View Full Version : Hormonal issue or anxiety???
12-19-2013, 07:28 PM
So when everything started with me it started with dizzy spells ... Then I got my period an I got dizzy which lead to I had the chills heart racing and going to the bathroom .... After that afte I'd eat I'd have to go to the bathroom .... So then after that I was in the hospital for a hr of 150.... Is that anxiety or is tht my period or what
12-19-2013, 08:12 PM
Mkgirl01 - Have you ever had any type of heart monitor? I have SVT and it took many ER visits and multiple heart monitors for them to actually catch it in a SVT rhythm. From my personal experience both stress and hormones can play a HUGE role. I take beta blockers for this now which stops the spikes. I also ended up in the ER multiple times even by ambulance once with a sustained hr of 160s for over an hour. I did have some medical things (pectus excavatum since corrected because it was compressing my heart) however I am very fearful to stop my beta blockers as my heart has never been so steady in my life. I've been on them for over a year now.
Also different electrolyte imbalances can really affect this, I had low potassium once and it is what landed me in the ambulance with the really bad bout of SVT.
Some thoughts would be to maybe ask your doctor. There is a more short lived type of SVT I think called psvt which I believe has to do with postures and different activities but I don't think the runs are as long.
The good news is that SVT is very common in healthy hearts and is almost always benign. It can cause very debilitating symptoms and is absolutely an anxiety provoker.
I personally know that anything involving your heart is best to get checked out and cleared by a well respected doctor.... Not one that will discredit you and say you're healthy as a horse because you are young. It's not to say there is anything wrong but you have to be your own advocate and TRUST your doctor!
12-19-2013, 08:13 PM
Another thing I wanted to add... SVT bouts can increase your urge to urinate significantly.
12-19-2013, 08:22 PM
Thank you I have had many ekgs holiter monitor and an echocardiogram which only showed tachycardia ... The holter said no arrhythmia's .... And by going to the bathroom a lot I mean diarriah... Not to be gross hahha
12-19-2013, 08:28 PM
Well I think that hormones play a role in heart rate for sure! I'm not sure who is going to be able to identify the connection for you but the internet does have a lot of resources indicating a connection.
12-19-2013, 08:38 PM
Luckily since I've started zoloft it hasn't been that high again .... But I'm just scared if I have a hormonal imbalance that it can hurt me and I coup have a stroke or something serious
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