View Full Version : Trouble falling asleep and stating asleep

04-17-2013, 10:38 PM
For the last few months I have had alot of trouble falling asleep. I lay here trying to be calm and then as I think I'm drifting off I twitch or jump and it scares me and wakes me up and I start scanning my body.. At this time I usually notice burning in top of stomach and behind left breast which freaks me out so I have to start over. If I ever do fall asleep I wake up jolted gasping for air and feeling adrenaline in my stomach which scares me bad and I'm up for hours reading on here or talking myself down

04-17-2013, 10:58 PM
I also have what I can only describe as chest zaps. It's like someone shocked my chest and at the same time I take a deep breath and feel like I'm forced to swallow.. idk what this is all about but I'm dreaming out tonight!!!!

04-17-2013, 11:18 PM
I can only sleep like 4 hours now. Then I'm wide awake and feel ready to do anything. I know this cant be good but I work midnights and can no longer sleep past 12:30 pm. My internal clock won't let me. My room is very dark and it still don't help. On nights I don't work I crash out early and sleep for 8 hours.

04-18-2013, 04:26 AM
I just went thru the exact samething!! I didn't sleep for 3 day. I've been using NyQuil