View Full Version : Dare I Ask?

04-02-2014, 03:32 PM
I've seen that there are a few threads on here about smoking marijuana with anxiety. I don't mean to be rude, but it was mostly people bagging on it, and talking about studies that show it makes anxiety worse.. Well, there's also studies that show that it can help anxiety. (Not for everybody of course) It mostly has to do with the person smoking/eating it, and the THC/CBD levels.
Now, I'm daring to ask this one question, but! I only want your personal experiences. NO research this, articles that. My question for all of you is, What has been your experience with smoking/eating marijuana while dealing with your anxiety?

My answer: Marijuana has actually helped quite a bit for me in dealing with my anxiety. I started smoking more regularly when I realized that it was helping me with how calm I was able to feel. Usually if I have to go somewhere by myself, smoking calms me enough to muster up the courage to atleast leave the house. Ever since I ran out of my Hydroxyzine (Vistaril), I haven't been able to help my attacks unless I have marijuana. Every time I've talked to my doctor about smoking it, he tells me that, As long as it isn't aggravating my anxiety that I should be fine if I choose to continuing doing so, but to remember that him telling me to. It seems that when I'm high, my racing thoughts slow way down.

I really hope that I'm not the only one, and that none of you judge me for this. Its helping me to keep my attacks at bay atleast.

04-02-2014, 03:52 PM
Hey After5hock!

I had a very bad experience with MJ. In fact, it triggered my anxiety. Whenever I smell, smoke or even see MJ, I completly freak out because it reminds me of my first panic attack, which was horrible. Even reading about it or talking about it, could get me to freak out. Luckily I have control over it now.

This is what I think: You can use MJ if it makes you less anxious or if it makes you relaxed. But remember that you're taking the risk. It can boost up your anxiety. I've seen people who smoke for 10-11 years and suddenly get panic attacks and other, worse things. Cannabis does bring up some psychosis attributes too.

So, I would say smoke it, just like you take meds. It's not good in the long run. But if it can help you to calm down, relax and refocus, then I don't see why not? But I would say avoid it when you don't need it.

This is how I see it tho.


04-02-2014, 04:03 PM
It's a no for me also. A lot of people say oh smoke some weed & it'll calm you but nooooo. Not for me!

I tried smoking when I only had anxiety, not panic attacks & it made me feel horrible. I could only imagine how id be now!! Lol

& like Alias, smelling it or anything freaks me out! I always plug my nose when I smell it.

I don't like things that me feel different though. That's a huge fear of mine.

04-02-2014, 04:06 PM
weed=anxiety for me..
I will have to stick with xanax, lyrica, abilify, tramadol, ritalin...for now.
If it works for you, then stick with it!!

E-Man.. :)

04-02-2014, 04:19 PM
Thank you all. I'm glad I'm not getting yelled at. Lol.
I do understand that at any time it could flip on me, but I try to help it by sticking to strands favoring CBD rather than THC. I do not plan to be a smoker for forever, I'm using it as a tool for my recovery.

04-02-2014, 04:54 PM
Thank you all. I'm glad I'm not getting yelled at. Lol.
I do understand that at any time it could flip on me, but I try to help it by sticking to strands favoring CBD rather than THC. I do not plan to be a smoker for forever, I'm using it as a tool for my recovery.

Do you get any rebound anxiety or anything, or any anxiety coming up as you smoke?

One of my friends who is so pro-pot it's crazy has recently had to stop as she realized it was making her feel worse.

Gotta do what you've gotta do against the big A-beast. If I found something that worked, I'd stick at it, as long as it wasn't heroin lol. No judgements. Speak freely and jam forever.

04-02-2014, 05:56 PM
Do you get any rebound anxiety or anything, or any anxiety coming up as you smoke?

One of my friends who is so pro-pot it's crazy has recently had to stop as she realized it was making her feel worse.

