View Full Version : General Discussion
- Chest pain
- Breathing im
- Severe panic attack. !!!
- Feeling weird
- fearing the day so it hard to get out of bed
- I swear
- Help! Please!
- Has anyone ever had this
- I did it!!!!!
- Pictures Thread
- Riding body temprature
- heart racing
- Head Pressure
- Blood Pressure Machines
- Was feeling pretty good until today
- Anxiety attack hangover
- Ate Too Fast
- Weird stiches like a needle in my back
- why are we here
- Weird sensation
- Someone help me!
- :(
- My open letter to anxiety and depression
- anxious about going back to work
- Awake!!
- Having an awful night
- Dramatic or feeding my anxiety?
- I hate this
- Sleep anxiety - mental break
- inner shaking
- Findibg it hard to sleep :(
- Bounding Pulse
- Fainting and panic
- Palpatations
- Psychosymatic symptoms?
- Afraid of lose my family and die alone
- Mitral valve prolapse
- Throat closing up
- Jessed...melanoma update
- Anxiaty and urination please help
- My life is a wreck...need someone to talk to. Please.
- My story, need help please!!!!!!!!
- shakyness :(
- :(
- halloween was scary for me
- Feeling hopeless
- Freaking out, on the edge of an attack
- Chest pain
- Anxiety disorder it should I get checked out?
- Ok please help please
- Sadist
- Useful link
- My Chronic Anxiety Has Actually Improved--Here is What I Did
- Made Up phobias
- A big thank you and an apology
- feeling optimistic despite bad news from doctors
- i dont belong
- Chamomile tea.
- Panic attack
- Sadness
- i hate myself
- Heart is pausing....scared to death!
- Post panic attack feelings
- Just wondering
- Insomnia ...
- chest pain :(
- true friends
- Hangover and anxiety
- Pains
- New member
- Upper stomach
- Stomach pains.
- This is absolutely amazing.
- Any people waiters? Onto my third real job and extremely nervous..
- A Cold and other stuff
- Alone
- Cutting Again wirh anxiety- help!
- a POEM that describes my social anxiety
- Please read - needing advice
- Do anti depresants work
- loneliness
- Are these anxiety symptoms ? My life is hell !
- Ruined Opportunities
- Why do i do it ???
- How do you?
- Scared!!
- Another attack.
- Success and wanted to ask the forum a favor please read :)
- Help as anyone?
- sertline
- How I overcame my anxiety
- Helping a friend with anxiety
- Scared?!!
- Panick attack at night
- Google is off the devil!!
- Panic!!
- Can GAD just pop up like this?
- Heart
- Health Anxiety--so consuming! And my latest...
- ???
- Anxiety timeline
- Burning sensation running through my body.
- Derealization worse
- advice?
- I dont know what happened
- Work!
- Stomach issues
- Advice needed!
- Sertraline 50mg advice
- Would like to talk about my anxiety
- Do things inprove
- Anxiety & Depression due to virginity and lack of relationships
- Anyone else?
- Pains
- muscle twitches
- Breathing trouble scared it peaunomia
- Ugh
- Fretting
- Blah :(
- Anxiety linked to menstruation?
- Something horrible happening
- Heart flutters out of control!! Period?
- Has anyone anxiety became worse when working out
- discomfort
- chest pain
- Dizapam advice
- Help advise needed
- Phew what a relief
- Morning headaches
- Why do I keep thinking about it if it's not true??? :(
- Heart
- Good Good Good TERRIBLEEEE
- need advice about morning anxiety
- College Exams
- Appt with a Professional Psychologist
- Miserable
- Irritated & scared
- Feeling Miserable -_-
- Questions at the doctor's office for possible anxiety issues...
- Still Anxiety Free...So Can You be!
- Need cheering up losing the will to live here
- Rabies Anxiety
- bad day =[
- I'm terrified I have some horrible disease - Aches and pains all over for a month now
- Bubbling, tingling sensation... any advice
- Nervous and stress.
- Globus hystericus
- Help.....What's wrong with me
- Hi just wondering if anyone will sign this please?
- Feeling off mentally
- I'm new! Any mothers with anxiety? Please help
- Shooting pains in head
- Help with meds
- Anyone from australia
- stomach and anxiety
- Chest probs
- Please help me...
- Dentist today :(
- Fed up of palpitations
- Attention Rant-- Anxiety Up snd Pissed!!
- Anyone else?
- Update from Appt
- Just need some help...
- BAD WEEK .. any input would be helpful
- does this chest pain sound muscular??
- Help?
- Anxious about going away for a few days
- Scared
- Heartbeat??
- Really bad vision...convinced I have a brain tumor
- Heart
- Feel heart beat
- Dreading today!
- Rabies anxiety after being bitten by a cat on holiday
- Please help
- Can certain foods make your anxiety worse
- Tired and weak
- Weanin of propranolol
- Panic feeling while trying to sleep
- Citalopram
- Sad news. :(
- Paranoid Shcizophrenia or Anxiety?
- Girls advice (mamogram)
- Panic attack after exercise
- Diabetes?
- caffine & anxiety.
- Just a tip maybe?
- 23andMe
- sharp pains in belly (feels sore too) an chest
- Freaking out
- Arm pain!!
- feeling unwell everyday
- bedtime
- Unsteady, dizzy, cant feel legs sometimes.....
- How do you cope with anxiety within the working environment?
- Cant sleep
- Fear of low blood sugar?
- only at bed time
- I definitely have schizophrenia--and I'm terrified!!
- Its back!
- fed up with my husband!
- Persistant Nausea? Anxiety cause this?
- Throat swelling and hoarse voice. Just a panic attack?
- weird feelings
- Just me freaking out again
- drained...
- anyone?
- For those of you who have beat anxiety
- being a parent
- advice on anxiety fears please
- urgh :(
- Well me again
- Hypomania
- Should you cry it out during an anxiety attack??
- Msg
- Palpatations.
- Sternum Pain
- Napping and heart rate
- Scared of esphogous cancer and kidney failure
- Pains
- maybe my story helps!!
- anxiety and ocd and eating disorders
- Flu/cold
- Loneliness
- anxiety fears scary
- Panic attack/ havent been the same
- Long story
- So sick of feeling unsteady, off balance and funny swimming head!!
- Need help
- Support needed, please.
- Advice about propanolol
- Chest pain!!!
- Weak, shaky legs
- Blood test Friday, therapist was no help.
- Its was all going so well
- Is double the work worth double the money worth maybe more stress??
- discomfort in centre of chest
- Sexual anxiety because of abusive mother
- My Experience and Life with Anxiety - Looking for the "old me" - Please Resopnd
- reflux
- Burning sensation ON chest
- What Herbal Medication or Home Remedies Help?
- Bad week
- Heartbeat
- My Brain Is Ruining My Life!
- Overthinking/Paranoid!
- Started therapy and feeling worse.
- Anxiety,Paranoia or depression?????
- Giggles and... Derealization?
- Ugh :(
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