View Full Version : Using Terror to fight Terror
05-20-2015, 04:03 AM
What the peace keepers don't want you to see:
Very Sad. Hitler would be proud of the New Regime America and it's Allies have now become as it now stands with the New War on Terror.
It's clearer than ever before that the west have propagated more fear and actually created the Terror of which they seek to overcome.
Australia is currently over using the word Terror, creating new laws, changing existing one as so on. What happens in America does not stay in America. If only.
The more they threaten young people with exile, the more they seem to rebel. The authorities over here seem bent on daring kids to go join up so can make examples of them. The way the Media banters on it, it's like a new fad over here with kids joining up regular.
I hope the next keyhole asteroid event slips into our gravity and wipes as all out. That would be a kind result.
05-20-2015, 07:44 PM
Guess this stuff will only get worse as the population continues to grow. More people will move around, there will be competition for space and resources - governments will have the perfect excuse to spy on citizens and implement dodgy "protection" measures.
Doesn't surprise me though. We're just mammals. Mammals fight. Only, we're smart mammals, so we fight nasty. We've been convinced by the church and by certain groups that to be human means being above all else, but we're exactly the same as the rest of nature. At least, as a whole we are. We just have egos that convince us we're better.
Apparently Google will have turned people into robots by the year 2100. If the asteroid doesn't come, maybe that'll change things.
05-21-2015, 03:59 AM
Hi Jesse,
The Asteroid I looked up. It's call Apophis and due in 2036. Although the key hole event is slim, one can only hope.
Yea - EGO hits the nail on the head. It's the selling point of corporations and psychologists that work together to keep us docile and entertained.
With regard to human nature ... I do believe it's our only obligation in this life. That is to say, human nature is for us to overcome. As for the Natural World and it's Eco systems, that little which is left and we have not destroyed; I see that as a miss treated map to which we should of been using as a guide - not a place to simply visit or sell of as primary real estate.
If it were not for our ideals, relgion and so on ... I do believe we could handle our population much better, but despite the decline in dogma (relgion), the sickness still continues in the secular world (EGO rehashed in self interest and strong desires ... the residue of religion itself ... like a germ that has mutated). If am to to believe anything ... at it's current rate I believe that the human race is destined for extinction. It's technology has already surpassed it's human maker's ability, to interact with each-other. (Einstein's quote to whence we become a generation of idiots) I think most of us are already shells ready for the implanting to begin.
Given the extent of inequality, and the cost for others to live as they do, there is a huge proportion of us ready to welcome an extinction event as a positive thing and one that is long overdue.
05-21-2015, 05:46 PM
Hi Jesse,
The Asteroid I looked up. It's call Apophis and due in 2036. Although the key hole event is slim, one can only hope.
Yea - EGO hits the nail on the head. It's the selling point of corporations and psychologists that work together to keep us docile and entertained.
With regard to human nature ... I do believe it's our only obligation in this life. That is to say, human nature is for us to overcome. As for the Natural World and it's Eco systems, that little which is left and we have not destroyed; I see that as a miss treated map to which we should of been using as a guide - not a place to simply visit or sell of as primary real estate.
If it were not for our ideals, relgion and so on ... I do believe we could handle our population much better, but despite the decline in dogma (relgion), the sickness still continues in the secular world (EGO rehashed in self interest and strong desires ... the residue of religion itself ... like a germ that has mutated). If am to to believe anything ... at it's current rate I believe that the human race is destined for extinction. It's technology has already surpassed it's human maker's ability, to interact with each-other. (Einstein's quote to whence we become a generation of idiots) I think most of us are already shells ready for the implanting to begin.
Given the extent of inequality, and the cost for others to live as they do, there is a huge proportion of us ready to welcome an extinction event as a positive thing and one that is long overdue.
If the asteroid is gonna wipe us out in 2036, we should all finally meet sometime in 2035
How ironic would it be that people with anxiety think so many things will happen to them and they will die in a variety of ways
Ain't no one mention getting hit by a space rock. Anxiety is over. You wasted lots of time thinking about cancer whilst that speeding space bullet had your name on it
I too am cynical about society. But more because I think people expect too much free shit and are lazy
That is how we are raising our kids. Don't need to do anything, socialism is on the way to fail like it always has and always will. But let's just try it one more time
And technology is out of control. I can't imagine what you can do with a smart phone in ten years.
