View Full Version : General Discussion
- help with anxiety after amost two years
- What to do with my job?
- moving on from all people that do not care about you
- Is this anxiety :(
- Not your typical Anxiety
- Relationship Anxiety.
- this anxiety and/or depression?
- Having Breakdown - Exhausted, severely anxious and questioning my life choices.
- Living within my own body
- Shortness of breath and positive long term anxiety experience to share
- Anxiety coping strategies - thought I'd be feeling better
- Paranoid might get filed a rape case
- Does eating healthy & exercising help with anxiety?
- I need help
- For years, people have massively mistreated me!
- General Anxiety - visting a doctor - what to expect?
- Am I Depressed or just Anxious?
- My Story.
- Need help understanding my anxiety
- Need help figuring out a specific breed of obsessive thinking
- Panic attack during therapy
- Anxiety is taking the "me" part of myself away?
- Worsening panic disorder with very real physical effects
- Overly aware of my health
- Is this symptom anxiety?
- My Success Story : Depersonalization, Panic attack, anxiety disorder and phobias....
- Negative Thoughts
- Feeling Breathless
- Do you still think I should be worries about my heart?
- anxiety over job offer
- [Health Anxiety] N.Fowleri Scare
- I think i have Downs Syndrome ( Severe Delusions or Real ? )
- Extreme panic attack- Now permanently feeling like I'll have the next one soon
- anxiety and work
- Emetophobia: The Fear of Vomiting
- Psychotherapy is Making Me Worse!
- Tips for travelling anxiety-free
- Motion Sickness or Anxiety?
- Sticky points that worked for me!
- Reaching out - anxiety and isolation
- Anxiety attack at night?
- Intrusive health thoughts
- Aching arms
- negative thoughts and feelings
- Can't keep a job due to anxiety/depression
- Over Sensative Hearing
- Anxiety and guilt
- Help really needed
- never ending panic please help
- anxiety help
- Post-Attack Symptoms
- Anxiety, guilt, disgust. Please help soon.
- Anxiety sucks!
- I've been told it's anxiety, help appreciated.
- New to this - need help
- My story - need help coping
- I am having sever anxiety
- Life with a mother who is bipolar- Please help
- Shortness of Breath, my worst nightmare !
- Feedback
- I think I have anxiety...What to do?
- Our desire is that our Podcast helps just one person to "Let their light shine"
- Beginning Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy
- Any advice with dealing with my anxiety/depression?
- Holding on to something..
- Checking in with ya'll
- I was a 38 year old male virgin until last night!
- Anxiety with chest tightness/pains
- Worried...
- Sugar and its impact on Anxiety/Depression
- Terrified of parents and get anxiety attacks watching advice videos.
- Unpleasant associations and more
- Could I faint while driving?
- NEW Anxiety Cause to Explore
- Went to the e.r. - doc prescribed me an inhaler.. Wtf? Anyone else have e.r. stories?
- Severe anxiety, especially health anxiety making me suicidal
- Hi!
- Choppy Vision???
- Need Help
- Bipolar and now Panic Attacks, what comes next?
- 12 years of anxiety and sick of it
- Confused: Girlfriend with anxiety
- still suffering
- Anyone else feel douchey for having good posture?
- Who can relate ?????!!!!?????????
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder is about to strike again?
- Same time each day
- Gastric related anxiety
- Looking for practical advice about re-joining the world.
- Frightened!
- doc prescrebed Hydralazine (Apresoline) BP meds for Anxiety to take it as needed
- Help with stopping a nervous coughing tic
- Question for people who work with panic disorder or anxiety
- Hypochondriac and ALS
- Searching for a good CBT-like book to help me out. Suggestions?
- Is this an example of anxiety or something else?
- i have a problem
- Can't turn my mind off
- Hypochondria and me.
- Anxiety and PTSD?
- is every panic attack different for each person?
- moving away for college help
- Super Odd Thing Occurring For Me - Any feedback or Thoughts Would Be Appreciated
- Sad, spaced out feeling; is this anxiety?
- Anxiety The Friend
- Panic / Adrenaline attack during and after orgasm
- Weird Man - A memory
- Recent spike in anxiety, help?
- Feeling anxious when leaving home for extended periods
- Psychology Advice
- Anxiety Over Elevated Prostate Tumor Marker
- Aniety Forums Anxiety
- Work Related Anxiety
- Unsure As To Whether To Contact Him?
- Going crazy
- My fellow anxiety community what do you do for a living? I need ideas
- Numbness In Left Arm - Over A Day Now?
- throbbing sound in ears?
- sleep attacks keep waking me up
- psychosomatic medicine
- Been feeling like death for way too long..
- I'm starting to become very worried about DVT and PE?
