏬_ / |_\🏫🏢🌳🌳 _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__
- Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay My, oh, my, what a wonderful day
- _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__🚕_ _ _ _ _
- wobbly wobbly da looneys tummy do da dance so funny._ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__
- Os/2. 🕷🐊🕷🐊🕷🐊
- OS/2 Warp 4.. 🕷🐊🕷🐊🕷🐊
- Glitch.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽
- My Coffin Cup.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽
- da brightly colored clown outfit ready for next week.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽
- ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ ▀̿&
- T̵͎̘͉̀͛̕h̴̼̟͍̔͝e̸̝̠͉͊̕͠ F̸͖͔͓͆̒o̵̡̦̻̿͘̕r̸̪̻̝̓̀͐e
- ⓢⓣⓡⓐⓦⓑⓔⓡⓡⓨ ⓑⓐⓝⓐⓝⓐ ⓢⓤⓝⓓⓐⓔ = ⓟⓔⓣⓔⓡ ⓐⓝⓓⓔⓡⓢⓞⓝ
- respect is earned da looney has none...Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- peterstalksmeeveryday247.. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- 27923
- But this is just speculation on my part. like everything u say peterpoos🚋_🚗__Honk!
- peter do da big poos in pants today..p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛
- PPP://peter poos pants.. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- looney 11 is in an inward spiral.
- The Lonely Man.
- 🇹 🇭 🇪 🇸 🇦 🇺 🇳 🇩 🇪 🇷 🇸 🇨 🇭 🇮 🇱 🇩
- Jam Tarts
- Fat, fat, fat. Around the tummy.
- Glitch.🕷🐊
- peter use dried aged poos to make coffee for my coffee cup. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Hon
- "hasta la vista, baby."
- thesaunderschildGlitch.🕷🐊
- 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘
- da LOON still looking 4 da little red book up women rektums. Strawberry Banana Sundae
- he is Peter A again. A male who is the biggest pest the forum has ever had. htt
- Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̄͠
- 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- thesaunderschildaustralia#1.. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
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