05-22-2015, 06:17 PM
If the asteroid is gonna wipe us out in 2036, we should all finally meet sometime in 2035
How ironic would it be that people with anxiety think so many things will happen to them and they will die in a variety of ways
Ain't no one mention getting hit by a space rock. Anxiety is over. You wasted lots of time thinking about cancer whilst that speeding space bullet had your name on it
I too am cynical about society. But more because I think people expect too much free shit and are lazy
That is how we are raising our kids. Don't need to do anything, socialism is on the way to fail like it always has and always will. But let's just try it one more time
And technology is out of control. I can't imagine what you can do with a smart phone in ten years.
They may as well remove the word "responsibility" from the dictionary. So few people care about theirs, these days.
I think socialism is just another thing that people use to fill the void in their lives. Most people used to get their morality from the church, now they aren't, they've turned to a political ideology instead to provide them with what religion gave them.
Notice many socialists believe themselves to be morally superior and are unable to have a serious discussion about their beliefs when evidence mounts up against them? Sounds a lot like old-school religion to me. Yet, the progressives view themselves as far more advanced than the religious folks. Ironic, really. They seem exactly the same to me. :)
05-26-2015, 02:55 PM
A wall of text for those that want to be friends:
It's not anyone system that is responsible but that one which we allow to controls ourselves. I don't think it's fair to be passing the buck onto this of that generation using such terms as responsibility, (as it tends to blame) but I totally understand the frustration that brings about such contention. My comment regarding some space rock to take us all out, reflects more my despair - adding to that my inability to blind myself to much of that which the world now finds itself in. (I simply refuse to play the game) I'm sorry if it seems like a cop out. I assure you I do not conjure up such a thought with ill intent or as to pass some kind of righteous judgement. I see such a rock not as a dooms day scenario, but more like saving grace. (forgive the religious overtone) I am way past the point of setting out to provocative, although my ramblings will often trigger. For that I am srry.
My sharing of challenging information is in fact one way I like to think that I am taking responsibility by educating myself. I like to think I have come a long way from just ranting and raving about what others would call nothing more than just yet another random sob story. Although I encourage such long winded reflections, as one of many ways in which each of us can contribute by doing just such; by arresting our declining mental states in such a poor climate as it be. That is a courageous thing to do. I only wish I could be more inspiring. Spasmodic thoughts would have me see, that many will find great relief in knowing they are not alone with such plaguing thoughts. Inspiration has it's place, however it can also be misleading when it comes to accepting reality. When sickness takes us past or near a point of no return, the masses tend more to deny what that already knew ... Whilst lacking in strength myself ... I only seek to share what little I have left (to find solace in helping those heading to the hills) and meet my end. Blame will be of little help.
__________________________________________________ __
I do so hope that you can see, that I mean not to share such docos with malicious intent. It's by looking into several more docos that, I have come to such a tone in paragraphs above. Many of those docos point to the same things. Much of the drama involved in the political structure no matter what side, culture and Ideal one subscribes or despises; I found a key of sorts by coming to grips with the word "Economy". That has really helped me to see just how and why the world is in its current state. I started watching these docos with my wife, but she was unable to take it all in. She got real mad and said she did not want to take anymore of the BS in. (my family and many others see me as a freak) I don't blame her or others. I am surprised I made it through ten hours worth, but something in me wanted to take it all in. I'd say I have come out the other side a lot more informed and better off. Understanding how it all works really helps.
My weekly paid/employed → to be friend, is picking me up today. You know ... that mentor fella I have mentioned many times.
Hitting enter before I run out of space - to be cont...
05-26-2015, 04:08 PM
I'll most likely jump in his over sized all terrain vehicle and greet him with a half assed smile and say, "How's the profit margin this week?" The last couple of meets would have us seen, one parading in his suit and tie, whilst the other in his track suite pants. Perhaps not a tie, but as good as a collar that say's Hired Help. My freakish observations skills detects well the attention such a contrast brings, yet for most of the time so far past ... it's been of more benefit than that of the judging looks. He is not a bad chap ... he says I take too much in, which I find a much better tact than using the word "paranoid".
