View Full Version : Please Help.....Social Anxiety?
03-11-2010, 05:13 AM
Hi everyone, this is my first post on here, and hopefully I am not alone in this problem...
I was diagnosed with depression/anxiety in 2001. Was prescribed Celexa for about 5 years, then switched to Lexapro. Over the past few years, my anxiety has gotten increasingly worse.
It seems to strike only when doing something FUN....I am fine going to work, school, etc. (which you would think would cause the anxiety) Years ago, I used to love going out with friends, whether it be to dinner, a bar for a couple drinks, dancing, etc.
Now....I just spend the 24 hours prior to the event incredibly anxious, nauseous, and trembling. My mind gets worked up to the point where sometimes I get physically sick. This continues until I get to the place I'm going, I usually am ok once I'm there, then afterwards I think to myself "wasn't that FUN, why did I get worked up like that."
This is a cruel, repetitive process that happens. I don't know what to do....I can't be the only one who experiences this???
I'm 29 by the way, and have wasted plenty of years hiding from the world, and don't want to waste any more!!! :*(
03-11-2010, 05:21 AM
It seems like this new medication is not working for you, obviously.
Go back to whoever prescribed it for you and see if they can switch you on to something more suitable. Or if you choose not to go down that path again you can (with the help of a medical professional) wean off the meds you are currently taking and try a support group, CBT therapy, see a therapist etc...
If you don't mind me asking, why did you switch to lexapro?
03-11-2010, 05:54 AM
Sorry, I should have gone into more detail about my meds. I was on Celexa from 2001-2007. I believe I had built up a tolerance to it, because it stopped being as effective. That is when I switched to Lexapro. I was on 20mg/day for quite some time, then in the past year I have decreased to 5mg/day. (worked with my dr to decrease the amount)
Really though....whether I was on 20mg or 5mg, the situations were exactly the same. Even on a higher dose, I still experience what I described in my first post.
I just feel so alone in this...I tried counseling before, which seemed to help. I also went to a support group a couple times. I still cannot get a grip though on what happens to me before a social situation.
03-11-2010, 06:11 AM
I'm sorry I can't be more help to you, but I'm not sure what to suggest.
I hope someone else on here can help you. :)
03-13-2010, 08:20 AM
Stop thinking about how you never get the time of day or how you're sure people are going to laugh at your accent. Stop thinking that you're only setting yourself up for total embarrassment or that nobody will listen to you when you talk.
Quoted from:
03-31-2010, 02:00 PM
Hi 'sweetieinva',
I share your problem; also getting mega worked up about forthcoming social events. I have also been physically sick e.g. just after been given a 40th birthday present comprising tickets for the British Grand Prix....not the best way to thank the gift giver!
It's good that you comment that once out and about you are saying to yourself "wasn't that FUN, why did I get worked up like that"; but I know its difficult to get that idea firmly embedded in ones psyche. Remember exactly what feelings you have when you say this (even write it down for later reference); perhaps they are feelings of frustration, dissapointment? Try to think positively, afterall you have obviously still managed to get out and about, so, perhaps another feeling to add to your list of frustration etc should be determination to beat the anxiety.
I am trying to force myself to do things I wouldn't normally do (social things) and hope that gradually this will reduce the anxiety. I'm hoping that rather than do different things to practise this technique that I will do the same previously anxiety provoking task time and time again e.g. going out for a meal to the same restaurant several times. I'm hoping that familliarity will literally breed contempt. I know its easy to say that we must force ourselves to do these things, but please , please try. Remember that every journey begins with just a few small steps.
04-09-2010, 08:12 AM
I think social anxiety does rear it's ugly head in your 20's, that's what I've read, and that was the case for me.
I struggled and suffered horribly, and then I drank way too much to cope with my nerves.
First of all, if your meds aren't working, talk to your doctor. I made the mistake of staying on medication that didn't help me during that time, but I didn't didn't have many options back in the 1980's.
Back in my 20's, they didn't have such a wide variety of medications and online resources like forums.
So keep posting and let us know how you're doing.
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