10-26-2011, 09:45 PM
So I'm 18, yeah, I know that's young to be worrying about love, but hear me out. I have never had a serious relationship, my dad died when I was 12 and screwed up any chance of me having a normal teenage life. I got depressed, missed school completely and gained like 10 stone (up to 22st - 308 pounds, down to 19st now, around 266 pounds) and lost all of my confidence.
I'm at college now and I'm slowly getting my confidence back, although I'm still dealing with anxiety (I take propranolol to keep myself level and calm), but I'm a different person now, before I was a happy little kid who wanted to be an actor, I loved people looking at me, now I can't think of anything worse. I much prefer my own company, time alone to write etc. But I'm not a hermit, I live to make people laugh, if people don't laugh/warm to me quickly then I feel like I've failed.
I've been told I'm attractive under the fat (apparently a fat Tom Welling, but I don't see it, judge for yourself if you like: www . twitter . com / chuckieroberts), but I feel like I'll never be attractive again. I'm losing weight but it's coming off slowly - and I don't think I'll ever be happy with myself again because this is how I'll always see myself.
It'd be nice to believe all that stuff about personality being more important than looks, maybe it is to some people (it definitely is to me), but nobody wants to have sex with somebody like me. I know I wouldn't - being fat is unhealthy and disgusting, and people constantly look at you and make judgements, like i'm fat because I'm lazy or greedy, I'm neither of those things.
I'm still a virgin (obviously), and I don't think this is completely down to my weight. My confidence is so low, I don't believe anybody could ever love me - I can't talk to people on their own, especially girls (although I'm fine in small crowds), and I always second guess everything I do, like I'm determined to make myself unhappy.
I can't see myself asking somebody out - I'd throw up, or have a panic attack, or a nosebleed or something stupid like that (I got a nosebleed on my driving test - still passed...), and now I just feel like I'll never be happy.
Yes, I want to lose my virginity, I'm a teenager, but all I really want is someone to cuddle. I see my friends with their partners, giggling and laughing like they're the only two people in the world. That's all I want, somebody to make an intimate connection with.
Sorry for the essay, I don't expect anybody to read it, and I don't really know what I'm expecting to come of this. I guess I just needed to type it out to vent.
If you did read this, you're great :)
I'm at college now and I'm slowly getting my confidence back, although I'm still dealing with anxiety (I take propranolol to keep myself level and calm), but I'm a different person now, before I was a happy little kid who wanted to be an actor, I loved people looking at me, now I can't think of anything worse. I much prefer my own company, time alone to write etc. But I'm not a hermit, I live to make people laugh, if people don't laugh/warm to me quickly then I feel like I've failed.
I've been told I'm attractive under the fat (apparently a fat Tom Welling, but I don't see it, judge for yourself if you like: www . twitter . com / chuckieroberts), but I feel like I'll never be attractive again. I'm losing weight but it's coming off slowly - and I don't think I'll ever be happy with myself again because this is how I'll always see myself.
It'd be nice to believe all that stuff about personality being more important than looks, maybe it is to some people (it definitely is to me), but nobody wants to have sex with somebody like me. I know I wouldn't - being fat is unhealthy and disgusting, and people constantly look at you and make judgements, like i'm fat because I'm lazy or greedy, I'm neither of those things.
I'm still a virgin (obviously), and I don't think this is completely down to my weight. My confidence is so low, I don't believe anybody could ever love me - I can't talk to people on their own, especially girls (although I'm fine in small crowds), and I always second guess everything I do, like I'm determined to make myself unhappy.
I can't see myself asking somebody out - I'd throw up, or have a panic attack, or a nosebleed or something stupid like that (I got a nosebleed on my driving test - still passed...), and now I just feel like I'll never be happy.
Yes, I want to lose my virginity, I'm a teenager, but all I really want is someone to cuddle. I see my friends with their partners, giggling and laughing like they're the only two people in the world. That's all I want, somebody to make an intimate connection with.
Sorry for the essay, I don't expect anybody to read it, and I don't really know what I'm expecting to come of this. I guess I just needed to type it out to vent.
If you did read this, you're great :)