I think if he does not mind, we shall just go for a walk today. I'm always saying srry of late as I don't like to drag him down with my pessimistic views and so on, however he assures me that he enjoys my company. He is a team leader in his position and had to recently make a short list. Says he kept me on it as he finds me engaging. Likes the intellectual stimulation. I have no idea what the topic is going to be this week. The last couple of meetings have been more volatile than anything else. I am feeling the contrast more and more as we parade like so.
Not sure I liked the term progressive exposure. He seems to be pushing more than he lets on. I started off very quiet last time around and I think he took more offense than he let on. I do tend to bring out the contrast more often than not. This time, I think less people watching and more walking. I'm always searching for purpose and pushing myself to come up with ideas as to what I should be doing. I think therein lay the problem with this continuing feeling of guilt that I should be contributing more to society and that is why he is in his suit and I be in my trackies, parading in front of peering eyes.
His frustration comes more from my clinging to such notions or my continual need to bring such up - I am under no obligations and we both know it, however he does get that the system implies otherwise and whether he likes it or not, he sees it in others whilst we sit. Hence when his guard drops he will start up on the other side of the coin and start talking obligation and profit. Thankfully it does not happen all the time.
But - if it comes up again, I think I will give up such a paid friendship service as it be. I can not think of any more ideas for graduated exposure and not sure I want such a thing. However - I could use him at my next doctors visit or going to get my medicare claim back some other health service. I think I actually need to start facilitating his service more as a support person rather than a pretend friend as that contrast would have us be seen. We have talked about that, and I think I am about ready for such a step. Such is the volatility of how I be when sifting through all the goods and services ... out on display.
A huge contrast between how I attempt to portray myself and how I exist in the non digital world. Those are my extremes. I think it's best I keep reaching out with such services none the less. I'll just let him know I don't mind swapping over to another mentor if I am weighting him down and also mention that contrast between how our images/presentation are seen. Presentation is such a bid deal in our society.
Anyways ... time to get ready. I think today a talk while walking will be a good thing. Will work on the pretense that we both represent and see if we can once more connect with what really matters. Just a little compassion on both sides without all that BS guilt regarding obligations and the like. That stuff only serves to feed the machine. I'll ask more about how is doing and wish him well ... Yea, that sounds like the ticket.
Until next post and or most likely ... thread.
05-26-2015, 06:24 PM
Was a good meeting. :) Ending on a good note helps. (Re above)
05-27-2015, 03:22 PM
I am curious though Nixon, do you think it is responsible to tell people it's wrong to kill and then kill them? Until Society stops "entertaining" such notions, then I think it unreasonable under such doctrines to expect people to become responsible at all.
A good example of such Entertainment is explained very well in one of Russel Brand The Trews:
Boston Bomber Execution:
The sensationalism of this entertainment facade made its way into the waiting room of the doctors surgery I was tending some weeks ago. Basically, whilst some individuals were sanctioning the death penalty with all their bantering, I turn with a twisted face and the stare of a psychotic killer and came out with KILL THEM ALL! ... No one said a word after that. I bid the receptionist good day and off we went.
Ya reap what you sow.
05-27-2015, 04:54 PM
We don't have the death sentence in Europe. I know that some of your neighbouring countries do though, Dave.
Still, with 7.4 billion people in the world, I find it hard to give a damn about any mass murderer that meets their end because of it. I don't believe all human life is special. Who even came up with that crap? The idea certainly doesn't have any roots in nature (the same nature that just wiped out 20,000 people in Nepal). Human life is only special because we value it so. I think when you kill innocent men, women and children, you've shown that you don't value human life, and you're a danger to the society we have. You're a danger to the game we're playing (that we're not just animals). Because we're all playing the game that human life matters. It's what keeps us all alive. You stop playing that game and start devaluing life to the point where you think you can end it, then you no longer have a role in this form of society -- ever.
I don't buy the whole "don't tell people it's wrong to kill, then execute them" argument either. That's the type of argument you hear in a text book; the type of argument you make when you're removed from the pain of the dangerous situation in question. We can all sit down and discuss life with pretty words and ideologies, but life doesn't work like that. It's ugly, it's violent, and it doesn't fit into neat little boxes. We're merely sophisticated mammals, after all.
Bloodthirstiness is slightly disturbing, but the longing for revenge is human. It's something that's in a lot of humans, anyway, though I know not all. I make no bones about it, I don't value mankind the way the Tao Te Ching book does, or the bible for instance. I look at us purely in a biological way. We are faulty, faulty beings. With that comes unpleasantness. Our job isn't to be perfect, it's to pick our poison.
