View Full Version : General Discussion
- I just don't know what to do with myself
- Panic Disorder AFTER Stress Reduction
- New here - anyone able to hat? Anxious :(
- Is this really anxiety that I'm dealing with right now? (Physical head symptoms)
- Bioresonance
- Severe physical impact after supposed panic attacks at night
- Am I a bad person?
- Work related anxiety
- Paranoid about family :(
- First timer with Anxity and also Physical Symptoms
- Heart panic
- This past year it seems I'm always thinking somethings wrong with me (Blood clots)
- my sociopathic brother ruined my life
- Is this panic attack or what?
- Pain behind legs and tingling?
- How I Beat Anxiety
- First Post - Help with Anxiety
- Hello darkness my old friend
- MS Worries
- Anxiety Over Change of Routine/Work
- counseling vs course vs e-book vs therapy
- Blast away your anxiety
- Value of supplements in relieving anxiety
- course i should take ?
- I am looking for ways to make new male friends.
- MLK Musings
- Please help. Scary symptom.
- Feeling down :(
- regarding Meditation/breathing techniques for anxiety/insomnia
- Help trying to care for someone with an anxiety disorder
- Wind Instruments
- Panic attack causing fainting spell
- No idea what to do
- How do you tackle fear of fear, and fear of not sleeping
- I Hate Socializing (RANT)
- what do you do when you HAVE an incurable illness and severe anxiety?
- Pre-Medicine Student with Health Anxiety
- Static Vision
- Scared to get back on Meds due to Side Effects
- distraction as a means of coping with gad
- Experiencing High Anxiety
- I am having Anxiety disorder post my divorce from last 8 months.What must be my prob?
- My friend has anxiety and will coming to visit me - advice?
- Ghosting
- Am I experiencing anxiety?
- Help Getting a Job Programs
- How to treat my anxiety?
- Follow up from my original post in Oct - Just looking for help for me to understand
- The Absolute Fundamental Logic to Grasp To Get Rid of Anxiety
- What anxiety symptoms have you been dealing with as of lately?
- Husband with panic attacks does not understand my anxiety!
- I just need to know
- A Ruined Friendship made me Happier (Rant)
- General anxiety issues
- Advice about work colleague triggering my anxiety
- Five Things That Have Dramatically Reduced My Anxiety
- Is this normal?? Do I have Anxiety?!?
- Have I lost a piece of my soul forever?
- I may be in denial about having Anxiety
- I feel bad when I 'get my own way'
- The people on here are supporting you into a lifetime sentence of anxiety
- Heart attack or anxiety attack? Hard to tell.
- What is optimum time length for meditation session?
- The "you cannot be 100% cured because of neural pathways" argument debunked.
- struggle
- Panick attack at therapy (please help)
- Awesome (first) relationship and... more anxiety?
- Friends and Family who think you are just faking it!
- Highs and Lows, am I bipolar?
- Anxiety at work
- Self-image, way to beat anxiety, just a helpful pocketbook.
- GAD, quitting caffeine and St. John's Wort
- You're All a Bunch of Drama Queens
- Mouth breathing is the cause of anxiety
- Home Anxiety
- What do you think about hypnosis?
- Help!
- Acceptance commitment therapy
- Is this Brain Fog?
- How long have you had anxiety attacks?
- Anxiety? Anyone else?
- Is there really such a thing as having anxiety or depression for 'no reason'?
- I Need a Purpose in Life
- Very fearful
- Any tips for how to stop comparing myself (and relationship) to others
- Letting it all out...
- Kanna herb for anxiety
- Carrots and Digestion Help!
- Missed doses
- Best friend causing me constant anxiety.
- Fear of losing it/going crazy?
- Please someone help!
- Spirraling in shame - i need help!
- For all of the Christian anxiety sufferers...a question
- Trying to figure out what my problem is/How to solve it
- Suggestions For Helpful Youtube Videos And Channels?
- Did this happen to anyone??
- Coming off Effexor
- Depersonalization
- to take ativan or not?
- Help! I can't stop sweating at work!
- One More Is It Too Much?
- my little therapist can't be this cute
- Need for Control
- 13 year old and panics
- Is this anxiety?
- Always at noon now
- Vent-and any herb advice?
- Need some guidance
- All Anxiety Sufferers Please Read - This Could Change Your Life
- Need Advice
- Health anxiety
- (RANT) I make myself feel terrible
- Are You An Empath
- Help me change
- Warm sensation on top of foot coming and going
- Hey friends...looking for some advice for a loved one...
- New here. Seeking some outside help.
- Is anxiety just negative energy trapped within the mind that needs releasing?
- Needing guidance.. just had my second 'nervous breakdown' or 'anxiety attack'
- alcohol for anxiety
- Amnesia ?
- Anyone get anxiety from making eye contact with people on tv/computer ?
- New to anxiety, just wanted some opinons!
