View Full Version : Need some help!

04-07-2014, 03:44 PM
Hi all,
New here and not sure if this is where i am supposed to post this or not but here goes. I am maxing my xanax daily dosage and have bad anxiety and panic attacks due to the upcoming removal of this pre "C" thing on the inside of my upper lip. Then I have the dredded wait for the results. Hell, i don't need the results i already have myself with one foot in the grave and all I can think about is what are my three kids going to do without dad. who's going to teach my son to tie his shoe's and play ball etc. etc. It is consuming almost every min. of my day. I can't even concentrate to help my 3rd grader with her home work and it feels like my whole body is ball of tense muscle. I just weened myself off of paxil after a 13 year run with it and have been off for a year. I thought that I had this under control, guess not.

04-07-2014, 04:55 PM
Hi all, New here and not sure if this is where i am supposed to post this or not but here goes. I am maxing my xanax daily dosage and have bad anxiety and panic attacks due to the upcoming removal of this pre "C" thing on the inside of my upper lip. Then I have the dredded wait for the results. Hell, i don't need the results i already have myself with one foot in the grave and all I can think about is what are my three kids going to do without dad. who's going to teach my son to tie his shoe's and play ball etc. etc. It is consuming almost every min. of my day. I can't even concentrate to help my 3rd grader with her home work and it feels like my whole body is ball of tense muscle. I just weened myself off of paxil after a 13 year run with it and have been off for a year. I thought that I had this under control, guess not.


Ahhh another Paxil buddy! :) why did get off the Paxil?

& when's this removal??

The good thing is that they're removing it! Easier said than done but try not to stress! Enjoy the time with your family :) I know how hard it is trying to go on with life when you're constantly worrying about something!!

Hang in there friend!

04-07-2014, 05:03 PM
I got off the paxil mostly because of the weight gain and I thought that i was over what had made me get on it in the first place. The removal is this wed. at 8:15 am. I am sort of ok with that part it, it's the waiting for what the results may be that I freak over. Thanks so much for the kind words.

04-07-2014, 05:07 PM
Hi, I got off the paxil mostly because of the weight gain and I thought that i was over what had made me get on it in the first place. The removal is this wed. at 8:15 am. I am sort of ok with that part it, it's the waiting for what the results may be that I freak over. Thanks so much for the kind words.

Ahhh that's what I'm afraid of! How much did you gain?? :/

& oh yes, waiting sucks!!

But if it's bad news they call the same day! So if you get no call, that usually means good news! :)

& no problem!! :)

04-07-2014, 05:18 PM
I gained about 118 pounds in the 13 years. ( wow I know ) I lost almost 60 in the first year and 3 months and was really happy about it. THEN when I got this news I started to think maybe the weight loss was because of an illnes. It's a health anxiety thing i guess.

04-07-2014, 05:21 PM
I gained about 118 pounds in the 13 years. ( wow I know ) I lost almost 60 in the first year and 3 months and was really happy about it. THEN when I got this news I started to think maybe the weight loss was because of an illnes. It's a health anxiety thing i guess.

I've read a lot about people gaining a lot.. I'm only on 1 month of Paxil & that worries me.

But yea, my mom has health anxiety so I know how hard it is :/

04-07-2014, 05:28 PM
Please do not get off of the paxil if it is helping you. I made the mistake of listening to people with no medical training telling me to get off of that stuff and that I did not need it, even after my sister the "shrink" strongly advised not to. Wish I listened to her as she is a well trained professional.

04-07-2014, 05:42 PM
Please do not get off of the paxil if it is helping you. I made the mistake of listening to people with no medical training telling me to get off of that stuff and that I did not need it, even after my sister the "shrink" strongly advised not to. Wish I listened to her as she is a well trained professional.

Okay I won't!!

Why don't you get back on??

04-07-2014, 05:50 PM
I am seriously thinking about it. I should also mention that I moved into a desk type job postion that was not very good on the waist line either. Paxil is not an easy drug to get off of either and they do not tell you that. It has some strange withdrwal side effects.

04-07-2014, 06:00 PM
I am seriously thinking about it. I should also mention that I moved into a desk type job postion that was not very good on the waist line either. Paxil is not an easy drug to get off of either and they do not tell you that. It has some strange withdrwal side effects.

You should if it helped!! :)

& ahhhh I've heard about the withdrawal. I've read about it on google :/ not looking forward to that but I've got a while til I worry about that one!! Lol

04-07-2014, 06:07 PM
Yep. keep going on it because it takes awhile for the body to get the full affects of it. I think it took me about six weeks befor i noticed it. And if you and your doc decide to get off of it once you realize what the withdrawl symptoms are it's managable. If done slowly, almost forgot that part.

04-07-2014, 06:12 PM
Yep. keep going on it because it takes awhile for the body to get the full affects of it. I think it took me about six weeks befor i noticed it. And if you and your doc decide to get off of it once you realize what the withdrawl symptoms are it's managable. If done slowly, almost forgot that part.

Okay awesome, thanks for the advice!

& good luck :) let us know how it goes Wednesday!!

04-07-2014, 06:15 PM
I will be sure and do that. Thanks again, it really helps to chat about ones prob. especially with people who understand. Have a great night.

04-07-2014, 06:24 PM
I will be sure and do that. Thanks again, it really helps to chat about ones prob. especially with people who understand. Have a great night.

No problem!! :)

& you have a good night also!!