To exist, we need to protect ourselves, and satisfy some of our animal cravings. I can understand why people do everything to deny that fact, because it doesn't sound nice.
So do I care if that guy gets blown to bits, and a few Americans get off on it? No, I don't. I care about the women in abusive relationships. I care about the starving animals and children. They are true victims of this cruel world. Somebody who had a comfortable life and fucked it all up because of his own thirst for blood? Sorry, by the time we come to that guy, my compassion's all but worn out.
I think people that make such an argument (the state can't say don't kill, then kill) should also be against fining fraudsters, locking up those who imprison others, and speeding after cars that are whizzing down the motorway at 140kph. After all, how can the state say don't take money from others then take yours after you've robbed somebody? How can they say don't take away the freedom of others, then take away yours after you've kept someone hostage for years? How can the state say don't speed, then go speeding after you in their patrol car to see if you're on drink or drugs? No, the argument doesn't check out to me, and should be saved for the textbooks. Truth is we need the state to act in some kind of authoritative way (mammals, remember?) but that requires heaps and heaps of finesse. Usually, it will never please everyone anyway.
I can understand why people would be against the death sentence. I'm not saying I'm for it (just indifferent when it comes to murder). But the argument about the state not doing what it's made a law against doing? That happens all the time, and everybody refers to it as justice. People can't just pick and choose the bits that they feel like.
05-27-2015, 07:06 PM
Is good in knowing how others think onsuch issues. I need to practice talking with less emotion,hysteriaand bias. Thanks for your reply Jesse.
Not everyone thatstops “playing the game” devalues themselves. In fact many arecourage souls that redefine the value system, which aims at unifyingthe collective as whole. The complexities comes more from thechallenges that these non- conformists present to those who wouldrather see us all separated under the current value system; whichthrives on separatism, individualism and a tone of other isms.
Sorespect fully, with regard to the value our society currently holdson Human Life; I would think it obviously flawed as most peoplesperceptions to that of the term economy. Long story short,Societies Value of Human Life is one Human Child dyeing every fiveseconds. It's far easier to brand, name and shame. In the case caseof today's society more so convict, entertain then kill.
I canassure Jesse, that I pull none of my responses straight from the textbooks and mine are also very much open to change. For instance Iused to blame and have said many times in here “it's in our nature”however I am coming to see now another side of the coin where suchpain and atrocities are in fact generated and not inherit as I wasonce led to believe. Instead of picking our poison, I think societyshould stop passing off it's own responsibility onto those lessvalued, more vulnerable and undesirable and instead stop selling ofit's poison to which it then imposes is the fault of this or thatgroup and or individual.
At the end of the day, it comes back tohow each of us values any form of life full stop. Currently untilSocieties keep change their current values system, which is a fastbased on obsolescence instead of the true meaning designated toeconomy … it will continue to convict, entertain and kill. Thedeath rate of the worlds children will only decline as the worldpasses the tipping point and falls into a feudal age and then intoextinction.
I got two other docos that shows this processreally well, and whilst you may not be into them, I'll share foranyone else who might think them a good watch. But right now I gottoo much going on.
Again … thanks for your reply Jesse. Ihope this one of mine is not over the top as many of my others onesno doubt. Still a learning process for me … been trying the NVCmethods (non violent communication) that passive activists advocate.
The value of human life is one dead child every five second. It will remain so as long as society continues to justify,Convicting, Entertaining & Killing.
Thanks again for you reply, happy to continue but not looking for text book responses like you say ... although they may be taken that way.
Perhaps we could instead talk about the following doco?
Take care.
05-27-2015, 07:40 PM
Oh, nothing was intended towards you. :)
We have this very affluent sub-group in England now. They're very middle class, always white, read very progressive magazines and sit around at dinner parties drinking expensive wine, talking about how "right on" they are. These are the sort of people who live textbook ideologies.
I remember when I was younger, my sister dated this guy who seemed nice at first, even started staying at my home most nights. Turns out he was a drug dealer, very nasty character. My mum found out, asked him to leave, said she was ashamed of him taking advantage of her like that. Turns out he didn't like being spoken to like that. Tried to break the door down, shouted all sorts of threats to her that he was going to "smash her face in". He got through the door ready to attack her, but the police came just in time. I remember him getting off in court completely free by playing the "racist" card (that we didn't accept him because he was black), and saying he was from a struggling family. All lies, of course. He laughed about it relentlessly when he got out, but I know the "progressives", his probation worker, the judge, etc. well they lapped it up.
