View Full Version : General Discussion
- um anxiety = stroke or heart attack?
- Knocked Down Again
- advice on anxiety symptoms ????????????
- has anyone had this?
- update and terrified guys
- Is so fed up with anxiety
- what is the next step after propranolol
- Good vibes and Bad vibes
- does anxiety make more prone to going ´crazy´or mad??
- Need quick relief.
- Is anxiety really this bad
- That surreal feeling?
- feels like veins through my neck are constricting
- What triggered the anxiety on the day it started for you?
- bad day breakdown
- I'm so scared.
- SYMPTOMS POLL. Please participate! :)
- heart problems
- family thinks im crazy so i must be
- The problem with Googling
- Help? Could this be teenage health anxiety?
- second gusseing my mind
- Anxiety and work
- pale
- Physical symptoms change?
- please please please help
- Anxiety and Gaming
- exercise
- I have a serious question for everyone
- Anxiety and heart palpitations
- Thought i was getting better :(
- When do you feel most anxious?
- Looking for testimonials
- i can cure your anxiety
- Vision problems?
- Massage For Relaxation
- How do you separate anxiety from reality?
- lymes
- real bad pains in left arm...what do i do?
- anxiety sufferers check out my new YouTube channel
- sleeping with hands above head??
- That weird edgy feeling...
- what are your symptoms
- Growing up with a bipolar parent
- Afraid I'm getting dementia
- Eye strain?
- Blood shot eyes related to anxiety
- Do you ever just feel run down and sick?
- Drug induced anxiety
- would love quick opinions
- Deep, philosophical thoughts.
- maths course
- now i think im goind mad
- Who has bathroom issues
- Hypochondria over drug test :(
- The best technique that helped me with anxiety.
- The day has come
- dizziness.......
- A Bit Of Positivity!
- Basic things you do to get out of an episode
- Cure yourself within months - It really is that simple!
- how do i stop suicidal thoughts please help
- A bit of good news...
- Getting there.
- Is this the way it is.
- Women please help
- I might have it all figured out!! Feedback PLEASE! :D
- Arm Pain?
- dehabilitating ??? (annoying ad on top of forum)
- dehabilitating ??? (annoying ad on top of forum)
- Relationship Anxiety
- Is there an anxwer for this?
- any one had this
- obessive thoughts
- over did it on sunbed-now really scared?
- freaked out ekkk
- Have i got Anxiety?
- how do i tel my dr i need help? or anyone for that matter
- Please help
- What has worked for me...
- i hear noises or voices just as im about to fall asleep
- Heart of Not???
- A message of hope (Bible passage)...
- What am I doing right now, instead of dwelling on my problem
- Breathing awareness is bothering me...
- Workbook
- Self consciousness, envisioning yourself
- Mental Haze/Forgetfulness/Memory Issue
- What scares YOU the most?
- Feeling better, apart from deppression?
- meditation cure?
- Am i alone ?
- When it comes back
- Aaaaaaaaaaaaah, help, too much information
- Advice please.
- What can I do to help?
- I don't know what to do.
- Anyone on xanax?
- 8=0
- Any tips for job interviews?
- moniter myself like watching a film.
- Anxiety - Questions
- klonopin question
- scared to sleep and a mess
- chamomile tea really helps reduce my anxiety
- Complete paradoxical reactions to benzodiazepines.
- Confused
- scared now
- Update on heart test and on my anxiety
- Anyone interested in group anxiety relief?
- Newbie here. Needing help for my daughter
- MSN ?
- i have gad and i am very aware of my heart beat all the time
- Constant worrying.
- bladder troubles
- Help Please
- Plateau???
- Intense Anxiety at the same time of the day, everday?
- I think I have pretty severe anxiety...
- I think I'm losing weight because of anxiety- HELP
- Cant find work due to anxiety. Ruining everything!
- Numb feeling
- terrifying nightmares
- pot scare
- Here we go again.
- Burning feeling when you're anxious?
- New here where is the edit button to edit my profile can an
- just left the E.R think i may have Anxiety
- Making progress
- To Continue Prozac or Not?
- Worst one yet
- anxiety worse while sick
- paleness and freaked
- paleness and freaked
- Anxiety and Fainting
- Help: New member seeking reassurance about a GAD symptom
- Signs that anxiety attack is almost over?
- Sick and tired of feeling anxious......literally
- this song helps like no other for me
- Confused? Cant get rid of this feeling! Why me?
- Completely cured my anxiety, but now I have another problem!
- Comforts
- Anyone else have this?
- Relationship Anxiety? - Long post
- New to the whole anxiety thing
- becoming obssesed with something
- terrible reaction to weed,now fear of schizophrenia
- anxiety on bus
- wake up crazy?
- Not well. Its coming back.
- My symptoms
- Anxiety Question
- "Extinction Burst"
- Facing your fears
- anxiety worse morning after?
- Anxiety and work
- Would anyone like to chat on msn?
- Again and again
- Rollarcoaster. Losing hope.
- My Story, Anxiety needs to go!
- Taking over my life.
- well I can see why people fear Schizophrenia
- Should I see a doctor?
- Alcohol and Anxiety
- 2012!
- fear of hurting people
- death
- Free Anxiety Relief Trial...
- Quote
- fear of comitting myself
- here we go again
- Monday
- The only thing scarier than derealization
- Alcohol
- Close your eyes...
- 1st bout of anxiety in a year
- chest pain when stressed
- The Dear Thread
- found the root to my anxiety
- Any online theraphist/psychiatrist?
- Just got home from therapy...
- Book recommendations...
- Another question and need advice?
- why cant i shake this fear of schziophrenia
- Anxiety and kundalini syndrome
- Is there any supplments I can take to eae anxiety?
- feeling off?
- Feeling light headed
- bizarre what if thoughts
- tv and phone playing tricks on my vision
- Breathing
- Watch Family Guy Online Free
- headache in back of head?freaking out
- Anxiety goes away after i eat certain food
- Chest Pains Scaring me To Death!
- Back to work on Monday...
- Please help !!!
- Yoga and meditation
- constant fear
- living with fear and fighting
- here is something you guys could rely upon and be free
- Can anyone help? anxiety and freaked out about people
- Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Ever heard of this before?
- How Do You Deal With Events?
- Hi....gad affecting me
- Sad
- Chat Room
- Back and forth, up and down
- Vasovagal and anxiety.
- Getting Better Question
- Electric shock-like feelings on skin
- irrational thoughts
- relationship anxiety
- Anxiety, stomach aches, cramps?
- Temple veins
- How a person reacts affect ones anxiety
- This is what I've gathered so far
- Quote of the Day
- Breathing question from jj
- Bizzare Imagination that nothing is real
- Anybody having trouble sleeping tonight?
- Excited
- Chest Discomfort Symptom
- I'm sure I'm going to die
- hostessy krakow
- quiet concerned this evening
- Sand like feeling/ headahce in the dead
- I haven't felt normal in almost 2 years...
- AIM Screen Names???
- Does anyone have a remedy for pain from anxiety??
- anyone recommend a healthy fast weight loss program or b
- bizarre thought horror stories
- Mindfulness therapy/Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
- Has Anyone Ever Had Anxiety Come Out Of No Where.. ????
- We Have to move on
- Advice about anxiety - I need to find the toilet?
- whirling sound in my ear
- Anxiety Aids?
- Online support
- Help with GAD
- For the girls, mainly
- Good time for a good forum
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