- First time poster- anxiety over appearence?
- Thermophobia: fear of hot weather.
- Telling therapist info
- quit smoking to vaping anxiety came back
- Job training!
- What's it like living with an anxiety or depressive disorder?
- Paralysis and feeling stuck/missing out
- Are these just anxiety symptoms..
- Anxiety over traveling and moving away
- Really strugglig
- Questions on White Coat Syndrome
- Need help for elder brother
- What symptoms do you get from anxiety?
- Help with performance anxiety?
- Existence - really freaking me out!
- has anyone taken stemetil for anxety
- HI
- is there any medication for anxiety that i can as needed
- Anxiety during social situations
- Belly Fat and SSRIs
- Health Anxiety
- Being a night owl...
- anxiety is wearing me out
- Anxious I will Never Marry
- Always worried about health, please help.
- Anxiety attacks
- A chain reaction
- Anxiety and Depression: Have You Experienced These Symptoms?
- Worrying - It hasn't happened... YET!
- Kicked out of church
- Ten Commandments
- Too Long!
- Not sure if I need to change drugs or do something else
- frustrated
- My Partner's Anxiety...
- Plateaued?
- Being around my niece makes me feel sick?
- Anyone have no luck on Venlafaxine and then luck with something else?
- Living on my own for the 2nd time in my life and fearful of possibly being exploited.
- Anxiety over my brother and future relationships.
- Anxiety caused by quitting marijuana
- Anxiety Waking Up??
- Not sure what's going on!!!
- Anxiety at work.
- Can't Sleep or function
- Help, i lost the control of my life!!!
- please help
- At Disney Dealing with Anxiety/Health Anxiety (heart)
- Vistaril
- Anxiety without anxious thoughts?
- Bleeding from tooth extractions
- Vision disturbances
- Can you develop different anxiety symptoms after generalized anxiety for years?
- Taking back my life
- Is this anxiety? Maybe I finally found what's wrong with me
- I have returned! LOL
- Really scared
- Grad School Anxiety/Fear
- Dealing with Severe Anxiety Daily
- Anxiety, perfectionism and procrastination. Never feeling happy.
- Always feel like people are behind me/robbing me
- New Member here, once again I'm suffering from Anxiety.
- I'll never have friends...probably
- Please help...sever anxiety
- Weakness on left side of body
- How I overcame Anxiety and Mild Depression
- Trauma From Past Episodes of Anxiety/Depression
- ok and now I'm really freaking myself out
- Not important
- Anyone have a "tight chest" feeling?
- Friend visiting soon causing major anxiety... :(
- Groomsman anxiety leading up to AND after the wedding!
- Throat tightness, anyone?
- Have I Generalised anxiety disorder
- Constantly Having To Validate W/ Myself
- A psychiatrist just for anxiety?
- The One Thing That Stops ME! Please help :( Thanks guys
- Bathroom anxiety - getting worse?
- Getting over people not liking you?
- New here
- Agoraphobia and social phobia
- I dont want to do anything mood...
- In between therapists
- New in here
- New to Forum - Any Similar Symptoms Thread
- Health Anxiety, Pain in my chest PLEASE HELP PANICKING
- Anxiety and Dating
- I have no path in front of me. Anxiety and depression is too much.
- Nose whistling makes me seriously sleep deprived?
- Stress at work, worried about a nervous breakdown
- Health Anxiety
- Battling a full blown anxiety attack today.....
- Game for anxiety relief
- really really long post but i need to talk and share to get better
- Anxiety due husband's sound sensitivity. Please help!
- Sleep, worry and more
- Making Excuses for Not Drinking While on Meds
- Anxiety killing my appetite
- 3days no sleep
- Am I crazy?! Are the doctors right that I'm ok?! Struggling!
- Scared.
- Get with the program
- Pulse in left abdomen
- Will I get an infection?
- Does anyone else get this problem?
- CT scan risk anxiety and facts
- Feeling hopeless, dread everything. Don't know what to do?
- I think I'm a terrible person
- Panic!
- Dealing with excessive sweating
- Scared of the future
- I finally figured out where anxiety impacts my life. How do I recover from it?
- Help!
- Help!
- Anxiety is coming back
- Food, Allergies and Anxiety
- My anxiety changed me.
- Abnormal EKG, or inaccurate?
- My Overcoming Panic/Anxiety/Clinical Depression Story
- Missed out on a possible job because of anxiety
- Anxiety, for the good and bad times
- Abdominal pain realted to stress or something else
- How many of you exercise?
- Just looking for help for me to understand
- Can you get HIV this way??? Freaking out
- New Medicine Worry
- Magnesium benefits
- I'm so sick of people today!
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