View Full Version : I looked in the mirror and realized my old clothes look aweful on me.

02-19-2015, 05:44 PM
I have gained weight and am trying sooooo very hard to reduce again. But looking in the mirror folks , does not help. I am even more stressed out and anxious over my tummy and hips and turkey wings than before I looked in the mirror. I was trying to decide what to wear in this warm weather but don't have too many articles of clothing that fit me that are appropriate for this great weather we are experiencing here in sunny hills , CA, USA. My slacks that are a petite tall size 16 are the only thing that fit, besides my waist less black dress which I plan to wear tomorrow. I am trying to exercise, and drink tons of water, and not eat too much during the day, but this is just a joke. I am embarrassed to look at my mid rolls from my tummy , in the mirror. And where i had reduced from swimming 2 hours a day 7 yrs ago, my hips have returned almost 75%. I am panicking cuz i don't know what else to do besides reduce my appetite to the extreme and increase my exercise as much as i have energy to do so. But like yesterday, at work i tripped and fell and then when i got home was to tired to even work out at gym. Today I am home early from work and just finished cleaning houyse and still need to muster up the energy to go to gym for an hour. Salad for dinner is on my menu w/ 1 egg and lt dressing. my rib area is just Totally blubbered out and i feel so dam uncomfortable in my skin that i could just shed it like a friggen snake.......I must go now, eat my salad, and force myself to work out for an hour, in spite of a back ache and low energy. This mid back pain is from the weight gain, and it sucks.....I wish I could run, I would run and go on for an hour w/o stopping until i was dripping w/ sweat but I am NOT a runner. So I will do the treadmill for 15 minutes tonight. My usual is 10 minutes. Its difficult to do more than that, but i know thats the trick to shedding this blubber.

02-19-2015, 08:51 PM
Blue you really need to talk someone who specialize in Eating disorders. The way you post new thread about not really important things, give me a lot of insight. You are hurting as hell and trying to communicate. You need to find some help , you should not wait. AF is just temporary relief

02-19-2015, 10:00 PM
Who are you to say what I have posted here on this forum is NOT important? To you, perhaps. This issue is important and also causes me loads of anxiety. This forum addresses the issue of ANXIETY. Well, my anxiety is specifically , in this post , about my being anxious to go out in publik because I feel that I can't fit into my old clothes, and therefore is relevant to me. mPerhaps some other readers of my post may agree? Anyone else feel that this is true??

02-19-2015, 10:10 PM
This is why you need the specialist. All this stuff about body image is curable, i have been in the same situation. Now 40 years later I know that I wasted my time instead of looking for help. As I said , you have bottled so much of pain........... I had not mean to upset you Blue, I had not. Your problem is not only anxiety and you know that. People can give you a good advice here, that true but they will not do the job of good specialist and good therapist
I wish you the best:)

02-20-2015, 12:44 AM
Who are you to say what I have posted here on this forum is NOT important? To you, perhaps. This issue is important and also causes me loads of anxiety. This forum addresses the issue of ANXIETY. Well, my anxiety is specifically , in this post , about my being anxious to go out in publik because I feel that I can't fit into my old clothes, and therefore is relevant to me. mPerhaps some other readers of my post may agree? Anyone else feel that this is true??

It's fine to post about what you want. If this gives you anxiety, it gives you anxiety. Some things that give me anxiety are pretty silly, but they're important if they make you anxious, right?

I think Dahila was just meaning you will get more help from a specialist than on the forum. While we're happy to listen, we can't help you as much as a professional can.

02-20-2015, 09:13 PM
Thanks so very much. I wish everyone was so caring in the world. We would have world peace.