View Full Version : Get rid of pains

04-28-2013, 02:22 PM
Anyone got any idea how to get rid of sharp pains in your chest? I seem to get them and they come and go and when I take a deep breath in my chest hurts. Sorry posting again!!

04-28-2013, 04:54 PM
It could be a few things:

1. Gas. Have you eaten a lot of green leafy veggies or beans recently. I have had some terrible gas pains in my chest that were only relieved by GasX, and by laying down on my back on my bed, and raising my knees to my chest. Nasty, but you can get the gas out more quickly. Sorry if it is TMI.
2. Pulled chest muscle- I did this too a few months ago,after a workout, and the pain was scary and I actually went to go and get it checked out. They just gave me extra strength motrin, and told me to alternate between hot and cold compresses. Eventually, the pain dulled, but I still have to be careful of not picking up anything too heavy.

That's all I could think of, I hope you feel better soon

04-28-2013, 08:33 PM
I agree a pulled muscle can cause it, but I would go to Dr and get checked out so know what it is and can deal with it, instead of suffering and worrying.

04-29-2013, 08:15 PM
Anyone got any idea how to get rid of sharp pains in your chest? I seem to get them and they come and go and when I take a deep breath in my chest hurts. Sorry posting again!!

I hurt my chest playing around with my dogs and its been two weeks, so I finally went to the dr and it turns out I pulled the muscle between my ribs. It's painful to do most things, breath, sneeze, move around. The dr said it will take a while to heal. I would definitely go to the drs though just to check it out. :)

04-30-2013, 02:27 AM
Fight or flight from excessive worry, anxiety and stress. Causes adrenaline filled blood to pump to your chest wall to protect vital organs from impact. Ingenius system, however when there's no danger other than the fears your anxiety creates these muscles become excessively stressed and you wind up with sharp muscle pains or dull aches. Understanding anxiety and accepting it's anxiety causing this symptom and no disease or illness etc and you'll be well on your way to overcoming them Keep yourself busy. Remmeber when pains come and go it's highly unlikely it'll be due to an illness or condition. If you have doubts speak to a GP. I'm sure they'll find nothing wrong with you.


04-30-2013, 07:20 AM
Few months ago I had pain at the top of the right hand side of my back and pain in my chest when I deep breath
I kept going for 10 days then I went for an X-ray and they found that my right lung was collapsed and absolutely deflated ( tension pneumothorax )
I m not meaning to scare you but if it s sharp pain you are experiencing then get it checked out

04-30-2013, 07:32 AM
Wow, my screen is broken, I saw this thread title as 'Get rid of penis'...

Time for a new screen me-thinks.

There's been a lot of great advice in this thread. Unfortunately anxiety isn't really usually something you can pinpoint, and say I'm going to remove one symptom in particular. They usually all begin to go as each other leave, once the anxiety is reduced.

You could try doing some progressive muscle relaxation to make sure you aren't harbouring stress in your muscles (which you most certainly are), you could try some meditation, or some breathing exercises to make sure your breathing slows down a little, and stops stressing your muscles.

Anxiety causes acidic problems in your body, which can worsen inner chest pains like heart burn indigestion and stuff of that nature. Digestion is always compromised with anxiety.

It is likely to be a tense muscle due to stress. I had them quite badly especially in my chest and near my neck when my anxiety was severe.

Don't let the anxiety cycle begin, don't let anxiety > cause symptom > which causes you more anxiety > Which then causes worsened symptoms > which causes worsened anxiety.... etc... You can see how you'd never get out of that! See how it responds to some of that muscle relaxation stuff you can get over the counter at stores. Deep Heat was always on my body somewhere due to pains during my worst points.

Use concerning times like this as a chance to gain mental strength over your condition. The more you can relax, and play down these problems/symptoms, the stronger you'll get.

Things like this are a blessing at times for sufferers! They're an amazing chance to practice.

Raggamuffin's post was right on the money.

After what MC has said, I have a feeling your mind may get a little tense, so yeah, do go see your GP, it can't hurt :)