View Full Version : General Discussion
- Anxiety is not our fault!
- Anxiety and Pregnancy! Help Please!
- Trouble swaalowing; forgetting how to swallow???
- Anxiety and brain twitches/pains?
- Please help!
- Anti-Anxiety programs...It Works 100%
- does allergies give symptoms of depersonlization/ derealization, fog feeling?
- New Here (I think I'm a hypochondriac)
- Can anxiety affect only left arm and leg?
- Very frustrated!
- Feeling crazy!!
- Taste of Blood when I burp?? Pretty scared. Help?
- Eating When Anxious
- Heightened Senses?
- Its okay to feel anxious?
- Stress and Anxiety - My life
- Can feeling poorly set off anxiety?
- progress....
- Famous Quotes I've saved about worry/anxiety
- Overcoming Stage Fright (Auditioning)
- The Linden Method
- New to the Forums
- My story - Maybe it will help someone and perhaps someone can help me.
- some help please
- Just... Overwhelmed
- depersonaliztion limbs strange thoughts
- New to Anxiety- HELP? Suggestion?
- maybe someone can help
- A life changing decision
- Anxiety or MS,ALS,etc etc?
- Driving myself nuts
- What Do You Do If Your Therapist Talks Too Much?
- Can anxiety cause facial break outs
- Anxiety...still hanging around?
- Not Sure What I Have, Anxiety or Not?
- Anxious About Heart Condition
- How do you manage this anxiety symptom?
- Is this anxiety?
- If you have shortness of breath from anxiety..........
- anxiety and sleepwalking??
- GAD: falling asleep instead of freaking out?
- Anxiety, My Way?
- Fear of troubled breathing. New to medicine and have a question?
- Participants Required for Research in Dublin, Ireland
- Need Your Opinion
- Seeking advice regarding my partner who suffers from anxiety
- I Replied to a Question and Found an Answer
- First Time Anxiety
- AD Vent. Need advice- ready to throw in the white towel!
- Forget
- need reassurance
- Short term memory loss/brain fog and anxiety?
- What A Long Strange Trip It's Been [My Story on Hypochondria + Somatoform Pain]
- Do psychiatrists really help?
- headaxhe..
- Feel my anxiety is coming back :(
- Anxiety & fear of death ...
- palpitations/ heart rate
- Anxiety... Bad Tachycardia... and now surgery
- The art of understanding.....
- GAD and Depression Spiralling Out of Control
- Losing myself
- Feeling terrible - possible suicidal thoughts inside.
- the best website ever for anxiety :)
- Social Anxiety?
- Cymbalta to tianeptine. scarredd.
- going thru alot. new here
- My first posting on this forum
- confused...
- What to do about intrusive thoughts - shall I worry about acting upon them?
- How is Citalopram (Celexa) ?
- anxiety and bulimia??:S
- Death anxiety getting too much....
- please help!!!
- Numbness, tingling, nausea
- Anxiety Leading to Vomiting
- A Unique anxiety, Sanity, Help Please
- ACCUTANE and anxiety/depression/dry thoat/ swallowing difficulty/ MEMory loss
- Mom & Wife,,,needing help dealing with anxiety from being overwhelmed
- How to get rid of anxiety
- anxiety and severe tremors??
- How can I get over this?
- Please tell me it's not a tumor
- Fear that it might have BPD???
- my eyes are killing me!
- Its taking over my life
- Losing It
- Support forum and counselor in west palm beach
- Random chest pains
- I cant keep doing this
- Itching?
- Liposuction on the NHS - weight affecting mental health.
- Worrying about going crazy and existence.
- Am I the only one?
- my story :(
- Finally know whats wrong with me
- Forum slow to load?
- Could anxiety make you feel so different?
- Can you all tell me what's wrong?
- immediate tools you use to deal with anxiety
- Help/Opinions/Advice/Support
- Weather/time of year
- ? :(
- What's my Therapist Missing?
- Constant yawning
- A few things that eased my chest pains & muscle tension :)
- panic attacks
- ruined vacation
- Post Colonoscopy
- Freaking out and having panic attacks again
- new here, hoping to meet like minded people. Please read :)
- New to this forum
- Relationship Meltdown
- Anxiety at night time...
- I am having difficulty dealing with the idea of going back to school
- Can anyone relate? Does anxiety make you numb/disoriented?
- Any of you look up every possible physical problem?
- How long does theesdrass last on our bodies?
- Please help!
- is fever a sypmtom of anxiety?