Of course, at night time, they go back to their safe enclaves, and leave the scummy people to people like my family, who, at that time had no money at all and were living in a rather run down place. I realized at that young-ish age that the way certain people (safe from these dangers) perceived the world was often VERY different from how it was. I realized that the mental rumination certain people do (when they try to find the right textbook answer to a problem) was actually really incompatible with the real world sometimes.
To me, these people seemed exactly the same as your G.W Bushs of the world. Acting to create a sense of egoic satisfaction.
So, those are some of the people I can't take completely seriously. Russell Brand sort of enters into that category. I know Mr. Brand is a fairly intelligent individual, but it's hard to take his opinions on capital punishment seriously seeing as all of his family live in lovely homes in the most expensive parts of London and L.A. That doesn't mean a person can't have their opinion if they have wealth, or that their opinion is wrong, just that there's often a very uncomfortable grey area that they haven't seen or experienced.
There are, as horrible as it is to say, some very unsavoury people out there. And you don't always realize that until you get close to them. It's all too easy to let them remain as victims of society, rather than look at them through objective eyes. At 15, I was attacked at knifepoint by some guy who thought I was giving him a dirty look. I remember his face so vividly now. I have never seen evil like it before. His eyes, they're what spooked me the most. He looked at me, this innocent kid who just had the sun in his eyes, and wanted to see my blood pouring out of me. He wasn't "mentally ill", he didn't "need a job", none of that rubbish that people come out with. He was perfectly sane. Knew what he was doing the whole time, just had a thirst for violence. Again, I got lucky, as a passer by had called the police who came in time.
There are people that innocent folks need protecting from. Whether that means you kill them after you've caught them doing something bad, I don't know. I don't like to be that person away from the situation, making a judgement about another's pain. I've had that done to me, and realized how wrong people can be in those circumstances. I guess though, I would rather see a deserving cause make its way to people's lips and to the front pages. This terrorist kid knew what he was doing and wanted to see blood. I don't care what happens to him now. I'd rather see people talking about the innocent dolphins that get killed by Japanese fishing boats each year, or the number of patients with MS that get passed around by doctor's in this country because there's no enough funding.
Life isn't sacred, and that's scary, because it means death can come so easily and at any time. Not just to use, but to those we love. There are many people among us who don't value life. Of course some are in government, but those are harder to get.
I think life is a foodchain, and will be so for as long as I live at least. Exploitation isn't just a human thing, it's rife in nature too. Sure, we bully those less fortunate than ourselves (often through wars), but that happens in nature too. You can minimize it, but eliminate it? You might as well ask to eliminate sexual desire as far as I see it. Mammals are greedy by nature. They're selfish. It's how we evolved. It's in our genetics. We can go so far, we can great good people, but we can't create a great species. We ask too much of ourselves.
In life there HAS to be a winner and a loser. To think otherwise, to me, is a fantasy. And rarely is the way these winners and losers picked fair. But who ever told us life was going to be fair, right? I'm guessing for your dinner today you ate chicken? fish? beef? Life certainly wasn't free of exploitation or unfairness for that animal. Yet we ignore it, because deep down we know it's a part of life. That's just cruelly the way the world is.
05-27-2015, 07:43 PM
And there is another dimension I haven't mentioned in my posts. We know big business and governments do a LOT of bad things themselves. But, I'm not one of these people that instantly feels for Muslim countries. The blood shed in the name of that religion's sky fairy (sorry, "God") could flood the US many times over, and it's been happening since the 12th century!
I guess I could sum up the way I see life now as damage limitation, rather than the march to moral supremacy that some people believe should be happening.
I'll watch that doc anyway. I'm supposed to be finishing up a project, but can't beat a good political/societal debate. :)
05-27-2015, 08:00 PM
I'm sorry I don't have time to reply in kind. Just wanted to thank you again for opening up like that. I can see a lot of similarity to what I am thinking - defiantly the way you express with the middle class. I try not think on the messenger but the message. I'm also working on my bitterness in that area too.
Whilst I do not agree fully with the following doco with (more so the alternatives implied and the level of the context to the rebelling [hard to explain - I say resist by more so without resisting] ...anyways - some very good breakdown on middle class thinking in this one.
