View Full Version : General Discussion
- Bad day at work
- Stomache and side abdominal pain
- How long?
- Tmj
- Change..
- We all have bad days..
- Feel like an idiot
- Ibs
- so fed up now with this anxiety :-(
- Good morning :-)
- Ahhhhh anxious about feeling anxious!!
- I can't do this anymore
- Urgh had to book to see gp today
- Fear ( health anxiety)
- Tingling in my left cheek and nose
- Anyone ever think their Missdiagnosed?
- what the hell was thaaat?
- Does anyone get this
- Anyone??
- Scary heart
- How long before the nausea subsides?
- Horrible night last night :(
- Muscle pain and it goes again
- General Anxiety
- Chest discomfort - Mostly over left side
- I don't know what this is and it's driving me crazy. Can ya'll please help me.
- Anxiety relief electronic gadgets available
- Anxiety playing havoc
- Anxiety and brain tumor fear... I want my life back!
- Give me a break please!
- ran/walked my first marathon today :)
- Funny spells
- I feel panicked because there's nothing I can do to make things better.
- Christmas
- Head symptoms?
- health anxiety
- ~Year of anxiety - here's my story.
- xmas and anxiety
- Contemplating returning to work on monday...and very anxious about it!
- scared of taking peptac liquid
- How my head works
- How to stop worrying about the future world? :(
- 6 weeks pregnant
- Grrr!!
- Anxiety sucks
- Overwhelmed
- Fed up
- Self hate and realationships
- Please help!!! Is it possible im going crazy???
- Feels like I can bearly breathe
- Cinderella ball
- Chest problems
- Looking Pale
- Gone
- Anxiety in the Army
- My anxiety Diary
- Apps to Help Anxiety
- Just tripped onto this info
- Been out drinking the last two days
- Tmj
- Head Issues
- feeling a little panicky from ibs
- What gives
- Ever get scared about making future plans?
- Low vitamin d
- Insomnia and Anxiety
- For the females :)
- Advice if you can please
- Great..
- Face troubles
- The Secret
- Prozac
- Panic and Gluten-free diet
- Guess what????!!!!!
- Anyone get anxious about eating?
- Long time, no post! : )
- Propranolol
- Mental health is just as important (if not more), as physical health...
- Repetative thoughts
- Does anxiety give you itesgestion
- Blood clot fear!!!
- Safest anti depressant for patients with SVT
- Experience with depersonalization / derealization?
- Extremly scared throbbing please help
- Anxiety, pregnancy, and RAGING hormones! :-o
- Stress-Echo Test.
- Back question????
- Hello Guest.
- Talking to yourself out loud
- time zones
- Ho! Ho! Ouch!
- Electric shocks
- Amino Acids, Magnesium and Prozac
- I am a coward.
- Squeaze-like pressure on head subsided but won't go away
- Christmas
- staying calm and fighting anxiety.
- why I have nothing to say to some people
- Antacids
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
- Pcos
- Anxiety due to hyper awareness of your own walking?
- Temple pain.
- Anxiety when traveling
- dizziness and nausea
- What foods to stay away from
- Freaking!!!!
- Electric shick.
- Weird Anxiety????!!!! :(
- Anxiety and "Dizziness"
- Good morning
- zoloft??
- Anxiety
- Hey everyone:-)
- hands and feet are freezing
- Health anxiety
- Lump In Throat
- The Un-Naturals...LMAO!
- Need some help
- Alcohol
- Blackmail
- Guilt and Shame
- Please help breathing
- Rabies Anxiety
- legs aching anxiety??
- Medication
- Am I wrong or are the docs wrong?
- Scared.
- Anger and anxiety
- Night time fright
- Seeing the ex
- Having a hard time sleeping???
- Again With the Health Anxiety
- Having an anxiety filled night..cancer fear! TMI :(
- Is it anxiety or an adverse reaction?
- Other people afraid of rabies
- Depression Treatment
- Menopause and Depression
- Head pain
- Anxiety when hangover is worse
- Starting to feel a difference...
- just some fun
- anxiety and then some...........
- Side effects
- Looking for Hope
- Relationship doubts?
- 2nd attempt
- Irrational thoughts
- Eight hours after Ativan the Anxiety is back. IS THIS NORMAL??
- An abnormal feeling...:/
- Hormonal issue or anxiety???
- Reading into things
- Too scared to sleep.
- Energy drink and propranolol
- Wooooo hooo
- So scared of the future :( please help
- Job hunting/Interviewing
- Numb lip!!!!!
- I thought this may be cool..:)
- urghhh!
- Ladies- Hormonal Problems?
- Worst anxiety symptom !
- Anxiety creeping back
- Pain.
- Grrrr
- What happened to
- Stomach hurts
- always scared of getting sick
- Overwhelming feeling of fear
- Fear of seizures
- Wtf is this?
- Anxiety over oxygen level
- woke up and feel like giving up
- Itchy
- My Weekly Progress with Anxiety and Medication (Citalopram and Prochlorperazine)
- Just a helps me.
- First day back at work. ZERO ANXIETY.
- pains
- Scared..
- anxiety free..............
- blood clot scare continues
- No outlet
- hyperventilation (OCD trigger warning)
- WARNING: TMI..For my women friends!! Please advise!!
- Petrified
- Major anxiety about burgularys
- In a pickle and need help in a hurry :(
- I'm worried
- Zoloft and hair loss
- my past 3 months. Thoughts?
- Huge shopping fear...
- What triggered anxiety and what triggers an attack now? ..
- Feeling great
- Dazed
- Coping with Intrusive thoughts? Need Advice.
- New here and struggling with obsessive thoughts and anxiety (looong)
- Stomach
- The Holidays..:)
- St Nick visits the Anxious and OCD Prone.
- So much pain
- Yes, me again..
- Weird feeling
- Siiiiigh........
- What is going on with me?!
- Blood pressure machine question
- G'dayyyy
- Someone help me
- Helping my girlfriend, relating to anxiety
- chest pain when hungry?
- Anxiety symptoms, but not sure if I suffer from anxiety. Feel terrible though
- Why Are Relationships Too Overwhelming To Have?
- Do I have anxiety?
- Proporonol
- fear iv breathed in food
- Does anybody else have this family problem
- Sore Ankle
- Merry...
- anxiety and a pit in my stomach
- Vitamins and supplements
- Sign of panic attack/anxiety?
- Finally!
- sick of being scared plz how can I make it stop
- Theres always something
- TMI warning!
- what is wrong with me?
- Feeling anxious!!
- Wee Question - FYI im intigued not worried lol :D
- Stress and Anxiety? What's the difference?
- Opinions: Please?
- AND..another. FUN THOUGH!
- Anyone had this?
- anxiety prone personalities
- Weird feeling
- Werd feeling!
- I freeze and run when I get succesful, why?
- Recommend some realxing music?
- To scared to Google!
- too scared to sleep (christmas eve)
- merry Christmas everyone :)
- Yoga
- Feeling exhausted...
- Thinking of quitting smoking?
- I'm scared of my thoughts!
- Hypnophobia and why it is ruining my life!
- The "impending feelings of doom"
- A great Eve, and interesting news...
- Brothers missing
- Rough night
- Anxiety Feeling
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