- Hi, new here and hoping to hear others experiences?
- New member
- Not Eating and Dropping Weight. Help!!!!!!!!!!
- Should I even be feeling guilty?
- Introducing myself to everyone. :)
- Ear pain
- I've had ENOUGH with these symptoms!
- Good news but is it?
- Slightly higher levels of Cholesterol!!! My anxiety is freaking me!!!
- New and looking for advice
- Question
- New Member here.. Anti-SSRI guy.
- please help
- Please help..How do I get them to understand?!
- Mindfulness Therapy
- New boyfriend takes prozac
- Anyone Else
- anyone with depression + anxiety
- New Here
- So scared and devastated!
- I beat my anxiety, you all can too :)
- Anxiety all my life
- Am I the only one?
- rapid heart rate when initimate with someone
- Relationships and Guilt
- anybody
- working and anxiety
- heart rate when nervous
- Is this Anxiety?
- Anxiety really bad
- I just need to get through this one project!
- Do I have Anxiety or am I going insane??
- My story
- Fear of being alone
- Having a lot of thoughts with this girl and it's making me anxious and very depressed
- 1st Psychiatrist Visit...
- My complex problems
- Anybody else have these symptoms
- hey guys xx
- What is up with me?
- cant take it anymore
- My Lifes anxiety.Hopefully someone can help me solve this. Or give some advice.
- Toxic parents and anxiety
- Angst
- Anyone else experienced severe mind blanks?
- EPS from Risperdal?
- Just wanna talk, maybe some advice aswel
- I need help identifying my problem and solutions
- Just when you think it's safe....
- Upping drive & energy while staying on SSRIs
- Stress and chest pain
- Tangential thinking or something else?
- Very mild anxiety preventing sleep
- Anxiety? Hypochrondria? Or something else??
- problems with stool. (may be found gross)
- Anxiety maybe??
- my story of anxiety someone help get rid of it! taking over my life!
- Abdominal Discomfort
- worried about lungs..
- Please help, i really don't know what to do :[
- Cant sleep when its dark..
- I have finally gotten over my anxiety, thought I'd share my story here.
- When Your Anxieties Are Uncontrollable
- setbacks in recovery
- hands blue
- Afraid of not being myself anymore
- Does anxiety evolve?
- throwing up blahhhh
- Terrified...all the time. Please help.
- Is this an axiety disorder?
- Unimportant birthdays and anniversaries ? Help...
- Help! Im not sure if it really is anxiety!!
- Anxiety over hypoglycemia fears.
- How Binding Are Therapy Contracts?
- zoloft scaressss me!!!
- Random off days....???
- I can't take this anymore...
- Hearing Issues
- What would you say the worst effect Anxiety has on your lives?
- im so scared , this disorientation is extreme!! hopeless :((
- Fear of Schizophrenia, help!!!
- Increasing anxiety over bad neighbors...
- i need help :( so scared!
- At wit's end. I don't know where to turn.
- anxiety over your children...anyone else?
- Working With Anxiety?
- Weak adrenal gland cause of anxiety?
- general anxiety disorder is taking over my life, help/advice!!!
- Anxiety - Need some guidance!?
- Fear of Suicide, Not suicidal.
- What is wrong with me?
- scared of terrorist attacks!!!! :(
- What makes a natural/herbal supplement better than another??
- Hi, my name is Amy
- crying?
- cant do this anymore....
- quick question!
- "Do you need help with how you feel when difficult times arrive?"
- Help!
- I feel like a ticking time bomb! :(
- my wife's anxiety is crippling and I dont know what to do!
- Anger is the only thing that helps me!!!
- Miracle...Miracle...Miracle of Homeopathy...Pls all read it!!!!
- Thank you for nothing.
- pleasssse tell me im not alone !!
- The anxiety cure page!
- is there such a thing as a chemical imbalance?
- Help
- Feelings hardly comming back.
- So here I lay,fighting yet another panic attack...
- Where are my feelings? Gone for good? Help
- Anxiety is Killing Me
- Anyone bipolar who can help shed some light?
- Heights & Claustrophobia
- Bad day today :'(
- I am wrong.
- Hello
- Someone please help me.
- New here, having trouble coping with life in general
- Need help with my bathroom anxeity
- New and realizing I need help!
- Need an opinion
- Linden method wanted.. beg, borrow...
- Make a list for your refridgerator!!!!!!
- Anxiety and Cannabis Use
- When did you realize that anxiety is the cause of your problems?
- trouble swallowing food anxiety
- help with problems please
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