View Full Version : General Discussion
- Chest pain
- Anxiety levels
- Holy basil
- bodyaches after taking lexapro? HELPPP
- Us as sufferers
- scared antibiotics havent worked
- Stepping out of my comfort zone
- bad anticipatory anxiety
- Anxiety Expert help ? Or anyone
- Anxious thoughts
- Does anyone else NOT believe in taking medication?
- Weigh in on my anxiety please
- is this normal? please help
- Relationships, UGHHH!!!
- High amxiety today
- Advice please
- how do u manage or challange your symptoms??
- Chest Breathing
- neck pain
- really need some help and answers please
- Vitamin d questions
- Beta-blocker question.
- Don't understand
- Very frustrated...
- Misophonia...
- Tired of symptoms ... Is this normal
- Chest Tightness and Feeling Airless?
- Toilet anxiety
- Is it bad to be intelligent..?
- Suicide.
- scared of sedation
- Vials of blood
- Can anyone answer this question?
- Anxiety this early
- Doin well
- Stuck
- Pains throughout body?
- Questions for the ladies!!!!
- New here!!! Does anyone feel like have chest pains all day every day?
- want to laugh??
- Life...
- Sex
- Feeling dizzy
- Coffee..
- Does anyone feel strange after being normal...???
- Scary morning
- Really bad anxiety, need help
- General Anxiety
- Zoloft
- Dissociation constant
- Wow, its been a month!?
- Medication Poll...what have you liked and what have you hated?
- Hi friends!! Need your support!!
- Triumph over one now on to the next!
- borderline panic mode??
- Weight gain on Celexa?
- Bactrim = Anxiety/Depression?
- Question
- Being alone :(
- :O long time
- Remeron?
- Outraged at how i was treated today!!!
- Just when I thought I was getting better...
- Anxiety making me ill
- I found a way out, To anyone going through what I did, Plz read. It will help.
- Question for the ladies
- Marriage&Anxiety. :S
- Home from the psychiatrist
- Does anyone here love Animals? :)
- Anxiety/Dependence on Relationships
- can't stay calm :(
- muscle twitches- can anyone relate?- my anxiety story
- Kids
- Dare I Ask?
- Help for my sister
- cancelled everything :/
- Drawing ideas?
- Question...
- Idk idk idk idk
- Advice!
- Breathing
- Impressed with magnesium(magnesium chloride)
- Triggers at Work.
- Happy
- Tips on dealing with Anxiety!!
- I hate my job.
- Forum - benefitial?
- Chest Pain
- What to expect?
- Panicking badly over everything
- feeling rubish
- Hormonal anxiety at 27?
- Periods and anxiety
- Sertraline Day 5
- Just checking in with you all :) x
- Ft. Hood Shooting
- Breathing techniques - Nadi Shodana
- tight achy feeling at base of neck??
- Feeling really bad
- Hmmm
- Tattoo
- Accommodate or fight?
- Breathing Question!
- Big Changes In Life
- Jobs and anxiety
- My anxiety is one up on me again
- Extreme claustrophobia in lifts: help!
- Yet another concern :(
- I dont know what to do with myself!?! With my chest pains!!!!?
- Update on where I have been!
- Is klonopin dangerous?
- strange so called anxiety ????
- Huge meltdown, help!
- obsessing over low heart rate
- bad day :(
- worrying about rash!!
- Hey I'm new here help me out...A hypochondriac :(
- Meeting a guy
- Anyone?
- Heyyy
- Holy crap.
- Do i have ti take these anxiety meds for the rest of my life?
- Here we go :D
- Anxiety is Town to be passed through
- Please go check out my anxiety blog! :)
- These meds are kicking my a&@
- how do I stop this dizziness and off balance feeling?
- Looking for a root cause...
- Windows 8 please...screwed up!
- Important Effexor Question
- Breathing
- 7 days sertraline and feel worse
- Advice for exercising to help anxiety/fatigue
- yes, me again!
- opinion please
- Help cant breathe
- Vitamin B complex always making me feel sick?
- Im stuck..
- Does it get better?
- Obsessive thoughts will they stop?
- Gone Green?
- Psychiatrists...
- Another sleepless night :(
- Fear of Abandonment
- Citicoline Sodium for anxiety...need ur views please
- Holding a speech
- Nervous about Dr. Appointment today...
- Anxiety About Sleeping - Need help!
- Questionnnn :)
- sick and tired :(
- Panic
- worried about fiancé
- Need some help!
- 27 y/o M Lifelong anxiety, Panophobia?
- I wish someone could get it :(
- Finally letting one's family and friends know about one's disorder(s)-share stories?
- Racing mind
- Having Driving lessons with Anxiety!!!!
- This is weird..
- Shortness of breath...
- Need some advice
- Having this weird feeling....anyone experience this
- Wanting To Give Up.
- Stomach Pains
- :-(
- Return to work/NHS counselling
- anyone any idea?
- I hate night times
- Hey guys
- First diagnosis 18 years ago. It's just gotten worse.
- back to work
- Feeling like sh*t - Some motivation
- :(
- ???
- anyone
- Is it bar
- Hot flashes / facial flushing
- Had the flu, now my anxiety is in overdrive!!
- Zoloft Sertraline
- PLEASE help me, I'm in so much distress!
- Wellbutrin side effects :(
- lexapro.
- Idiot doctors!
- Ouch Ouch Chest Pains!
- Is this my meds?
- Advice
- I keep looking for symptoms!
- trying to hang in there
- TRIGGERS: anxiety back
- Heat.
- Heyy
- Having such a bad time
- Bad days :|
- don't know what to do
- Anyone ever get this feeling?
- Any body else get skipped heart beats of anxiety?
- Probiotics
- pains in chest
- Anxiety Attacks from missing a girl, need help
- Update
- worried
- I dont have anxiety, but i do?
- So nervous
- anyone please?
- Working nights and mood
- Fed up!!!
- why do doctors hate me?
- Does religion help you guys with religion?
- Pure Ocd coming back ...
- Asthma (reliever inhaler) & Panic Attacks
- Intrusive thoughts...
- Im going crazy thinking about this all the time!
- Anxiety because of someone possible ?
- Genetic testing results came back
- Anxiety every weekend like clock work
- ugh
- For Jason123
- Do I need to see a therapist?
- Anxiety with the city
- nauseous
- I am so tired of not sleeping
- I'm severely underweight, anyone else have this problem?
- Does anyone else think anxiety has had a positive effect on you?
- Life Update
- Myself
- Panic!
- Another year wasted
- Effexor question? A recovery story.
- anxiety or heart problem?
- Please help me I think im violent and I feel horrendous
- Here we are...
- Over active thyroid
- Having a panic atrack
- Just a really flawed time of late
- Anxiety in the office
- Does this theory check out?
- chest pain
- Numbness but not numb?
- Severe sadness - depression?
- Has anyone overcome fear of abandonment or relationship anxiety?
- Made it through the day
- Shitty day with the pdoc
- Just curious... Anyone else find this?
- Honestly so scared right now
- Advice on wellbutrin :)
- Tips for starting an ssri
- Am i going crazy?
- Sensations on Arms and Wrists
- palps
- Stuck in a rut
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