View Full Version : Fear of Answering the Telephone

02-21-2010, 08:36 AM
I have this aversion to the telephone. Even with caller-ID, I still find myself avoiding answering the phone. It's frustrating to me, because I have missed out on several opportunities because of it.

Does anyone else have this problem? Even if it's someone I know and want to talk to, I feel panicked prior to answering the phone.

02-25-2010, 11:35 PM
yea pretty common problem i think, well with anxiety. If you can get a phone with texting, or communicate with people through aim or facebook. I still cant do it, but its a temporary solution.

03-11-2010, 05:10 AM
Yeah I know how you feel, lisa.
I even communicate with one of my best friends through texting and facebook!
I've known her for years! It's worse with some people than other's though. I have a male friend who I've known for about 15yrs (we were a couple for about 6yrs, I think hehe) who I can talk to whenever or wherever. He just stresses me out though!!!! We have been through a lot together.
And yes, I do feel panicky when answering the phone.
Also if I have to talk on the phone and other's are around listening to me.