View Full Version : General Discussion
- Instore
- sherlock hunting for the elusive wa dwellers.
- Glitch
- sherlock + gimpy + australia = mega anoyence 4 da gas leak in da edlinbog.
- What's going on here. Is this you again Gimpy.
- I have put up with abuse on the internet since 2004 and it's time it stopped.
- That underage girl deserved to be bashed by me in a shop.
- No one loves me, not one person. No one has ever said 'I love you.'
- I am a Wannabe, but I can't be anything.
- I have never been popular with the girls or boys.
- I have to get back to riding my bike, the wind in my hair and speed excites me.
- Taken my socks off, watching little toes wiggle. Going for a walk bare feet.
- I am so lonely.
- As hard as I try I just can't get a lawyer. Also I'm skint with nothing left for rent
- The doctor said I just have to live with my long floppy foreskin. It gets in the way.
- Gimpy you have been rumbled.
- I do realize my shortcomings like my spelling not being up to standard.
- Ufortunately I can't afford a new bike I'm skint. And the rent is due.
- I really can't be bothered looking for work. Living on government benefits is for me.
- I'll never work and be in a council flat living off the government until I die.
- Gimpy you are a damn nuisance. Constantly nipping at my heels.
- Take those videos down from YouTube Gimpy you tart.
- Show yourself Gimpy. Off with the mask and gloves.
- Tried on my kilt for the Kings Coronation but it was too small. The tummy too fat.
- I cried all through the Kings Coronation it was so moving. I was an emotional wreck.
- I have just had my kilts waist taken out, due to the ever expanding size of my tummy.
- The pot boiled haggis I ate alone while watching the Kings Coronation was very tasty.
- Haggis on a stick. The perfect summer snack.
- Glitch
- da number 3 door up da stairs.
- da peta won da world record 4 da being da dumest
- James Slayer 37 facebook
- breadcrumbs
- Gimpy you are going to be in a world of pain when my bus arrives, Kang Foo knob tool.
- Glitch
- thesaunderschild is handsome...
- James Berich and his grey blanket...
- peter anderson smelly asshole
- James Berich likes dates from Tunisia...
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh
- James Berich is nowhere as great as thesaunderschild is!
- Shan cake mixture...
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh, Sco
- James Berich sucks!
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh,
- James Berich is a fool...
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh, ...
- James Berich is a creep...
- Hehe...
- James Berich...
- Garrett Moore is poor...
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh,.,.,
- James Berich will probably return soon...
- Glitch
- James Berich has huge glasses...
- da peta think dat by chanting da name james over and over something magic will happen
- LawResearcherMissy on ExpertLaw is a crackpot.
- If James Berich shows up, you know what to do.
- da smelly bum on stick + no speak no see xtra = fail huge dum dum dum
- leith films want me to star in the film thesaunderschild rides again
- my coffee cup
- Boom
- leithstinkyboy wees pants and poos pants, on da set of da films, oh poo da smell
- Downunder calling where are you.
- Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia
- sandgropers sandgropers sandgropers
- Say some more funnies Peter. Hurry up and phone.
- Glitch
- The only James Berich tribute thread we need...
- sherlock + peter anderson = spazzo 🙎🏿
- spazzo spazzo spazzo peter andserson is da spazzo 🙎🏿
- 🙎🏿black hater racist weedy little scotsperson peter anderson hates blacks 🙎🏿��🏿
- 🙎🏿🙎🏿🙎🏿🙎🏿black hater peter anderson🙎🏿🙎🏿🙎🏿🙎🏿🙎🏿🙎🏿
- dumboooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooo
- Leo in Titanic...
- peter anderson scared young underage girls = red card off da field.
- da peter anderson not no how to wash da gonads + stinky = red card off the field,
- da peter anderson no comprhendo da city or da state = fail red card off da field
- da sadrags + da peter anderson + da 4 pack condoms = green card go to trouser dept.
- Glitch
- da sadrags + peter anderson + leaking gas = fun time in da smell room
- peter anderson da rektum sniffer + sadrags da extra = blacklisted.
- Glitch
- HONK! HONK! HONK! + mobility vehicle no alowed in asda wid 2 persons on board
- HONK! HONK! what that smell coming from the back of the vehicle son, it me mom.pooooo
- HONK! HONK! i hear you son, yes mom just playing with the honker.
