View Full Version : General Discussion
- Good mood
- my fucking nerves are sky high right now.
- Just dont know what to do
- I want to help people on their road to becoming anxiety free.
- 6 weeks
- How to help my 8 year old son
- Head Jerk/Twitch/Jerk -- Please help ---
- My Mind Refuses to Accept the Fact that NOTHING is wrong with me...
- Suicidal
- Feel like something is about to happen
- telling your friends about anxiety or not?
- Watch this Video Now!
- Alternative to diazepam
- Query
- Email newsletters on anxiety?
- Almost in tears
- Youtube - ASMR & Soothetube
- Strict Gluten free, dairy free diet and Iron cured my anxiety
- Anxiety
- headaches
- Bad day :/
- prozac + Lorazepam help with side effect
- Whats your resting heart rate?
- Fear of Traveling
- Dating/relationship anxiety
- A leap of Faith - My first post
- First post!
- I don't know why I'm bugging myself
- Contamination?
- Does anyone else have this problem?
- Shortness/ cant catch breath
- Been Sick for two months now - Am SO miserable and scared. HELP!!
- My story
- Just woke up in panic attack
- Social interaction
- Anxiety attack?
- Anxiety attack?
- Tummy pain
- Anxiety about seeing death
- Cold feeling on chest
- Getting Better
- Your Symptoms are NOT the Cause
- Dealing with stressful days
- Night time anxiety and right arm and leg shaking
- Blood pressure question
- What did I do?
- I need help finding out how to stop my anxiety if that is even what I have
- No panic
- Having severe anxiety
- Help -.-
- Stress eating and weight
- Anxiety + extra stress how am i goin 2cope?
- Insomnia
- Anxiety about having diabetes
- Are Video Games Good for Anxiety
- 10 Tips to Reduce Anxiety
- Is CBT the only real cure?
- Hiatal hernia
- Question about Anxiety about being sick due to anxiety...
- Sturggling to sleep
- Starting to obsess
- The anxiety club
- Cant eat
- Wishing for comfort
- Stupid f**ckin panic attacks
- Symptoms and how long will they last
- anxiety jokes...
- Six people out of six eliminated their panic attack in 3 minutes or less with this
- Thought i'd share :)
- Anxiety
- Anxeity attack
- Help - a question about lexapro (escitalopram) and whether I should stay on it
- First severe panic attack in a while.
- Fear
- Anxiety and time off from work
- Do benzos reduce quality of sleep?
- Motherwort for heart palpitations?
- Anxiety because of my first work ever
- Anxiety ruined my relationship
- Help!!! ANYONE.
- Positive
- Health Anxiety
- Happily Terrified?
- Mood Enhancer?
- Need some advice!
- Noise around the room. Clicking,popping, cracking etc. HELP!
- How do people deal with this?!?!?
- Doctors are so quick to throw the depression word around and try to sell me pills
- Anxiety symptoms
- anxious stomach
- Bipolar boyfriend, and me with anxiety.
- leg pain
- Leg muscle tension what the ??
- School
- Work
- Weight loss
- Symptoms
- Making a change
- nauseous, no appetite, losing weight
- I m going crazy?
- Hard time coping...
- My mailbox
- Just trying to calm down
- Hey People...
- Magical thinking
- Hello all
- Stull having triuble believing this is all anxiety
- Facing my fears
- Back and worse than ever!
- Zoloft Side Effects
- New Symptom?
- Hatred
- Headaches head pressure feeling like i might pass out
- Mood swings
- The cycle
- Calming techniques
- Trouble falling asleep and stating asleep
- Fever cause rapid heartrate
- Any advice
- Need advice on strange feelings
- New here and need help on Lexapro!
- Losing weight help anxiety?
- Amino acids?
- Slowly going insane
- Bach flower remedies
- This has got to stop
- Horrible anxiety
- How to relax chest tension???
- Taking medication is it the right decision?
- Really worried
- Exams and dizziness
- Trying so hard
- Horrible emotions in pit of stomach... anxiety, depression or something else?
- What if...?
- Fear of ALS - are muscle twitches common?
- can anxiety make you more pissed off easily?
- Day 12 on Celexa
- Free Self Therapy audio link
- :( help
- See Your Part in All Of This- Know Thyself
- Shaking hands
- Relapse :(
- Another bad day :(
- The past
- really freaking out!!!
- Health anxiety
- Newbie here! Hello everyone!
- Chest feeling?
- Recovery?
- I Feel Like A Different Person
- feel alone
- whats wrong with me? Am I experiencing panic attacks?
- Do anxiety symptoms vanish overnight?
- Sudden Long Term Anxiety
- New here
- very worried
- Anxiety Making Me Crazy
- My Anxiety/Panic Disorder
- Having tormenting anxiety after nap due to insomnia
- Tongue Twitching
- Breathing
- Having a rough day
- Palps & GERD
- My first anxiety attack
- Anxiety taking control
- College anxiety
- Returning Symptoms
- Prison Sentence
- Constant chest achey pain. Bad posture and anxiety?
- How to cope with GAD?
- Pregabalin?
- Giving up smoking
- Amoxophobia- i need help..!!
- anyone have OCD or pure O?
- Anxiety rehab
- Anxiety - The Catch 22
- New and need some clarification
- new to the forum...looking for opinions on anxiety symptoms
- Freaking out today
- Male anxiety
- your issues and your spouse
- Strangest Headache Ever
- hyperthyroidism
- want to cure my OCD before my trip to disney world with my girlfriend in July
- Chemical Imbalance or environmental influences?
- Headaches
- Eye symptoms?
- Anyone else seem to get infections and cold/flu's more often?
- Poss pregnant
- What are your views on Anti-depressants
- Neck throbs?? Anyone else??
- Panic attack or just upset?
- Question for you guys!!
- General anxiety questions
- Sharp sudden and painful head pain?
- never een on one of these sites, need some advice
- Racoon Eyes
- Vitamin B Complex
- anxiety is becoming out of control
- relapsing.. this is awful
- Any luck with L-theanine?
- Subconcious Anxiety: How to deal
- Anxiety and I
- 30 Golden tips to overcome panic and anexiety
- Simple tips on overcoming contsant anxiety.
- Found out what my headaches were....
- Finally the missing piece to the puzzle...
- Just typing out loud
- Fear of failing...again.
- What to look for (and red flags) in a good P-Therapist
- elevators??
- relaxation and guided meditation
- Anxiety and health
- Must Not Google Must Not Google!
- Anxious as hell today...
- Having alot of trouble dealing with this.
- Upset stomach, can anxiety do this?
- Breathing
- Another relationship thread.
- ugh idk whats going on
- You Are Your Own Worst Enemy- Not Me!
- Unidentified Anxiety
- Elderly Mom had accident, not looking good :(
- Serious Improvement!
- Obsession
- Obsession
- Worry about People
- Beautiful
- Problems At Work
- Will meds help with physical sensations?
- i cant have a relationship because of this?
- Palps again :(
- How long to reverse a constant state of unrest?
- Meds not working
- Discuss your..
- this forum
- Relationship Anxiety
- Never had it this bad...
- Blood fetishes/ cutting/ etc to reduce anxiety
- Hello! Im new in here
- medication
- Worried
- Sudden oncome of anxiety
- 5 htp
- pain bottom of the back
- Get rid of pains
- The site-recommended "Driving Fear Program"?
- Anxiety and Drinking
- Worried that I may be narcissistic?
- Stomach Pains (male)
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