Go to run now ...
Will better read your responses when I get the time. Baby sitting the little fella for a few days. You do have many insights I am interested in (as too with Nixon), and I thank you for your patients with regards to mine. Look forward to better reading you again.
I continue to read before jumping in the car ... little fella about to wake up ... traveling between homes ... woops he is not up Thanks man. :)
05-27-2015, 08:21 PM
Haha, no worries! Have some fun. After all, even if you make a child smile for 3 seconds, it's probably more useful than any kind of debate like this, right? :)
Guess these posts just come out of the exacerbation you feel by being human.
Take it easy!
05-27-2015, 08:36 PM
Just watching through this doc. I definitely agree that humanity is on very shaky ground. I completely agree with you that we also need to put a lot of the "selfish nature" bullshit inside of us to one side too if we're going to survive as a species. There's always going to be inequality. Doesn't mean there has to be desctruction!
Population control is one of those things that needs to be worked on. I think it's the biggest threat to the earth. Probably moreso than a nuclear bomb. The only way around that is to cooperate. Or kill each other, but you like to think we've advanced enough to avoid going back there. There's all this talk of Mars, but how depressing to have to go to another planet cos you've screwed up your home one. I know there's human dysfunction, but it doesn't need to be that bad for goodness sake!
05-28-2015, 12:24 AM
Just to reply with what you said earlier. We have pretty much the same inequality over here,(although often worse & unseen in far off countries where corporations consume their people & lands) with one group getting special treatment over another and vice versa. Not every sob story has the same effect, my brother was often found guilty in a split-second when the judge was informed he was a drug addict. No matter,as you know - he is now long dead. Sometimes it can be a simple case of who's doing what on whatever day. (personal convictions and preconceptions) That includes all services within whatever sector.None the less, your story explains your views quite well and again I appreciate you sharing it as you did.
I don't mean to ware my labels like a badge when saying that the injustice and inequality has left a dire mark and fried my brain. In answer to one of your later questions –These posts are indeed quite valuable to me. I struggle to be concise, but have to admit ... I find my self-education has helped me in a lot of ways, I also think it's been of benefit to others in much the same way I see others doing so with each other in here. Thetrouble with a 3 second smile on a toddlers face, is that our sick society then proceeds to scream back in its face, do a little dance,then comes the three second smile once again and so on. Your right though with respect to debates. Our language and perceptions really need to change. Debates and Augments I feel, fall into the negative aspect often associated with Competitive Relationships. More so because we do not align ourselves with nature, where such competitiveness is far more nurturing, symbiotic, and so on. It accounts for the whole and not itself.
As you know – my wife has MS and I am well aware of the injustice when it comes to servicing such needs –(it's my belief that a cure for cancer already exists – in the same way obsolescence [ensuring things break down] is paramount to ensuring profits turn over, so too - pharmaceuticals and mega health corporations ensure that cures, life saving technology and procedures are withheld but for the very few. It is the same way that privatized prisons require filling with criminals to ensure the same profits. So you see, when you consider how this whole value system falls into place … you begin to understand how it is that this monetary system actually profits from the inequality that the very systems dishes out. You begins to see how our fallibility is actually ingrained/taught/imprinted as opposed to some kind of inherent disease. (not no much predisposition, however that too is "worked" into the mix. Saying we are born with it, makes it so much easier to foster religions, and build a dozen mystical concepts all based on our pain & suffering, being our only purpose to overcome. (some of which I still entertain to some degree – a very complex psychological aspect to reasoning I still find has as many pros as cons - Yet detrimental to narrow mindedness all the same - I guess I am susceptible to the romance side of things as well as escape [working hard on overcoming that as well) … woe … losing track srry man. Just call me a freak. : - ) … that's another cop out we tend to do, calling those who seem to know – Marxists, conspiracy theorists and or Utopian Freaks; when all those fail … just plain terrorists. I fully understand how we come up with such findings … but again …I am striving to look beyond such limiting terms.
