View Full Version : Feeling like crap
11-24-2013, 04:14 AM
Not being able to socialize has truely took over my life now , hate myself right now agh .:(
11-24-2013, 05:22 AM
I know how you feel. Donīt forget we ARE socializing here! Facebook, Twitter and all sorts of social networks is a start.
We must never hate ourselves.
Please try to have a good day
Best wishes Mette
11-24-2013, 10:24 AM
I know exactly what you mean! My social phobia has me paralyzed inside myself. I have no life what so ever anymore! I failed my classes in college because I couldn't be around people or get in front of the class for presentations- so when it was my turn I would litterely stand up and walk out of class! I can't work because I'm so freaked out around people. I never answer my phone because even interacting over the phone is terrifying to me. The small amount of friends I do have, I can barely get out to see them and when I do I'm so uncomfortable I can't spend much longer than an hour or two. And I constantly feel like such a loser and a nobody. U constantly struggle with self hatred and always comparing myself to others. Sometimes I'm able to recognize that others don't suffer with social phobias but I still can't help wishing I was different. I feel like my life and opportunities are waiting away and soon I will have nothing left. But please do try to remember we are just as important and special as others in fact maybe even stronger given what we deal with on a constant basis! ;)
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