View Full Version : Talking to the opposite sex

06-18-2012, 07:11 PM
Hello everyone! I'm a teen in high school and throughout my career I have struggled with talking to girls, especially ones I find attractive. I have had a girlfriend before (she came to me lol) but my anxiety led her over the edge. I have switched medications which I accidentally overdosed. Long story. Anyway I'm good now. I have started talking with this girl who I really like. I struggle talking to her in person but I can talk fine through texting. But for the future any tips on how to be less awkward socially? Thanks!

06-18-2012, 07:50 PM
Hello everyone! I'm a teen in high school and throughout my career I have struggled with talking to girls, especially ones I find attractive. I have had a girlfriend before (she came to me lol) but my anxiety led her over the edge. I have switched medications which I accidentally overdosed. Long story. Anyway I'm good now. I have started talking with this girl who I really like. I struggle talking to her in person but I can talk fine through texting. But for the future any tips on how to be less awkward socially? Thanks!

Been in your shoes many years ago. You need to build self confidence. Believe in yourself and you will go far. The problem is you are afraid to be embarrassed. You are afraid to say the wrong thing. Girls love an honest man! Be yourself even talk about your anxiety issues. It will open up who you really are and them you will begin to find yourself. Don't be afraid to open up.

06-18-2012, 08:37 PM
What are some good ways of telling people about my anxiety? Because I know it's hard for some people to understand.

06-18-2012, 10:07 PM
I'm open and honest about my anxiety. It puts people at ease if I can explain it with some quirky insight. If I explain it with a posative outlook even if I font believe it sometimes pol are more receptive. Once you open up ppl often try to make me feel more comfortable by sharing their own or a family members struggle with anxiety. U would be amazed the number u think are so sane have had at least one panic or anxiety attack in their lives. Those worth having around will be accepting and those who judge will only hinder u anyways.

07-10-2012, 09:55 PM
The one girl I was talking to above had a convo tonight. It led me to tell her that I liked her. She likes someone else but really likes our friendship which I am happy with. She says that I am very honest and glad I told her. We are still friends now! I'm really happy. She is actually giving me some tips to talk to girls. She cares about me. I am very confident right now. I think sometimes you need to be truthful. I knew it was the right time to tell her.