View Full Version : Does this sound like Social Phobia? :/

12-12-2013, 01:16 AM
So, I know that I have anxiety and depression, but I'm not sure if I have social phobia as well... I know it's something I can talk to my psychologist about, but, I'm not seeing her for a while, so I wanted to know what you guys thought??

-I constantly worry about what people are thinking about me, and if I think someone dislikes me then I get really upset and can't stop worrying about it.
-I apologise for pretty much everything. Especially if there's an awkward silence. I don't know why, I just feel the need to .__.
-I feel like I'm annoying everyone. All the time. And I keep asking people if I'm annoying them, which annoys them even more.
-Talking to people in shops, or teachers, or people who I'm not close to really flusters me. I usually stutter a little, or slur my words, or don't know what to say. Even talking to my friends flusters me sometimes.
-Seeing acquaintances in public really freaks me out. I try and hide from them, sometimes even if they've seen me I just freeze and turn around, pretending I was walking the other direction.
-If someone doesn't say "bye" when online chatting, I worry that they're mad at me.
-I feel like I can't relax in public; I walk stiffly, I constantly look around everywhere, and I always check my reflection.
-Sometimes I really can't face school, or parties, or going out. It's often because I feel too tired, but I just get this feeling that I can't face seeing anyone that day.
-I feel shy and awkward all the time, and constantly think to myself "why am I like this?"
-If I go anywhere with family, I feel embarrassed, and constantly ask them to just be quiet. They're not even that embarrassing, in the grand scheme of things :/

So, any ideas? Thank you so much to anyone who took the time to read this x

12-12-2013, 02:24 PM
Hi Thousandmiles!! Oh honey I sooo know what you are going through!! Every single thing you mentioned is me to a Tee!! I feel and do exactly the same things!!! And YES that is absolutely social anxiety disorder or social phobia (same thing). I truly empathize with you living this way is so hard and weird and awkward and I too constantly apologize! And what you said about feeling like people are mad at you if they don't say goodbye, I cracked up! Not because it's funny but because I feel the same way!!! I constantly think people are mad at me even if there's no reason they should be! And even online if people don't say certain things I think they don't like me!!! I feel awkward and frozen around all people even those I know. I can't even answer my phone or make phone calls I constantly feel like everyone is judging me or laughing at me. When people even look at me I freeze and my face gets hot and turns red and I stumble for words. I mean literally everything you mentioned I go through! I don't have much time right now otherwise I would go into more but I really wanted to reach out to you!! I have had this my whole life and I feel for all who suffer from it. I am always here if you want to chat or have questions or anything! I'm really sensitive so it gives me a lot if empathy so never feel like you would be bothering me or ever upset me ( I know that's how I feel so it keeps me from reaching out so I want you to know I really do understand :) ). So sorry I don't have more time at the moment and I truly hope this helped you in anyway. Sincerely, casstar01 :)

12-12-2013, 03:39 PM
My sister has this.. She can't sit in the front seat of a car due to fear of being seen by someone she knows.. She is home schooled.. She goes out places and is okay.. But she NEEDS someone with her.. She refuses to do anything by herself.. She has OCD.. Very frantic little soul.. I never really understood.. Until I started getting server panic attacks.. Now I get it..

12-12-2013, 03:53 PM
I would definitely talk to your psychologist about it the next time you see them. It does sound like you could have social phobia.

12-12-2013, 03:59 PM
Yep, social anxiety. The most common type. Alankay

12-13-2013, 01:33 AM
Thanks for the responses guys ;A; And thank you casstar01 for making me realise I'm not alone in feeling the way I do ^_^ I really hope you are able to overcome it some day, and I'm sure you will - good luck, maybe we can overcome it together! :3

12-15-2013, 11:55 AM
Your very welcome Thousandmiles!!! I'm so glad I could help! :). Thanks so much for your kind words. And that sounds nice-to work on getting through our similar issues together. :) like I said I'm always here!! Casstar01