View Full Version : Morning anxiety
04-27-2017, 07:20 AM
Had some vivid weird dreams all night long and woke up with some crazy bad morning anxiety. The last part of my dream I can remember was I was in a park and there was a man with a knife in his belt, then I woke up with a horrible unease quickly followed by the normal anxiety. I made myself get up out of bed and go outside but I can't seem to shake it this morning. I actually think I'll go to work early today just to get away.
05-05-2017, 03:03 PM
Try to keep your sleep regiment better and do you by chance have sleep terrors or sleep paralysis? Might want to check sleep apnea symptoms. Also in the morning I wake up with bad anxiety and it's usually due to bad sleep
05-09-2017, 09:48 PM
Buhhh anxiety from dreams is the worst. I have had that before.. mine are more personal situations(someone I know dying, boyfriend cheating, work going wrong,etc etc). As much as it's not fun usually it's actually your subconscious trying to work through something- and as much as it sucks it might have been better for you to have these feelings pass through. If it happens too often maybe see a doctor and they can give you something to calm you down just strictly for mornings like this.
I hope you are doing better!
05-16-2017, 12:28 PM
I used to have terrible anxiety from poor sleep, to the point where I would wake up shaking and cold, unable to exit the bed. All because I had terrible sleep patterns and wasn't getting enough sleep. This can also effect your dreams, so I concur with the above poster in making sure you have healthy sleep habits and are getting enough sleep (8+ hours).
Anxiety in the morning is never fun as it seems to set you up for a rough day, but there are ways to conquer it and move on with the day. Have you put any thought into morning rituals or activities that give you peace and calm, that you can perform or do after waking? Some people it will be a shower, the very act of taking a warm calming shower right after waking can help. Maybe it's cooking breakfast?
Peace and blessings friend.
05-16-2017, 09:16 PM
Thanks for the replies. This isn't anything new for me, my sleep cycles are horrible. It gets better and worse depending on my anxiety level. My anxiety is on an uptick these past few weeks so I'm still stuck in a bad sleep cycle lately. I notice I'm grinding my teeth a lot and my jaw is sore a lot of mornings. Again nothing new. Still having good vivid dreams but not all necessarily bad dreams. I do make myself get out of bed and out of the bedroom as soon as possible after I wake up, otherwise I will be stuck in bed with that feeling of dread. I hate that feeling so much.
05-23-2017, 11:43 AM
Thanks for the replies. This isn't anything new for me, my sleep cycles are horrible. It gets better and worse depending on my anxiety level. My anxiety is on an uptick these past few weeks so I'm still stuck in a bad sleep cycle lately. I notice I'm grinding my teeth a lot and my jaw is sore a lot of mornings. Again nothing new. Still having good vivid dreams but not all necessarily bad dreams. I do make myself get out of bed and out of the bedroom as soon as possible after I wake up, otherwise I will be stuck in bed with that feeling of dread. I hate that feeling so much.
What really helped my anxiety improve is meditation. To stay with the feeling and go through the feeling and let it run it's course, instead of pushing it away - that way it'll just come back later.
I also sleep with earplugs and a sleeping mask to improve the quality of my sleep.
What would you say is your biggest worry about this morning anxiety?
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