View Full Version : General Discussion
- hullo
- A lawyer has been contacted, James Berich...
- I am anxious about machine guns...
- A lawyer is on the way or How long is this going to take Hurry up!
- When Gimpy sees something he likes...
- Happy New Year
- James Berich, from Perth, Australia.
- Peter Ross Anderson is a misogynist racist psychopathic cunt.
- James Berich.
- Peter Ross Anderson is a misogynist racist psychopathic cunt.
- Mayday!!
- James Berich is banned from every Cold Chisel / Jimmy Barnes show!
- Another bun in the oven
- a bakers dozen of buns
- To clear up any misunderstanding
- Bruce Willis
- James Berich = Australian attention whore!
- Prahran Shopping
- Peter Ross Anderson is a Cunt
- Richmond Tigers
- Walking to Fitzroy
- Under the clocks Flinders Street
- James Berich vs. thesaunderschild!
- You'll have to excuse James Berich...
- Is that the phone ringing
- Peter Ross Anderson's Problems with YouTubers
- dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum and more than dum dumer dumer dumer
- Bogan Gott B&!
- extra large dum super size dum dummmmm dummmm dummmmm
- peter anderson phone james now
- peter dumo dumy dum dum fone james now
- peter wees his pants
- peter pokes his dick through the glory hole at the park
- peter chases schoolgirls at the park
- rejected by Gipsy
- rejected by glitch
- Peter Ross Anderson and His Fake Autism
- I am an endangered Kiwi species of bird...
- Pete Wylie and his broken back!
- boooooored shitless
- Peter Ross Anderson and His Crazy Beliefs
- where did he go
- is that you a creepin up on me from behind again peter
- wash the dishes yourself peter
- Johnny Depp V Amber Heard
- peter anderson thinks hes hit a home run by constantly talking about perth australia
- Peter's Mother is a Retarded Fuckface
- peter is amazed at franks magic tricks now you see it now you dont
- banned from film schools
- peter da huge nob fruitcake where da police
- the giant huge dum fruitcake
- australian jackpot fruitcakes
- Peter Ross Anderson' is a Waste of Air
- Peter Ross Anderson's Face Looks Like a Retarded Monkey On the Brink of Death
- behind the green door at the top of the stairs is ,,,,,,,,,,
- fruitcakes wooohoooo
- how many steps to the green door
- LOL you fucking soft cunt
- I Pewkd
- Peter Ross Anderson Smells Like Rotten Eggs
- Peter Ross Anderson Failed At Relationships
- Peter Ross Anderson is a Dipshit
- all clues point to stairs why is it so hard dum of the dummmm
- spam away on the wiki petety boy cause it aint me lmao
- spam the name berich all u like dumbo i dont care cause it aint me lmao
- I cannot talk about personal matters online much now, due to the arsehole down under
- He posted a picture of himself and a dog I pinpoint him pedroozy
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Dense Fucking Moron
- Everyone, please ignore Gimpy!