Gotta do what you've gotta do against the big A-beast. If I found something that worked, I'd stick at it, as long as it wasn't heroin lol. No judgements. Speak freely and jam forever.

I have noticed that with what we get settles my nervous, and helps with my chest tightness. The crappier the product, the less it helps. No rebound anxiety either. The only problem with anxiety that I ever had with smoking was this day that I had gotten way to high (like barely move kinda high). It didn't necessarily trigger my anxiety, but I wasn't comfortable with it. However, I do keep two back up valium as my just-in-case.
Sorry to hear that your friend's anxiety got worse. I hope she finds relief.<3

04-02-2014, 06:36 PM
My brother is "Drug Induced" schizophrenia - Drug of choice is ... marijuana. A fiend of mine in the last town I lived in was also "Drug Induced" schizophrenia, and their drug of choice was ... marijuana. I am borderline paranoia with Extreme Anxiety that has me pegged as Dysfunctional in Society - my drug of choice ... marijuana.

People react differently to different drugs - There are just so many variables but without a doubt given the recent jump in legalization of marijuana - it is fast becoming a new age drug in it's own right. Medical Marijuana. Where do you obtain you pot ? - from a distribution center certified bla bla bla. Just as with the FDA and pharmaceuticals I would question your average grade of pot coming out the door to be smokes by users who are not taking it for anything other than to get high. Like with most material that is no consumed. In that regard there is currently a lot of Miss leading information with rather Narrow Views stretch out to look informative, however they are just playing into the current marketing of Medical Marijuana itself.

Don't get me wrong - the evidence on Marijuana Oils and various other forms of manufactured marijuana medicines in Israel are proven medical marvels or is apparently more so officially reported. Where you get you Medical Marijuana and how you take it seems to be key to it's success being used to assist a persons imbalance. Most people into drugs this day and age, combined with the obvious marketing ploys and evil intent of the Pharmers ... have people on them sucked in and clambering for their new age wonder drugs - this is why we have so many people who do not need such drugs - stuck on and Dependant on them.

My point is, I find much of the information related to Medical Marijuana - specifically that which attempts to disprove the links between it and schizophrenia rather Narrow. Street Marijuana is something they are not taking into consideration. If you were to believe everything these new age marketers are trying to sell you - then your open to suffer as any addict would obtaining Pot of the street corner of form any average dealer. It's distributer like these that lace pot with chemicals that fuck with your head. I have been a past addict for many years - and even during those one would here about the medical claims and la la la la ....

Truth is most pot smokers --- that use it like alcoholics ... regardless or middle age well adjusted so called people ... If they smoke it like taking anti-depressants and or anti-psychotics - they too become addicted and climb the walls without - especially that crap sold from the corner of bought from a friend of a friend.

Unless you get you POT from a reputable / medical distributer and or someone who's in the know about extracting the chemicals that fuck your head over and breaks it down in a form not so commonly ingested - then I might believe the marvelous stories the this product delivers - but not your average crap sold - even legalized plastic bag distributors. Those kind of drugs are detrimental - as poisonous as alcohol and not the medical marvels magically putting people into remission. It's a false sense of peace that later heightens perceptions into a state of panic and frustration when the coffee shop closes it doors and leave you hanging dry.

The people that used drugs eons ago, knew how to grow and take it - All we have today are a generations of addicts looking a quick repetitive fix.

Again there is no doubt to some of the validations the Medical Marijuana is beneficial to various forms of "disease" and that the PHARMERS - do not want it on the market.

My summery is, that your kidding yourself if you buy it from a friend of a friend and smoke it whilst making such claims - lest you be suffering from a terminal illness and can state the source and chemicals within the drug - It's like making up some kind of religion to ease the fear of death. yet another quick and repetitive solution.

