View Full Version : Poems

05-30-2015, 03:49 PM


https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8765/18254113726_09fabf4966_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/tP473J)

05-30-2015, 04:06 PM
I am not sure I get it, but is good to see you Posting my friend:))

05-30-2015, 04:12 PM
Yep always interested in your work.

05-30-2015, 07:15 PM
Nice to see you too Dahila. Likewise Marc. :)

I do a quit Poem Analysis to clarify my thinking through each line:


EDITED for easier reading:

05-30-2015, 11:13 PM
As above............

05-31-2015, 05:52 AM
Just to put things into perspective - Check Out the Following:

Chasing Ice: (not so easy to source for free, but an excellent watch)

Here are some photos and text I just put together for FB:

AWESOME Doco! "His cameras capture glaciers as they recede more kilometers in the past 10 years than in the previous century." Undeniable photographic/video and time lapse evidence that can not be denied.
I have included a link with incredible footage of a city sized ice shelf break apart:
The Team Leader and Presenter James Balog, scales the ice boot on and off. He gets his hands dirty with "Cryoconite" which is something I had never head of before. It's comprised of mineral dust from warmer regions of the world, rock particles from volcanic eruptions, and soot from fires, the emissions of our cars and coal-fired power plants. You will see just how much of this cryoconite is building up across what's left of our frozen regions and come to understand why the worlds scientist are more alarmed than ever before.
http://www.scilogs.com/…/when-glaciers-get-dirty-attack-of…/ (http://www.scilogs.com/from_the_lab_bench/when-glaciers-get-dirty-attack-of-the-cryoconites/)
http://darksnow.org/page/3/ (http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fdarksnow.org%2Fpage%2F3%2F&h=oAQHshab_&enc=AZP8uotaytnW4yQJjl9xSvUbbvDHR7goX7Tm76nEeq8I53 8uAkRDkdzAzYR37W1XcGE3ay70nwnoQipTVWXH8VvtlAv1xyC-FbiCCWl86Q8gf97IfdXkqVgNieQ3EX_OiueSnQ2JzfV7T8MXiC zLmfVVXM41fPCwU1zf3bcQ9b5-Hw&s=1)
I provided a graph to show the cO2 Levels - it reminded me of a comment recently made regarding to me about the state of the world. "No matter, I will be dead soon" I was born in 1969. (not that long ago) My kids were born in the red part of that graph and I just become a grandpa which 15 years further on from the pictured cO2 chart. Considering 10 years melting is more than a century's worth now - I don't feel so easy thinking about my kids having to breath in a population of 9 million plus.
This videography presentation of the world melting is a must watch. It is also as beautiful as it is alarming. What has melted is not coming back. That's the whole point ... the shelf is no longer growing as most people seem to think.
Check it out!


These graphs are like 15 years out of date - go figure! It's foolish to debate climate change these days. Bliss has a way of Denying.


Note* I note the spike in Co2 during ww2/Vietnam/Korea on the graph as shown. I draw a correlation to that with the economy and how it profits during times of conflict. Thought that was interesting to note.

05-31-2015, 06:34 AM
The world is good. Start writing about that. Find just one good thing about it, and explore from there. One thing will lead to the next.

05-31-2015, 01:58 PM
Each of us must write as they must. Respectfully, as so clearly depicted in the above documentary, the planet is quite I'll. For me, what is captured in the film correlates well with the sickness I so expressed in my Poem. Further more there are graphs that also validate for me, the nature of what I imply.

Just like the presenter in his film claims "When my children's, children ask me - "What were you guys doing back then?" Like him, I will say "I was doing all that I knew" I refuse to say "Not my problem - I will soon be dead". I do understand though, just how insurmountable the problem looks and that being said, why many do not want to look.

This leads me into another avenue, of how to present the evidence without stirring up - debate. Makes me think on the classic hand out pamphlets given to sufferers of Domestic Violence/Abuse:


- "http://www.whiteribbon.org.au/?gclid=CPOVu4nb7MUCFREDvAodcSAA8Q" -

It's a good angle in which to address. It's exactly the same with this world. These kind of revelations rarely see any kind of feedback. No one likes to stand out in the cold, but I am really glad that James Balog does. Slowly there are more and more people baring the truth. If I am to believe in anything or invest in any kind of hope, then it is helping people to see the warning signs to the planets inevitable collapse. It will heal, but man kind will not. (One can see the attraction to Fairy Tails - regardless of what comes next, what we do now is what counts) We have failed in out attempt, to dominate nature herself. We can not afford to keep looking at pretty things, taking pretty pictures whilst the world is falling apart.