- peter anderson aka thegrunter, after da grunt come da smell, sorry mom.
- Glitch
- Born to smell
- Glitch
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️
- 𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා 🐊𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා 🐊𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා
- ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯¯peter da pengine + glitch = total failure
- tricksp̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͍͛̽̈́̕͝
- peter is single and a fool p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽
- da peter is racist asshole.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽
- peter is a racist very small scotsperson.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷
- Glitch..𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා 🐊𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා 🐊𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞ#
- peter underpants never washed.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽
- here come da judge
- Glitch.🕷🐊
- flask used 4 anal probes this week.🄿🄰🅃🅁🄸🄲🄺 🄲��🄽🄽🄾🄻🄻🅈
- flask mental miget.🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻ӿ
- Glitch.🕷🐊
- tania married da cousin = strange shaped head.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e
- peter got anus warts.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽͝
- peter stalks and chases schoolgirls.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷ ͛
- I hear what you're saying, Shagger.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛&
- How I can I get legal action taken against an Australian?p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̄͠
- peter is funny.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽̈́͝
- drip drip drip drip da leak in da bathroom go drip drip drip.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚
- hurry up wid legals..🕷🐊
- Glitch the end..🕷🐊
- nemesis game over..🕷🐊
- ⛅ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ 🚁 ✈ 🏢🏤_🏬_ / |_\🏫🏢🌳🌳 _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__
- frolicking in the sun and surf.🐟 🐬 🐳 🐋 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳
- _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__🚕_ _ _ _ _
- lock da doors, da leith looney come out at midnite. ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡ ͡°༽༼ ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽༼ ◕ ͜ʖ ͡
- Os/2. 🕷🐊🕷🐊🕷🐊
- OS/2 Warp 4.. 🕷🐊🕷🐊🕷🐊
- Glitch.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽
- My Coffin Cup.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽
- suck in da tummy to fit into da bright yellow clown pants.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽
- ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ ▀̿&
- T̵͎̘͉̀͛̕h̴̼̟͍̔͝e̸̝̠͉͊̕͠ F̸͖͔͓͆̒o̵̡̦̻̿͘̕r̸̪̻̝̓̀͐e
- s⃨t⃨r⃨a⃨w⃨b⃨e⃨r⃨r⃨y⃨ b⃨a⃨n⃨a⃨n⃨a⃨ s⃨u⃨n⃨d⃨a⃨e⃨ =⃨ p⃨e⃨t⃨e⃨r⃨ a⃨n⃨dT
- The Foreskin Saga #2
- Joanna Sharp reported me
- peterstalksme.. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- 27923
- da iPod and other stuff, are all up peterpoos rectum..Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- The funeral shirt.
- Oh dear Peter Flask is in such a tizzy today. Oh my he is ranting on and on...Honk! _
- peter do da big poos in pants today..p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛
- PPP://peter poos pants.. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- the clock is ticking looney 11 is on a downward spiral.
- Come aboard we're expecting you.
- 🇹 🇭 🇪 🇸 🇦 🇺 🇳 🇩 🇪 🇷 🇸 🇨 🇭 🇮 🇱 🇩
- just signed up as an avid reader to THE LOON.
- i own the name thesaunderschild, it is registered to me no one else can use it.
- PeterAndersonIsARacist
- ACYBERLOVE Love Forum - Online Relationship Discussion Welcome to the ACYBERLOVE
- peter do da poo da size of asteroid. block all pipes. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- "hasta la vista, baby."
- thesaunderschildGlitch.🕷🐊
- 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘
- he is Peter A again. A male who is the biggest pest the forum has ever had. htt
- Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̄͠
- 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- thesaunderschildaustralia#1.. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- some more imature stuff to anoy da LOON.
- all cos of some war 100 years ago he holds da grudge. Chose ur weapons. Honk! _ _ _ _
- now we know da LOON is not only fat but also black. BalkPete. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__H
- SamboFatPeter. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- GolliwogFatLoserPeter, SamboFatPeter. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- SamboFattySniggerPeter. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- da pooter cried. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- HooK LinE and SinkeR da LOON falls 4 it every time all da time. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗_
- Nicolette McKeown is a shite actress...
- thesaunderschild just rocks!
- Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̄͠
- LauraTablet. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- Glitch.🕷🐊
- sarahk fat fat fat fat fat
- LadyBellaBird FAT arse.🕷🐊
- PeterPoos shot a large poo across the counter at asda and tesco.
- LadyBellaBird FAT arse.🕷🐊
- LadyBellaBird FAT arse.🕷🐊
- peterpoos still look for da little red book shoved far up da rektum
- Are those French broads hairy underarms.
- keeping da producers up 2 speed, job done.
- LadyBellaBird skank.🕷🐊
- da little red book stuck, wont come out. grunt grunt grunt.
- LadyBellaBird skank.🕷🐊
- any day peterpoos get arrested is da glorious wonderful day.
- - 6 eek, blind as a bat, fat jelly tummy, non extra, no move or talk, petrpoos
- peterpoos killed frank,
- peterpoos da fattest fatto tummy jelly wobbles.
- Glasgow the summer of 24
- Patrick Wins. Booooooooooooom
- Livingston Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court is part of the West Lothian C
- keep this criminal off the streets judge so all us women can be safe
- patrickooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- sherlock = giving out addresses.
- Goofey Honk Honk
- were you at any time nemesis556, no.
- do you have anything to say.
- Glitch. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- peterpoos do da poos in da snappy shopper bag. honk.
- Jodie Matheson, from Glasgow Rainbowtoast123 .. HONK.
- peterpoos do da big poos on da frozen peas at asda.
- PeterRedCrack = oh so sore botty wid all da spanking wid da wooden spoon
- 404 Sorry, Page Not Found...
- The foreskin goes shopping.
- peterpoos stopped eating sugar = diabetes.
- poosiseverywherepeterissmellypooypeter
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁
- We drive a Ford Mustang.
- We had thought of going to an electric vehicle, but decided to wait.
- The Likely Lads, another TV show we enjoyed.
- Tune in to KNX News 97.1 FM for traffic updates in Santa Monica.
- Star Trek the original TV show was the best.
- McHale's Navy, Tim Conway was the star a very funny person.
- Magnum P.I. with Tom Selleck, we loved that show.
- Little House on the Prairie, we loved that show. Watched it from series one.
- The Munsters, we loved this TV show.
- Bullitt, we loved this film.
- The Foreskin attacks Michael Does Life
- Buzz, buzz, buzz, goes the chainsaw. Michael Does Life legs come off.
- Michael Does Life is a transvestite tragic.
- "Colin from Accounts" *WINNER Gotham TV Awards
- Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. We loved that film.
- 10 4 tango zulu we are on the way. We have gas masks on.
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁
- please peterpoos please stoop reporting it will riun us
- CCTV is that a drug?
- Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̄͠
- we love u peter can u get da little red book from ur library ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̾̆̕̚͝
- we love you Boy George. Karma Chameleon
- Jamming with the band in da Bronx. On piano and guitar. Playing cover songs.
- Hi everyone, it’s been awhile.
- Bob Dylan, "Just Like a Woman"
- Flower Pot Men, we loved this TV show
- Still using our old amps and speakers, they are still just the best.
- You can make a movie using AI. Deep Fake. Robots are awesome.
- A massive clue, da owners are easy to find, but notif u dumer dan dum. sherlock.
- I Am the Walrus, As you are me And we are all together,
- Brass music in E Flat is awesome.
- David Bowie, Life on Mars. We love this song. Wonderful.
- Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues. I hear the train a comin'
- thesaunderschild space traveler extraordinaire, #1 Yo!
- retards retards retards retards retards retards retards retards honk honk honk
- satire comedy funny hilarious joke art comics fun ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̾̆̕̚͝
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁
- peterpoos suck da nasty biohaze up da large rektum to b wid da red book.
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁
- mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert2
- mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert2
- LogBomb LogBomb LogBomb LogBomb LogBomb LogBomb LogBomb LogBomb LogBomb LogBomb LogBo
- Glitch. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��&
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁
- The Foreskin hides, then attacks. Gallant is taken down. Oh wonderful.
- Griff - 'Head on Fire'
- Can Peter play the piano = NO!
- Glitch. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��&
- Australia #1 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞
- wot is da Crushed Tango cans. Ice cream pot. Jelly doughnut. confused peterpoos
- Rogan josh #1 honk
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