View Full Version : What to do next?!

10-19-2011, 07:34 AM
I am 19, and I'm pretty sure I have Social Anxiety disorder.
I cannot do 'normal' things, that everyone else does!
No one understands me, my parents tell me 'It's just your confidence', but I'm certain it's more than that!

Everyone thinks I'm lazy, cause I don't have a job currently, but I cannot face the interview, and know I will fail. - Life's a constant depression battle for me, but everyone thinks I have it easy.

I haven't been to my gp about this, but I can't, I don't know what to do? I don't want them to laugh at me, tell me what I'm saying is a joke! - Everyone else seems to think I'm making this up!

Throughout school I struggled, it affected my grades, my attendance was bad, I struggled to make friends, and now I have none.

I do however, have a boyfriend, he doesn't seem to understand either. I have tried so hard to talk to him about it, he doesn't like me telling him.

Although all this is going on, I do have a goal, I want to go to university to study mental health. Because of what I suffer from, It's made me want to help others! The downside of it is, that I'm not sure I'll get there. I need help, but I don't know how!?

12-07-2011, 06:14 PM
Saarx, no question that a therapist/counselor would be my first stop at this point. But I do have to say your GP will NOT at laugh you. It does sounds like SA which is in my make up too. Give your Dr. some credit. He's seen this before. It's not uncommon. Plus there's help out there for folks with SA. The goal of the therapist will be to help you past this and to identify and issue(s) you may have within yourself/past/family, etc, that contributing/causing this and try to modify anything that might be causing this if possible. It is hard because those who are not effected by your feelings usually don't get it(for the most part). I can see why,... to a point. I don't know how a diabetic feels but I know his issue is real. A med. condition. Folks sometimes see ours as just something to "get over" because they don't quite feel the same way and they ARE able to just do what you find so difficult. Rest assured there are empathetic people out there! They understand that even though they don't feel the same they understand YOU DO. These people are out there and often take up work as therapists/counselors and Family Doctors and Nurses! The best decision I ever made was to "bite the bullet"(I didn't want to do it) and go see a Psychiatrist who but me right in with a counselor(Clinical Social Worker). What a relief as she sometimes almost finished my sentences or asked me questions that I realized she KNEW how if felt. Because, she told me, she'd helped many other folks before who had similar feeling/issues. What I am trying to say here is, going in to whomever you feel at least "able" to, is what you should do. Be it a pastor, counselor, Family Doc., Psychiatrist, Nurse, etc. In time you'll be able to pursue your dreams and do what everyone else does. Message me any time.

02-18-2012, 04:52 PM
you gp will defiantly not laugh at you iv been to see my gp for this same situation did he laugh...no... they go through the same thing with other pationts its there job to help you not laugh at you if this was going to happen im pretty sure doctors would exsist i no its hard i really do but making that first step by seeing a doctor will be a big thing for you and you will be proud of yourself and honestly it will help, your doctor will tell you what he thinks ask you question but one thing he wont do...is laugh at you. no one is going to laugh at you and you need to think about this, why would people laugh? they have no reason to? you dont no them? and if they do who cares in a way...your probably never see them stranger again in your life and you wont ever remember. i used to do stupid things all the time were people would laugh at me about things id do or say, but you no what instead of getting up set about it and feeling down like im a failure i laughed along with them and be like, i can not believe i just did that, and that made me who i am the silly one the one that makes other people laugh and thats the best person to be some one who can make other laugh people will want to be around you. also you cant think you will fail if you have never even tried hun, you need to make that big step and trust me it will be the best thing you have even done and please dont worry if you think people are laughing at you because they wont be there be laughing with you =] you need to see your doctor and i really hope you take this advice and go this is your life...you only get one shot dont let it destroy it.