View Full Version : Breathing
04-21-2013, 02:53 PM
Does anyone get asthma like symptoms with their anxiety?
That seems to be my biggest problematic symptom associated with anxiety. It's getting to the point where I'm actually wondering if it's truely anxiety.
04-21-2013, 07:35 PM
Today I cut the grass and felt my heart rate go up and almost immediately started panicking.
Then the chest tightness and the shortness of breath started and the shortness of breath is still going on and off.
Think it is probably just a sign of anxiety rather than asthma, because of your shallow breathing when anxious. If you do think it is asthma, you should get Dr to check it out though, then it would stop your worrying about it, and might help you feel better.
Do you have allergies?
I've had this breathing problem, more often than not, since February.
04-21-2013, 07:46 PM
Never had allergies before but I have been getting sinus pressure headaches lately and have been waking up clogged up
Well, (certain) allergies are bad this time of the year.
I'm not sure what to do at this point myself, I went to the doctors in March and had extensive blood work, EKG, etc - my blood/oxygen saturation was always around 100% when it was checked; so who knowa at this point.
04-21-2013, 08:09 PM
I go back to the doc a week from tomorrow
04-21-2013, 10:16 PM
I get asthma like symptoms all the time and they always tell me it's anxiety. I get short of breath..feel like I have to cough and there is something in my throat. And I also learned that if allergies can increase and worsen during stress or anxiety
04-22-2013, 12:11 AM
Been dealing with this lately aswell.. it's so scary because I worried if its my heart..then this past Monday a close friend of mines died of a heart attack. She was only 24! I'm 27 so that really has been in my mind lately.. I try to calm myself but it's tough.. I'm getting better at controlling it though..
04-22-2013, 02:24 AM
Does anyone get asthma like symptoms with their anxiety?
Yes my last symptom left
I had the same symptoms and it turned out I was blowing out too much co2 and getting too much oxygen, basically over-breathing. Yoga and buteyko breathing exercises has really helped me out with it.
04-22-2013, 12:29 PM
I had the same symptoms and it turned out I was blowing out too much co2 and getting too much oxygen, basically over-breathing. Yoga and buteyko breathing exercises has really helped me out with it.
I try these techniques and often I feel like ill pass out?! I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.... Too much or too little?
04-22-2013, 01:21 PM
I try these techniques and often I feel like ill pass out?! I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.... Too much or too little?
Same happened to me OBAAT. Doing these made me feel worse for ages, I couldnt understand it so much. My nervous system was just too ramped. Try to relax your nervous system for a while through just through very relaxed meditation (preferably transcendental, I could help you with that if you've never done it.) Sometimes when your nervous system is really really ramped the slightest changes will set off an anxiety spiral. Also, take the exercises VERY slowly, often more slowly than the books may suggest, shorter times, shorter breath holds/pauses etc. Theres always a disclaimer on books on these exercises that say go reaaaaaally slowly when you have anxiety.
Do you have any breathing obessesions? If you have breathing obsessions, doing these could actually be counterproductive and cause an anxiety reaction in the mind and release adrenaline.
Have you measured your buteyko CP, do you know what it is? :)
04-22-2013, 01:47 PM
Same happened to me OBAAT. Doing these made me feel worse for ages, I couldnt understand it so much. My nervous system was just too ramped. Try to relax your nervous system for a while through just through very relaxed meditation (preferably transcendental, I could help you with that if you've never done it.) Sometimes when your nervous system is really really ramped the slightest changes will set off an anxiety spiral. Also, take the exercises VERY slowly, often more slowly than the books may suggest, shorter times, shorter breath holds/pauses etc. Theres always a disclaimer on books on these exercises that say go reaaaaaally slowly when you have anxiety.
Do you have any breathing obessesions? If you have breathing obsessions, doing these could actually be counterproductive and cause an anxiety reaction in the mind and release adrenaline.
Have you measured your buteyko CP, do you know what it is? :)
okay I'm lost.. I'm going to need help with this.. lol... I do obsess over my breathing a lot and find that's when I get my heart palps! :(
04-22-2013, 02:01 PM
Did she have a heart problem :( damn that made my anxiety climb
04-22-2013, 02:09 PM
I used to hyperventilate when I was really afraid and didnt know what was happening. As time passed and I learned more about this disorder, that went away.
As mentioned above, once my doc tried to get me doing these deep breathing exercises, I felt like I was gonna faint. Problem is there is not any method that works on everyone.
Unfortunately I had to fail a few times prior to success.
I just breathe like I am supposed to now and no worries.
04-22-2013, 02:17 PM
Been dealing with this lately aswell.. it's so scary because I worried if its my heart..then this past Monday a close friend of mines died of a heart attack. She was only 24! I'm 27 so that really has been in my mind lately.. I try to calm myself but it's tough.. I'm getting better at controlling it though..
This freaks me right out, being that it's a huge fear of mine and I'm 26!! So scary, was there an under lying reason?
04-22-2013, 02:26 PM
I have this problem as well. With the presence of anxiety, my chest and throat feel tight and then the panic sets in as to whether this is just anxiety or something else. I hate that my doctor tends to lean toward the anxiety as the cause of everything and leaves me feeling more worried that he is missinng something:(
04-22-2013, 02:35 PM
This freaks me right out, being that it's a huge fear of mine and I'm 26!! So scary, was there an under lying reason?
When someone dies so young of a heart attack, there has to be undetected heart issues or some type of drug overdose. Not suggesting this person was into drugs, just stating a fact.
When someone dies so young of a heart attack, there has to be undetected heart issues or some type of drug overdose. Not suggesting this person was into drugs, just stating a fact.
Yup - I agree 100%.
04-22-2013, 04:54 PM
When someone dies so young of a heart attack, there has to be undetected heart issues or some type of drug overdose. Not suggesting this person was into drugs, just stating a fact.
Yup. Maybe cholesterol was really high or something to cause the arteries to become blocked. You cant just have a heart attack for no reason. If you've been checked by a doctor and everything is healthy then you shouldn't worry
Also, there is a difference between heart attack and sudden cardiac death. A heart attack is often years in the making, while the later can happen suddenly.
04-22-2013, 06:38 PM
Does anyone get asthma like symptoms with their anxiety?
I can be just fine doing anything from nothing to strenuous exercise until I think about and become conscious of my breathing. At which point it feels similiar to asthma. Its strange. Almost like an anxiety induced asthma.
04-23-2013, 09:55 AM
The breathing thing seems to be a big problem with me lately but also smoke!!! I know its terrible. I have horrible health anxiety and I smoke. How messed up is that???
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