I care very much about the injustice done to fish and even down to stepping on ants. I still find myself doing it, however I find the more I catch myself thinking about all forms of life, the more my awareness grows. It's not so much right and wrong I question or the individual being executed; but more so the process in which surrounds it and that at its core. Currently the manipulations by those doing the controlling and the addictions of those being controlled often lead us to focusing on only those subjects which fan the flames, (creates bigger smokes screens which is what the sheep, authorities &elites want) whilst instead we should be questioning the bigger picture. Instead we allow ourselves to soak up hysteria and let our emotions follow the masses – the wine sipping mobs, the flag flying mobs, the hard yakka mobs, and so on …
I'm getting long winded here – srry for that … still not concise enough these days– but am getting there:
Back to the part about Human Nature –Greed? I used to think it was inherent … up until about as little as a week ago. (The last few weeks I have been rather unstable) Itwas after watching the full series of the Zeitgeist (film Series) all three of them; that I got some balance.
It took a bit effort and I had tore-watch one of them. Reading up on the series first hand would of helped. I intend to re-watch them all again with the intention to take notes. I've decided that's going to be far more beneficial than writing my own story. I've kind of stripped myself down with all my own tellings and re-tellings but now finding more interest on the tellings of others and seeing more of the big picture. I've kind of gone through just about everything there is to consider, including the fairies. : - )
You know – when I posted the originald oco up the top on Facebook group, I got a response like, “We don't have to time to listen to yet another poor me random Arab sob story!” The thing is – The message is not about a random Arab, nor it is about America. (I am now looking beyond such limiting factors as with my now evolving perception on human nature. Even my anti American/West sentiments are also declining and my awareness expanding [this is why its can be beneficial to go back over such messages after dropping our guard/limitations somewhat) Just as your statement about text books not being about me, when at first I thought that's what you meant.
I try and finish this response now –looking at your comments re the OBEY doco. The Zeitgeist Film series explains that greed really well. Having a grounded understanding in how it all works, really helps to alleviate the frustration in not knowing at all. If not for the relief that comes from having a framework, to put into order those racing thoughts that plague our heads. It certainly becomes less personal the more we understand it's not so much the people, the group, or even the governments. To understand the latter, is to really come into an awareness of how the system works and how it is that we are all sick. Comes under the value system we are currently hooked on. I do now believe that people can make changes. I'm not well enough to bounce out my door, but I do want to connect – and I mean with everyone.
I leave it at that. If you know me, you will know that when I have the energy, I will start up in one of my threads where I will continue on and present in that. I have been rather spasmodic going from the now the whole drama of self, poetry, coming off my meds, to the Buddha, KamaLords, back to poetry, more stories, attempts at voluntary work,social reintegration, continued one to one therapy, another dash into OBEs / dream-scapes and even the fairies before settling “for now”just some basic philosophical/historical reflection in the form of these various docos and presentations which imo has a little of each … I still take a piece from here and there and subscribe to no one way … but again … for now … I am really please to at least dropped more of my own limitations and preconceptions.
Just need to watch how much passion, my tone, and general demeanor …because with no hope in sight … some of this information has the potential to send many people over the edge. But even so, the movement against our current value systems gives me hope. The TZM(The Zeitgeist Movement) – the movement that came after their docos… is not perfect and prone to destabilization from any one corporation that strikes back. There is a lot of middle class syndrome cons still struggling in the mix, however for those of us that once thought ourselves as mere by-product; we too have much decoding to do. In that – I can find a role for kindness and compassion that seeks to overcome such predisposition. Or at least I try … and I do think for the most part, that much is in my tone …whether I am understood or not.
You've helped me quite a bit today Jesse. Thanks for that. :-)
05-28-2015, 03:19 PM
Glad I can help! Truth is, you talk about politics to most people and they tell you to bore off. So many people don't care, you know? One way or another, they don't care. Wrapped up in their lives, perhaps. I don't know.
I have internal clashes when it comes to the overwhelming power that some in society have. You know, the families who control most of the world's wealth. On the one hand it seems terribly dysfunctional to allow all this selfish bartering to go on behind closed doors. On the other hand, so many people seem to want to be brainwashed. They want to be brainwashed into supporting their local sports club. They want to be brainwashed into buying the latest toy. They're happy to be brainwashed by the media. I understand there are those outside of that sect of people - those like yourself - who do take an interest in this inequality and the way the world is run, yet sometimes I think... how can you go against so many indifferent people? I'm not sure whether any of that resonates with you. Perhaps you have a completely different experience. I'm still under 30, live in a big city - so, many our experiences of "the masses" may not be quite on the same. I'm not sure.