I don't buy the notion - but thanks for daring. Happy puffing and or ingesting. May your know the chemical structure of your source. Another good reason for labeling. ;)

04-02-2014, 07:45 PM
Have sinned greatly in the past;)) I have nothing against pure, clean joint. The only time I could watch movie without breaks in the same position it was after smoking..... I agree with Ponder that it should be controlled so we get pure and clean Marijuana....
Moderation is the key

04-02-2014, 08:01 PM
Thanks for your opinions. :)

04-02-2014, 10:09 PM
I want to smoke too. Alas it is impossible to find illicit drugs where I live.

04-02-2014, 10:29 PM
What's the MJ quality like in states where it's been legalized, like Colorado. Anybody know?

04-03-2014, 03:49 AM
What's the MJ quality like in states where it's been legalized, like Colorado. Anybody know?

I know that California has really good stuff (Pluton II, Northern Lights). A couple good strands in Florida (Charlotte's Web- high CBD). Michigan has some good stuff to (Blue Dream, ATF-some places) . I'm not really sure about very many other state.. although, I bet that Illinois will have some real good stuff. Lol.

04-03-2014, 03:50 AM
I want to smoke too. Alas it is impossible to find illicit drugs where I live.

I have to go to a surrounding state for the quality I get. (Luckily my man works in another state. Lol.)

04-03-2014, 03:47 PM
Thanks for your opinions. :)

...and that's all they are :)

04-03-2014, 08:39 PM
When I was in hospital, I saw people who we're experiencing psychotic symptoms from using MJ. After seeing That I'll keep my anxiety :)

04-03-2014, 11:58 PM
When I was in hospital, I saw people who we're experiencing psychotic symptoms from using MJ. After seeing That I'll keep my anxiety :)

Lol. I hear ya.

04-04-2014, 07:46 AM
When I was in hospital, I saw people who we're experiencing psychotic symptoms from using MJ. After seeing That I'll keep my anxiety :)
Heavy smokers, yes, but if smoke twice in a quarter it should not happen:))

04-04-2014, 08:11 AM
Heavy smokers, yes, but if smoke twice in a quarter it should not happen:))

Damn, I smoked waaaay too much the first time. I started hallucinating and hearing voices. Not a very good experience.

I guess it depends on how much you smoke and how often.

04-04-2014, 08:50 AM
Damn, I smoked waaaay too much the first time. I started hallucinating and hearing voices. Not a very good experience.

I guess it depends on how much you smoke and how often.

I've never heard someone have that happen to them! Oh my.

04-04-2014, 08:51 AM
When I was in hospital, I saw people who we're experiencing psychotic symptoms from using MJ. After seeing That I'll keep my anxiety :)

That's crazy. If I had seen that, not knowing how it affected me, I probably never would've tried it. Lol.

04-04-2014, 10:48 AM
Heavy smokers, yes, but if smoke twice in a quarter it should not happen:))

I think it depends on the person, some people can not be affected at all and others can have a very bad reaction :)

04-04-2014, 11:55 AM
I think it depends on the person, some people can not be affected at all and others can have a very bad reaction :)

I agree. I smoke numerous times a day. Whenever I feel anxious, I smoke, and it chills me out a lot.

04-04-2014, 12:52 PM
I agree. I smoke numerous times a day. Whenever I feel anxious, I smoke, and it chills me out a lot.

till it does not, what do you do then? Overusing any substance or drugs is always creating dependency , especially with people suffering anxiety or depression

04-04-2014, 02:23 PM
till it does not, what do you do then? Overusing any substance or drugs is always creating dependency , especially with people suffering anxiety or depression

Then I'll stop.

04-04-2014, 02:59 PM
Then I'll stop.

You make it sound easy lol :P

04-04-2014, 03:06 PM
You make it sound easy lol :P

I've quit cutting, I've quit pills, and I quit cigarettes. (Cigs being the hardest)
I mean, I don't imagine that it'll be easy, but I'm sure if it starts making my anxiety go nutty.. that it'd be a lot easier to stop than any of the other three. Lol.