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Tiny Dick Loser
- Tommy Balls Is Ready For Hire
- Peter Ross Anderson Raped His Sister When She Was A Child
- Peter Ross Anderson Verbally Assaulted His Mother
- Nigger
- Bye Pedro: Special Message For You
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Racist Cunt
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs His Ass Kicked
- Peter Ross Anderson Had It Coming
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Lonely Ass Fuckface
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs To See Bubba In Prison
- Peter Ross Anderson Should Get A Fucking Life
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Fruitcake
- Peter Ross Anderson And His Unacceptable Manners
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Cocksucking Lunatic
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Fake Resident Evil Fan
- Peter Ross Anderson Will Never Quit Forums
- Peter Ross Anderson Will Never Get A Real Girlfriend
- Peter Ross Anderson Will Never Achieve Anything In Life
- Peter Ross Anderson Will Never Let Go Of The Past
- Peter Ross Anderson Is An Example Of A Failed Life
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs To Be Punched In The Mouth
- Peter Ross Anderson Needs To Be Smacked In The Head
- Peter Ross Anderson And His Exposed Address
- Peter Ross Anderson's Home Address
- Peter Ross Anderson And The Revealed Address
- Peter Ross Anderson Apartment Address
- Peter Ross Anderson's Full Address
- Peter Ross Anderson's Flat Address
- Peter Ross Anderson Doxxed Address
- Peter Ross Anderson's Mailing Address
- Peter Ross Anderson Address
- Peter Ross Anderson At 2/6 Greendykes House EH16 4JJ
- Peter Ross Anderson Edinburgh Scotland Address
- Peter Ross Anderson FULL Address
- Peter Ross Anderson's Personal Address
- thesaunderschild Home Address
- thesaunderschild Mailing Address
- thesaunderschild Personal Details
- Grace Saunders Home Address
- Grace Saunders Encyclopedia Dramatica
- thesaunderschild YouTube (Peter Ross Anderson's Address)
- Peter Ross Anderson Full Home Personal Flat Apartment House Address
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Fucking Donut
- Happy birthday self!!!!!
- I want to take out a restraining order against this stupid, Australian bogan...
- Ponder
- Sorry if this is incoherent babble...
- Box Office Mojo needs updated...
- The Rude Behavior of Peter Ross Anderson
- The Ostracization of Ponder and Peter Ross Anderson
- By the way, James Berich. I am not Gimpy and can prove it.
- James Berich is a fat Australian!
- if u going to call someone a name then get it right u scottish twit
- ponder think pedro is gimpy, pedro think thesaunderschild is gimpy funny that
- Raging Zef Boner, The Treadmill & Ponder's Scooter
- the room has no light
- pedro is obsessed with australians
- painting the sydney harbor bridge is a big job
- the clockwork dog is very happy today can you see it
- Yo Selfie Yo backstabber
- I will not stand for being lied about. I'm not this "James" fruitcake from Australia
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Lonely Faggot
- Jam's Bear It!
- i am the original thesaunderschild the real one
- i am in melbourne today
- Glitch
- quick do it now peter catch the james move ur ass boy
- peter i am in melbourne too
- go and scare some more schoolgirls with ur busspass
- Glitckh
- dam the gimpy got me again
- no police no lawyers no courts, no one want to listen
- Women Laughed At Peter's Flaccid Dick
- I am back and I will never leave I love it here too much
- I know where you live Gimpy. I am coming after you.
- Peter Ross Anderson Sounds Like A Retard On The Phone
- World Trade Center, NYC, US!
- i have to apologize to all cast and crew of redcon 1 i am sorry
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Sexual Predator
- iam not in Glitch, i am so sorry to all the cast and crew
- i am not in Glitch, i am so sorry to all the cast and crew
- Peter Ross Anderson Is A Nutter
- peter the dope wanker think eveyone is in australia
- Peter Ross Anderson Paid To Have Sexual Fun With Tiny Dick Trannies
- gimpy trashed acyberlove all my friends there are so sad
- Peter Ross Anderson's Flat Address
- thank to who help report jb wetwern australia redcon 10
- thank to who help report jb western australia redcon 10
- The Pins slowly enter your eyeball Gimpy, pain lovely pain.
- menwhile north of the equartor we all laughing
- Peter Ross Anderson Is Dumber Than A Primate
- Peter Ross Anderson Deserves The Death Penalty
- Peter Ross Anderson Is Now A Broke Retard After Buying PS5
- 1986 - 2026
- where is da lawyers i cant see them
- Who Should Grab A Noose And End It? Peter Ross Anderson
- how much longer dis going to take hurry up and get police sick of waiting nob
- James Berich, who is jealous of Peter Anderson...
- I'll shove the blue elephant phone stand up your anal crevice...
- The accounts of James Berich...
