View Full Version : Anyone tried Sertraline/Zoloft ?

12-30-2013, 04:17 AM
Hi,I've been on Sertraline 50mg for a week now for my Social Anxiety,to be honest I do feel less anxious,I used to get a real racing heart when speaking to groups and noticed that's been a lot better the only thing I've really noticed is I'm extremely tired,barely able to function,is this something I've got to live with or will it get better when I get used to the drugs?

12-30-2013, 07:33 AM
Hi SJD im on sertraline 50mg as well for my anxiety. The inital effects of taking this should be wearing off soon and I find I dont notice any side effects any more.
This small dose seems to work well for me I still have some periods of anxiety, but nothing like I used too.
I hope this was of help to you and its very good to meet you.

12-30-2013, 08:44 AM
Hi Cully,nice to hear someone is on this as well,took me almost a year before I started taking them last week,got the prescription in January,to be honest I don't feel my anxiety is as bad as a lot of people on here,just get racing heart when speaking in public etc and that makes my voice shake,after taking for a week I haven't experienced that yet so maybe they are working ?. Do you think 50mg is enough to take ?,with the tiredness I thought it would get worse if I had to increase my dose ? How are you finding them,any major side effects ? Thanks for your reply,really appreciate it :-)

12-30-2013, 08:52 AM
Hi,I've been on Sertraline 50mg for a week now for my Social Anxiety,to be honest I do feel less anxious,I used to get a real racing heart when speaking to groups and noticed that's been a lot better the only thing I've really noticed is I'm extremely tired,barely able to function,is this something I've got to live with or will it get better when I get used to the drugs?


I take 50mg aswell but going up to 100 on wednesday this should eventually wear off once your tolerance for the med builds up

12-30-2013, 09:11 AM
worriedmummy85 were you affected by tiredness and if so how long did it last for ?,also feel a bit drugged up,walking around in a bit of a haze but putting that down to feeling so tired,if I knew i would get past this stage it would encourage me to keep going with them

12-30-2013, 09:59 AM
I have no side effects now, when I first started taking them I felt awful for at least a week. I was very tired, anxious and unable to concentrate also a bit jittery feeling. I was supposed to go up to 100mg but am coping on 50 so I just half them.

12-30-2013, 10:28 AM
Are you male or female ?,I'm male and was a bit worried because of sexual dysfunction that I've read about ?,how you been ?

12-30-2013, 11:27 AM
Hi,I've been on Sertraline 50mg for a week now for my Social Anxiety,to be honest I do feel less anxious,I used to get a real racing heart when speaking to groups and noticed that's been a lot better the only thing I've really noticed is I'm extremely tired,barely able to function,is this something I've got to live with or will it get better when I get used to the drugs?

Hello there, it takes about 4 - 6 weeks for your body to adjust to the medicine. I am on 100mg of this a day. I cannot really say if I was tired from the meds or the anxiety and depression I was suffering from. For me I am exhausted after a bout with anxiety. Its possible that your fatigue is from the toll on your body that the attacks were doing, or it could be the meds but in any case it should resolve or at least get better soon.

12-30-2013, 11:29 AM
I have no side effects now, when I first started taking them I felt awful for at least a week. I was very tired, anxious and unable to concentrate also a bit jittery feeling. I was supposed to go up to 100mg but am coping on 50 so I just half them.

Hi there....I was on 50mg to start as well and was suppose to go up to 100mg but didn't at first. After awhile I decided "maybe" I could feel better because like you I felt like I was "coping" instead of actually doing better. I bumped up to 100mg a few weeks ago, I think I do feel better mentally and that makes me happy. Just wanted to share.

12-30-2013, 11:49 AM
Thanks guys,just nice to know there are other people out there on these drugs,It was scary to take them at first,still is a bit but I've suffered with Social Anxiety since I was at school (I'm 42 now !) and I thought,what the hell,have I really got anything to lose,just a bit worried that if they work the doctor will eventually stop my prescription and then I'll be back to square one,can you stay on Sertraline indefinitely ??

12-30-2013, 06:28 PM
[QUOTE="SJD;139022"]Thanks guys,just nice to know there are other people out there on these drugs,It was scary to take them at first,still is a bit but I've suffered with Social Anxiety since I was at school (I'm 42 now !) and I thought,what the hell,have I really got anything to lose,just a bit worried that if they work the doctor will eventually stop my prescription and then I'll be back to square one,can you stay on Sertraline indefinitely ??[/QUOTE

Hello yes you can stay on it as long as your doctor thinks you need it,I also got really
Tired the first week and A half of taking 50mg of
Sertraline and I've been on mine for 7 months now and all is fab,it does take a good few weeks to get fully into your body,hope this helps you :)

12-31-2013, 01:17 AM
Thanks em1,that really helps,thought I'd have to put up with this tiredness which I don't think I could of,I'm falling asleep at every given opportunity !!,I'm already feeling better in myself though so hopefully the tiredness will pass soon !,glad they are working well for you :-)

12-31-2013, 04:11 AM
worriedmummy85 were you affected by tiredness and if so how long did it last for ?,also feel a bit drugged up,walking around in a bit of a haze but putting that down to feeling so tired,if I knew i would get past this stage it would encourage me to keep going with them

I wasnt effected by tiredness I got the opposite effect and kept waking up but after about 2 weeks I started sleeping through and the vivid dreams stopped but I am also on propanolol so I dont know whether that was a factor for the waking up

12-31-2013, 06:33 AM
Im male 43 if I had and sexual dysfunction the sertraline would be straight down the toilet, I had better see if the wifes up for it tonight purely fo the sake of research.:rolleyes:

12-31-2013, 07:50 AM
You're one of the few then by the sounds of it,better not affect me that way !!,so you haven't noticed anything at all ??