View Full Version : General Discussion
- My anxiety video
- Anxiety/depression/insomnia
- Bad weekend, i need some cheering up!
- F***ing anxiety... Can't enjoy anything!
- had to make new account
- Feeling bad, needing to talk
- Does facing your anxiety fears make anxiety go away? If so, why is medication used?
- Bad weather anxieety!!! Anyone else?
- Anyone needing some uplifting words
- spirit guides
- Sigh
- Prozac question
- Need to talk
- As of today i have lived anxiety for 1 year
- Bad/funny dream about this forum - now awake from sound of freezing rain
- Storm.
- ugh... im back
- freaking out!
- Terrible anxiety right now
- Learning to breath with the belly* help
- Sleep and anxiety
- someone to talk to
- someone to talk to...
- Should I seek help? :(
- Adrenal Fatigue? Is this real?
- Recommended !!!!!!! Check this out.
- Food and Xanax
- Help getting the old me back
- Mental symptoms
- shower anxiety
- i havent posted in a while.
- Would you use an anxiety management tool ?
- no one understands
- Just trying to get through
- Nervousness and negative thinking
- For those of us just starting on meds :)
- Being alone
- Horrible anxiety
- Anxiety attack
- Idk whats going on
- Missed my dose!
- Can anyone relate?
- Hypochondria
- All of a sudden..
- Evening/nighttime anxiety thread
- What the f*** is this??
- What makes a man......(venting)
- I Dressed Up To Go To The Oscars!!
- Tonights been rough..
- Somethings changed
- Hmmm
- Hi
- Relapse
- Women!!!
- Need to chat
- Panicky and depression
- Hey guys i am back
- Anxiey and illect drug use..
- Wake up feeling awful...
- Wishing everyone a good day!
- I need friends!
- "Do you need meds?"
- Does anyone no this man???
- Messages
- Book
- Dizziness and palpitations?
- Its a better day
- leaving for awhile
- Facing the fear..
- Sick every morning
- Just back from doctors!
- Getting into a therapist is f***ing hard!
- Frustrating..
- Theres is hope!
- Horrible feelings
- Does anyone else get sensitive in their eyes?
- can't stay asleep, help!
- Terrified
- Weird pulse
- Having a meh day
- Feeling like sh*t... :(
- Great anxiety book rhat helped me
- Starting to feel blah!
- Can't face anything. Will this pass? If so when?
- Therapy
- Advice
- Problems with the ladies :P
- Full-blown panic, please someone talk me down!
- Girl issues
- I wanna..
- So ironic i had to laugh
- Mind over Matter
- Employment Worries
- Feeling better
- Wellbutrin
- Really???
- Not smart..!
- eating issues???
- Where is everyone from!
- Hypnotherapy
- Fellow Xanaxerrrrrs
- How to initiate counseling/ therapy
- Cant sleep
- How do you cope with your hypochondriac episodes?
- how I cured my anxiety and OCD with supplements
- My left side of my body (upper side - arm shoulder) froze up yesterday and I had..
- Do a lot people with anxiety feel like they're in hell sometimes? Like a hell on eart
- Does facing your feels in all instances work with anxiety?
- Faced my fear
- Too anxious to sleep
- Does facing your fears in all instances work with anxiety?
- Just a spacey feeling
- Bad night. Flashbacks (?). Won't go into detail
- Pushing 3 days without Zoloft and a bit worried??
- Feeling lost
- Pain in chest when breathing in
- I'm done with this. How am I supposed to handle this??
- Flying today
- Good morning all!
- High anxiety
- labour and anxiety
- Does it ever get better
- Having an attack
- What's you bpm when anxious?
- Today is going by so slow...
- Extreme drowsiness and fatigue?
- Arm pain
- Breathing
- Wah :(
- Having an attack
- Therapy sort of a bust. Wellbutrin increase a hit?
- Posts?
- St. john's wort?
- strange physical symptoms, possible anxiety?
- Anyone here get an attack fter taking antibiotic?
- Checking in convo
- Ugh bed time yet??
- Long explanation on my anxiety and depression
- ER again
- feel shit today
- Urghh not myself today :-(
- this is the worst symptom for me my god
- Giant Panic Attack at Work
- How to change your attitude?
- Wondering......
- WHy can't I get back to normal????????
- Health anxiety!
- Fatigue?
- Anxious
- Today is the day!
- And i thought things couldnt get worse
- "happy light"
- anyone else..?
- Mother of two with anxiety
- Bad sleep
- Forum - Negative or positive?
- isn't evil if you use it right!
- Has anyone here tried Welbutrin combined with Zoloft?
- admitting the real fear
- Just an attack?
- Help please
- Yay!
- Waking up many times during night with nausea and in a panic
- Wretched insomnia
- Stop being the anxiety police
- Top of head is burning
- Roaming thoughts
- Lorazepam or Xanax
- Go home?
- What made you happy, smile or laugh today.....
- OCD breathing
- So...hear I am. Again.
- Lonely :( . And what is a psych test?
- So much shit to do
- Can Anxiety cause Bladder Problems??
- <3333333333
- I feel like a rollcoaster
- living in constant fear
- Alcohol and Anxiety
- I'm back...
- Grrrr!
- When can I say "I've overcome anxiety"?
- Feeling like I'm constantly on a bad high
- Think my cold is causing my DP to flare up, not sure what to do? :(
- Face ache!
- sertraline query
- Advice plz
- Facebook
- Weird question
- Why during the day? (Mostly)
- Quick question
- Progress!!!
- Pain in sternum
- I'm so tired of it...
- :(
- it won't let me reply to threads. grr
- I'm gonna post a serious thread. on...self confidence.
- I'm currently very scared, would just like some encouragement.
- Meds. So. Sleepy 😴
- Recurring Symptom
- Up at 3am again... Argh
- Need to talk!
- Will it get better?
- Anxiety and wars.
- Feeling like im losing my mind
- wish me luck today!!!
- Do you always think the worse?
- Motorway anxiety!!
- Came back from the doc
- arghhhhh
- Muscle Problems?
- I'm posting an update
- Ideas?
- Depression only at night?
- why depression...why now?
- My throat feels like its closing in on me!
- First Post - Dull Heart Ache Pains?
- As I Write This..
- Anyone else take .5mg lorazepam?
- Is there a recommended medication for anxiety?
- Faint feeling (underated expression(
- 19 years old and major anxiety
- Losing hope...
- Gluten free?
- feeling Blah!
- Hi
- Happy international women's day
- Why do you think many of anxiety suffers have stiff back and neck?
- hand twitching anxiety
- Another accomplishment
- anniversaries
- Major, life ruining issues at school due to my anxiety?
- difficulty breathing
- Going to party till the sunshine
- Anxiety: distraction is good?
- How Long Will It Take?
- socialy anxiety holding me back from success...
- palps yet again help
- Symptoms
- Emotional breakdown argghhh!!
- feeling scared
- Feeling useless and disappointed..
- :(
- Would you say these are perfect ingredients for a panic attack?
- What are some anxiety related dreams you frequently have?
- Is this Anxiety or...?
- Making Anxiety My B****
- Champix?
- No xanax..
- Terrified of the future
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