- hurry up yo nob why u no do anything
- peter he go all off the planet hysterical when he see me
- Peter Ross Anderson Likes To Play Victim When In Fact He's The Abuser
- i phone dem lawyer on da burner phone
- This is Peter Anderson, from Scotland. You know me as thesaunderschild.
- nemesis5566678912 james i no dat u u nob
- I am back Gimpy
- turn left at the stairs the door 3 is where u find me u nob
- Peter Ross Anderson Will Die A Lonely, Pathetic Death
- i am the original all others are fake
- Haven't been here for a while.
- the idiot think i be the james
- peter the dum
- feeding the advertising beast the owners of anxiety luv me
- sct british guy looking for friends down under nob nob tool tool tool
- Peter Ross Anderson's Sister Will Soon Lose Yet Another Kid
- Peter Ross Anderson And The End Of His Meaningless Life
- Somebody done died...
- where da police
- who is the dumest kid in scotland peter the great retard nob nob nob
- This forum is flooded with spam
- peter did sexual things to an 11 yr old girl in 2003
- Glitch
- Glitch
- Glitch
- peters daddy picked peter up and slamed him to the floor he was so angry with peter
- catching the 7:45
- the perfect end to the day
- Acyberlove is open again, see y'all there Love Peter
- i am the original thesaunderschild all others are fake i am #1
- Peter Ross Anderson Thinks Killing People Is Acceptable Behavior
- The Scottish actor Peter Anderson, wearing a jumper about Mick Jones from the Clash.
- Phoned it in: Terror Padraig fittons review
- Peter Ross Anderson Floating In The Toilet
- veoh112
- Peter Anderson pedo sex criminal who assulted his mother.
- Peter Anderson pedo sex crimiinal mother basher who scares young girls
- Smelly Scottish criminal
- Smelly Scottish criminal
- Glitch
- Glitch
- Peter Ross Anderson Sides With Kanye "Ye" West About Hitler
- hulloo is dat da interpol, my no brain is in australia can u find it, no we can not
- I have been banned from Anxiety Forum
- Glitch
- da "Leith Anti Stinky Boy" gas masks on sale at ASDA, hurry hurry hurry dont miss out
- Legal advice. How do you get it?
- Glitch ??
- saying things like, "One dislike", while using a photo from his LinkedIn profile.
- wearing thongs on the hot sand carrying the new blue flippers catch a wave
- da "leith stinky boy" gas masks free at cinema entrance, put on before u enter
- Glitch
- da skunk of edinbog known as little leith stinky boy is on da bus warning woop woop
- gas masks at asda entrance da smell from da little leith stinky boy filling shop
- littleleathstinkypeteranderson abandon ship all to life rafts huge gas explosion
- Happy birthday, PeterAndersonIsARacist!
- 878 and counting
- peter is very sad today. no one came to his birthday, not even a mouse. oh poor peter
- peter waited at da mailbox today for birthday cards, but none arrived, oh poor peter
- Glitch
- warning trapped wind in little leith stinky boy huge gas leak about to erupt, woop
- da peter is exremely angry today, still no birthday cards or flowers, oh poor peter
- da peter send himself a birthday card, da only one they got, oh poor peter
- da peter cant stop crying, no flowers, no birthday calls, no friends, oh poor peter
- is it da china balloon, no it da giant gas filled rolly polly peter, ready aim fire
- da peter da ljam filled rolly polly rolls down da edinbog streets, oh poor peter
- da jam filled rolly polly peter da fat boy of da year in edinbog, oh poor peter
- da peter da sugar hippo winner da fatest kid in edinbog nob nob nob nob
- Glitch
- turn left at top of stairs when u get to green door that wrong one, oh poor peter.
- Glitch
- how is da peter telly tubbie so short and dum, da gas leak estraordinary from da bog
- Glitch
- how can da peter not know how to ride a horse
- how can da peter not know where Bulgaria is
- how is da peter fail da theory car driving test
- sherlock failed using google maps to find da house wid da stairs, how hard can it be
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