So it is in the interest of promoting hope, that I fist start with those things that people do not wish to see. How one presents that is no doubt key. Right now, I am working on it for myself. I choose to look where I must.

When the climate changes, I will then afford myself the privilege to gaze. As a photographer I can truly say, the best thing I did "for myself", was sell all my gear. Something in my just gave in - I could see a change for the worse happening in front of me lens. As an avid Gardner that has dug the earth by hand years over, I have seen felt first hand how the climate has changed. So it was that I grew tired with my camera looking at all the pretty things. I know first hand that such beauty is also melting at a rapid rate like our ice.

Right now - l'm done with pretty pictures and will continue to show what I must. No doubt silver linings inspire as they do; but at this point such a view will only tip the scales in a direction that's inevitably going to cause much more pain than it really ought do

Time to start the cycle of healing, instead of hiding. First things first ... People need to wake up. - but yelling will not do.

05-31-2015, 03:11 PM
Hey, Dave, what's up with your font? It's really hard to read.

05-31-2015, 03:24 PM
Font looks OK to me? Just stopped in to read your post. Im just tagging along at the moment, not much to say. Always here to support you though. No matter what.

Catch you later.

05-31-2015, 04:17 PM
Srry about that Jesse ... whats was happening was me altering and editing between here, a poetry forum and facebook. Srry about that. I too noticed the changing effects. I settle with the last font in the end as like Marc figured it was good enough. edit - just made font bigger. Hope that helps :)

Thanks for your reply there Marc. Much appreciated.

I decided to rewrite my Analysis for easier reading. Still a lot to work needed, I know ... I intend to come up with some kind of walk in the park as ones resolution regardless of whatever. all in due time.

Here is the link to the rewrite (basically the same and whilst it still needs more fluidity its now an easier read than it was) ... but I know you already get my gist.

I have something else of more interest for you guys ... but first I could really go some coffee ... touch wood.

05-31-2015, 04:44 PM
I'm just reading your analysis. Shoot, Dave! Where were you when I was doing my English GCSE and we had to pick apart the poems of Seamus Heaney? :)

I'm glad you've done a detailed analysis. I'm always a big fan of them. I know some people think, "hey, let the reader create their own picture", but I always like to know what the author was thinking. Even when I'm listening to the most random of songs, often I'll go search the lyrics to find out the meaning and the context.

I think you'd be really popular in England, actually. Not that you're after that! but since we got our conservative government again (in early May), a lot of people have really woken up to the prospect of rewritten history. We've had a lot of climate change demos, a lot of demos against austerity (while the rich get richer, might I add). We've even had discussions against the EU (which is fairly good for keeping peace, but allows banks and certain diplomats more power than they've ever had in this part of the world). The light has really been shone on certain aspects of politics and sociology. How things will turn out, I don't know. The government have used scapegoats for a very long time, and here, people are starting to see through that now.

I assume it's still business as normal in America though. Democrat Republicans and Republican Democrats jostling for power and self-serving while they're at it.

Great commentary anyway, man. I'm going to keep an eye on your work as you develop it further.

05-31-2015, 05:29 PM
Thanks heaps for the encouragement. A well received lift I must admit. There were a few comments I picked up early into the Chasing Ice Presentation with regards to connecting with the main stream audience. It's a fine line to draw, but I want to learn how to effectively communicate to those who still resist.

I hear what your saying about the politics. Nice to hear from the other side. Sometimes Dahila (Hi Dahila) will let me know some of the things happening in Canada. Last I heard about Canada, is it's like in Australia. Very Authoritative of late and resistant to change. I could be wrong. Nice to hear about awareness campaigns doing well over you way. Despite resisting politics and more laws disabling whatever movements, I agree there is change in attitudes taking place.

I see what I can do to adopt such a positive tone. :) - I'm trying to lift my head up.

Sometimes my passion leads me to forget taking out words like "You, Should, Must, We" and so on" I don't want to sound pompous or arrogant.
Learning to write with influence is hard whilst keeping an honest and compassionate tone. (must remind myself to think more on compassion ... vanity creeps in easily)

You have been teaching a lot . Marc has been helping me a too. Patients goes a long way.

Thanks guys ...
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With regards to entertainment ... (smiles) ... I came across a film I think may be interesting. I think Marc will like it. But have to run now ... will track down the name of it as I forgot already. It has Hugh Jackman in it. I make that post in a new thread. It's a spiritual one.