- DVT/Blood Clot Worry
- What can the doctors do if without drugs?
- D-Dimer Test
- You Have to Do the Work...
- Hello all, whose fault is it?
- Dealing with catastrophizing, OCD, germaphobia, etc.
- How much money has your anxiety cost you?
- Can poor diet lead to an anxiety disorder
- Constant anxiety.
- How does anxiety impede your life?
- Sleep schedule is causing me problems, don't know what to do
- Am I experiencing derealisation right now?
- Today's Struggle
- I'm new here: Hi!
- The Barber Shop
- Late night scare
- Where is Everyone????
- I need advice
- Health Anxiety is so bad. Is this normal?
- Social phobia
- Anxiety, my hell.
- Hello! Good news but how does this work?
- Would you tell your teachers that you have anxiety?
- Déja-vu, catastrophic thinking and concentration
- Thinking I am sick
- Severe weather
- If its not this, its that
- Back to Work - Yikes!
- My Work Colleague!
- Not sure if I can stand this anymore.
- Tobacco and Anxiety
- Why am i feeling guilty about my anxiety ?
- Having a bad time... but NO anxiety at all
- What is this?
- Does anyone else suffer with severe neck and shoulder tension?
- To all my single friends with anxieties, do you guys see yourself in a relationship?
- Bad health anxiety
- Hello I am new and having a hard time tonight
- Heart palpitations?
- Facial Numbness
- Panic Attack and Fear of Suicide?
- Empty Friendship (RANT)
- Oh No! What Have I Done!
- Reaching out
- anxiety with exercise
- Quick Update!
- I am a burden
- Exposure Therapy
- I Start a new job tomorrow and I feel the most terrified I ever have about working
- Anyone ever suffer from Constant headaches
- * Hope this doesn't go unread *
- Question for others with GAD
- Does anyone suffer from PNES? (Pyschogenic Nonepileptic Seizures)
- Health Anxiety- Sports (breathing problem)
- Meaning?
- I am a complete failure!
- 4 Months of Absolute Frustration
- How would you cope with the prospect of going to jail?
- Anyone had their panic symptoms suddenly change after years?
- I can't get it out of my head.Is this obsessive, negative,racing,irrational thoughts?
- Decision Time!
- anxiety and med side effects
- War is coming
- "There are people worse off than you are"
- It doesn't matter how I am when I feel normal
- Panic attacks. Please respond.
- (RANT + Questions) I need some friends, high school sucks and what else is new?
- What's your daily routine?
- Difficulty inhaling?
- Blood Test
- Think You're Alone Fighting Mental Illness? Think Again!
- Thinking about ridding me my shyness through Youtube
- (NEED INPUT) I don't know if I'm a bad daughter or my mom is just mean
- Doctors CAN'T Take You All the Way!
- Worried about dirty wash basket OCD
- Worried about spot on mans area
- Getting winded easily
- anxiety or just excuses?
- How to be strong
- Gotta Grab Hold Of Life By The Horns!
- Brainspotting... any experiences?
- ***Where Does Anxiety Come From?
- How much will you do to overcome your anxiety?
- I can see my heartbeat?
- Dealing with failed attempt to leave medication
- intrusive thoughts of shame and guilt from long distant past events.
- Hoping Someone Can Help Today... Relapse.
- Obsessing over the past, but not bad things, only the really good things.
- Can't focus with work?
- Desperately looking for somebody who can relate.
- Do you have Anxiety or Fear?
- Anxious Guy Advice?
- A new facebook page... Fear 2 Fearless...
- Help needed in dealing with anxiety attacks
- had first panic attac in years last night
- I wish I could just relax
- Insomnia?
- Anxiety returning
- Crying and feeling sad for no reason
- FRP... a powerful new technique... just given a 5 star review by a professional!
- Waking up with feelings of dread
- Can anxiety cause unpleasant euphoria surges?
- Update!
- The "I Feel Like $#!%" Thread
- Freudian Personality Test - Self-Assessment Quiz
- Does Tai Chi cure or reduce Anxiety?
- Please help ...anyone...gypsy, Kirk, panic, salvatore
- Startled
- Traveling Anxiety
- Worried about My Brain Etc.
- Anxiety, Asthma, and Shortness of Breath
- Morning anxiety
- like being in prison.....
- Does anyone feel like there going crazy?
- Panic Attacks & Worsened Anxiety Due To Grief?
- Been a year since my breakdown
- Sleep
- Dating Advcie!
- Does anyone else feel like this???
- Depersonalization-derealization
- Anxiety after gym
- Anyone here experience brain zaps without taking any medications?
- Is Social Anxiety A Symptom Of Something BIGGER???
- Work Anxiety Leads to Sexual Performance Anxiety
- What Its Like Living With Social Anxiety... Church... street preachers?
- Dating Advice - Part Two!
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