View Full Version : Rah Rah Voice Tones Make me Feel very very Annoyed...................................

01-21-2015, 11:35 AM
Not to mention very anxious as many of these voice tones go with very shallow women in society. I have a Coppery Tone, as I have been told and that other tone is a complete opposite of my female vocal tone. But it also scares me to be aware that in society in America, CA specifically as I have experienced it. This is the New Dominatrix Tone and any female w/o it is seen as mouse like or not fluctuating in speech tone enough. Some school districts even have a rule that sub teachers must not speek in a flat vocal tone. Why, vocal tone is very personal, I feel. Therefore, knowing that they are minimizing my type of voice as a female in America, yes makes me very anxious, among other emotions too.....

So, "Shout, shout, let it ALL out, these are the things that i worry about. Come on now, shout, shout, let it ALL out thee are the things that i worry about............................."

01-21-2015, 06:22 PM
If it makes you feel any better, they are doing this kind of thing all over the world and I don't think it's anything new. They are simply perfecting the art of communication through the language of voice. Well actually there are some complicated practices but these forms are usually studied to pursued and control.

I understand your frustration and it is rather shallow to box people up like so. Yet another stigma - exacerbated by the lack of understanding by the masses who typically take the word of someone because it appears to be spoken confidently. Bit like paying more attention to the best dressed person who stands a head taller than everyone else. Just as women widely adopt high heals to gain a few inches height, or men choosing shoes for the same reason - so to do people stand in front of mirrors practicing their tone to impress, incite, or simply to master yet another prop that reflects anything but themselves.

Many people claim such is to boost, to improve, to simply become better than their less perfect self; yet all of these things are nothing than Add-ons, just extra things that do more for till of retailers than any justice to all that hype about ones self worth. The trouble is that once you take all the props away, all you are left with the original product. The one they teach that is never good enough, the one say is always in need - just one more thing ...

The study of how language works is not the problem. Indeed, when people look at things with the right view - there is much good that can come from learning about how we communicate, think, act and feel. The intent with which people adopt such insights, is all too often done so with an egotistical vain approach. It's all about getting more - being happier ... just one more little thing. If feels great! Everyone wants a piece of the cake! It's why we now live in an age based solely on selfish ideals built on useless props that deny ourselves and hides behind a common speech; called the pursuit of happiness.

...and to sum it up ... that speech is given with a well practiced and more often than not, digitally buffed tone upon a pedestal with the best dressed person in the house.
__________________________________________________ ____________

I like your tone. Keep it to what suits you ... and not some shallow minded and miss guided way of being.

Best wishes and all that,

01-21-2015, 08:09 PM
You think? Gee, now i really have a reason to floss my teeth more often. I need to have a better smile. I need nicer glasses, perhaps. To see or NOT to see is the question which i must ponder. Personally, flossing my teeth is for me, and I know it also helps me look better on the outside too. But gee, voice fluctuations and tone. When people expect us to speak a 2nd language in our country not even of our choosing, only to be born here. But to expect us to speak a foreign language, and squeak using only high notes to communicate to the kids we teach. Well, that's where I just don't even try. That's just shallow and i dont see how they have any business telling teachers how they may sound when they speak to children. I understand not using profanity, or showing anger to its extreme, but that's just a bit much for The American Teacher.

01-21-2015, 09:12 PM
I try not to think too much actually ... instead I try to go by my feeling and relate to that. I just seem to use a lot of words in that process and now that the topic is raised; tone is very much a subject unto my own heart ... more so opening up to how I feel, being honest with myself and looking to improve upon that. (it's a work in progress as I have been rather reactive in here ... to my own regret and detriment)

If I were to think, my thoughts would be not to place so much emphasis on terms like "America" or "American" as if that word bestows some kind of expectation and or is owed something.

It's not the things that we are sold that hold us back, but more the weight we place on them and also the emotion we invest in those words that eat us up inside.


I can see now that my own explanation is more about my own frustration and whilst I see it holding water in the wider terms of manipulation ... perhaps the intent for such tonal lessons for you, relates to your position as a teacher and of more practical intent than the manipulative kind I was referring too.

Your job role is to control the class of children, is it not? Kids today (just like us adults) have very short attention spans. Everything has to load up quickly and the layout of any device must have a short cut for everything. That's the generation we live in.

So - going with your current tone -> "Ya think ... Gee"

Maybe you should focus more on your job role, and less on what country you live in and what language you think it is that other should or should not speak?

... ARRRR ... maybe tone has a lot to do with communicating after all?

How can I better say that in a way that you might understand me better?

I can only hope, that in this here effort to rant as you do - that you will find the space you need to deal with your anger ... so that when you return to work and address the children, others will hear it in your voice that you have indeed addressed these unresolved issues.

Kids are excellent at detecting such tone ... like dogs that can smell fear.

I take my hat off to you, taking on such a roll. The education system is in great need of teachers that can take the time to communicate effectively. I think teachers could go a long way to alleviate fear, by practicing to listen. We all need to learn to slow down ... and in doing, no rehearsals are needed, as our tone will adjust naturally on it's own to reflect what we really feel, as opposed to think.

Food for thought.

Since you asked ... That's what I think. Scratch that -> That's how I feel.

01-25-2015, 03:53 PM
Also, since I fell right on my neck at the age of 12 ice skating and ever since my vocal tones have been this way I think. I fell several times in life on my chest and thank God I'm not palalyzed from my trip and falls, thus far. God has been good to me so far. Thanks God.....

01-25-2015, 10:59 PM
So pleased you understood me.

Don't forget, when your finished worshiping; to save yourself a little of that grace. You sound like you need it more than your God does.

With metta,