Times they are a changing though. The internet era is still very new, and that's going to change EVERYTHING, I feel. I remember using the internet 10 years ago, as a teen, and it was mostly just people selling scammy products and people chatting to mates. Nowadays, it's this massive source of info, something impossible to control. You can find out anything, and chat to anybody like-minded. It'll be interesting to see how it affects certain movements, like the one that you mentioned.
I do want to just touch on my last two posts briefly: I think they sounded a little negative. "We're mammals, let's just throw shit at each other." I wasn't really trying to get in to that kind of territory. :) Knowing my background helps a little. I went into sales fairly young. It seemed the only way I could get out of the "ghetto" which was my crumby council estate. It seemed the only way to take the pressure of off my mum, who was 40 at the time, but looked 80 because of money worries. Learning about sales teaches you about the ugliness of mankind. You learn to understand the desires of the masses (greed, ego, insecurity and sex), otherwise you don't sell. You learn to understand the selfishness of the masses. And what's depressing about it, especially if you work in the lesser industries, is that it's so easy to sell greed, ego, insecurity, and sex to people - because virtually everybody wants to buy it. Suddenly, you see very little difference between a stray cat fighting another cat because it came on its land, and a man buying a new aftershave to help him outscore his rival and land a beautiful female. Those lines between the mammals blur. And I guess that's what turned me agnostic too. Man made in God's image? There may be something Godly in us, but the way most Christian's interpret that saying is very wrong, in my opinion. God as the average man? Forget it! Even the devil would be embarrassed to have certain people made in his image.
But, that leads me to a very big but! Humans do differ from other mammals as they sort of have a choice. They don't want to make the right choices often, but they do have the option to, sort of. So while we're at the mercy of nature, and we're prone to greed, jealousy, anger, and fear - that's no excuse to become MONSTERS. But sadly, some people have. You know the score, you know about the evils the banking industry gets up to. You know about the horrors of big business and big pharma. That takes it too far. It stops being about "nature" then, and starts becoming about self-destruction, and that's completely unforgivable. I know that video you sent me touched on this topic too. So, we're in complete agreement there.
I see three paths being taken by the majority of people these days. Many conform, we know that. Some, seek resolution for everything through debate and propaganda, as they believe humanity can achieve something morally upstanding. Others seek to be more defensive and join movements, or even act in self-defence.
I believe we're both in the latter category. I believe we've both gone through stages where certain movements (even Buddhism) have meant a lot to us. I don't know where you're at now, but I'm in the self defence stage. I've done the movement, didn't quite get where I hoped to get, so am now just in defensive mode. I don't advise that as a route, but hey, it's where I am. I don't trust big business, big pharma, the government, and even quite a few people in society (i.e. the sheep)... so... I just want them to leave me alone. Big business is cutting wages to the bone so now people steal, deal drugs and all sorts. And, while I understand the dysfunctions, I feel like... well, I can't solve the problem of huge inequality, and the people around me seem unwilling to, so what else can I do? I just have to sort of accept the dysfunction and keep myself safe. If that means we become a police state, as much as I dislike saying it, so be it. Because, I don't know about where you live in Aus, but mate, it is FUCKING dangerous around my way in London. Drugs, social cohesion, poverty... they've never been worse. So it's sort of self-preservation on my part. Accepting the monster. (Most) people are continuing to be greedy, selfish and egotistical, and rather than get frustrated and give myself anxiety, I just leave them to it.
But, like I said, I don't advocate that as a philosophy. :) It's a mere coping mechanism for me. Because I know while humanity will always have its dark side, that's no excuse for self-destruction. That isn't nature, that's lunacy.
I do go through stages, and so does the world, so who knows what's up next. We're in the internet age, after all! A lot of the stuff you talk about sounds interesting. Despite our last few posts differing, I can tell that our opinions are very similar, we're just processing them in different ways. Maybe you're ahead of me in finding something that speaks to you? I'm not sure!
Anyway, I'll leave it there. I just wanted to tie everything up a little more, give you more insight into how my world and head is. This one did get a bit long. As far as this thread goes, don't sweat your tone or passion in the slightest. I don't like to beat around the bush, so don't worry, I don't expect you to either. I guess you can call me PanicCured without the swear words... LOL.
Take it easy mate.
05-28-2015, 03:59 PM
TY Jesse :)
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